
Chapter 25 - USJ Aftermath, Part 2

After the bus stopped at UA, everyone got off the bus as Iida woke up Daisuke and Momo, Once they were awake Aizawa told them to change then go to the teachers lounge. Aizawa got off then went ahead as Daisuke, Momo and Iida followed the class to get changed to their uniforms as Daisuke told Iida to wait for him since he wanted to go on a date since he didn't want to go home just yet and Momo agreed with it since she'll be going home with Jiro and the girls, Daisuke and Momo walked towards the teachers lounge.

"I wonder why the sensei wants us.." Momo asked as she thought of the possible reasons.

"It's probably because of the fight and our combo" Daisuke said as they reached the teachers lounge and knocked after going inside to see Aizawa waiting for them.

"Your here, good, we're going somewhere else" Aizawa said as he walked past the two as Daisuke and Momo looked at each other then quietly followed as they walked towards the conference room.

Daisuke, Momo and Aizawa walked inside to see the teachers and Nezu were inside, The doors closed as Nezu spoke.

"Good, Thank you for bringing them Shota, Now we can start the meeting. On the details on what happened inside the USJ. Let's start with the move the twins did. What was it again? Dynamic Rainbow Splash"

Daisuke and Momo stayed silent as they both sighed. "I'm more impressed that you found out, Principal Nezu" Daisuke said as Momo nodded.

"It looks like Daisuke and I won't be able to slip away from this one so we might as well tell you all about it.." Momo said as Daisuke activated his quirk, making a book appear as it opened itself and flew towards Nezu.

Nezu looked at the book as a picture of the air spray gun and bag that was used during the attack as well as a list of conditions that needs to be met to lower the stamina cost that Daisuke has to endure whenever he uses his quirk.

"Dynamic Rainbow Splash, It's the combo move that Daisuke and I have been working on ever since we were little, We'd used to play hero's and villains with our parents and our house butlers and maids whenever we wanted" Momo said as Daisuke took another book out as it flew towards the middle of the room as he said.

"Memory Reveal" a thin beam of light hits both Daisuke's and Momo's foreheads as they closed their eyes and held their hands as memories of their child hood started showing of a younger versions of the twins playing in a garden with two a adult who looked like them, their parents, Hayato and Miyako.

"We spent countless days and nights trying to perfect and complete DyRaS but each time was a fail, We continued til we reached our limits due to my stamina loss or Momo's loss of body fat" It now shows Daisuke and Momo eating, sleeping, training, reading doing whatever they can to perform and perfect DyRaS as well as a younger version of Iida who would scold them for pushing themselves to far.

"Today was the first time we actually did it, I was nervous, thinking that it would fail but Daisuke helped me believe that our attack would work and it did" Momo said as the book closed itself and dissapeared as Daisuke and Momo opened their eyes.

"Principal Nezu, If you will, Can you read out loud the conditions for DyRaS?" Daisuke asked.

"Of course, now let's see.." Nezu started reading through the books description of DyRaS as he sees the conditions "Before DyRaS can be performed, certain conditions must be met, these conditions are.."

"Daisuke Yaoyorozu and Momo Yaoyorozu must be together during the casting time as they say in unison 'A Mix of Creation and Imagination' as Momo then yells out 'Dynamic' then Daisuke must continue and say 'Rainbow' and the twins must finish by saying 'Splash' in perfect synchronization, They must not break this synchronization before and during the attack."

Everyone listened carefully as Daisuke and Momo are the only ones who know the conditions by memory.

"However Daisuke Yaoyorozu and Momo Yaoyorozu must not just be in synchronization just for the attack, Their feelings, heart, body and soul must be one, they must have complete and total trust and faith in each other, However if one of them does not fulfill this condition, DyRaS will fail during the attack is being launched"

Nezu finished reading the conditions as the teachers looked at the twins, looking at each other as they smiled and nodded, giggling to each other as Aizawa snapped his fingers.

"Stay focused you two, Enough of your twin telepathy, Start explaining what that thing we fought was at USJ"

Daisuke and Momo chuckled as they focused.

"That thing we fought was a 'Nomu' as that blue haired villain said, When I used 'Area Bio-scan' I was able to get a genetic scan of everyone and everything within a 5 kilometer radius and with that I got the genetic signatures and genetic information of off the villains we fought and.." Daisuke was reluctant to continue but he sighed and looked at Nezu directly.

"I got not 1 but 3 genetic signatures from the 'Nomu' That thing, It wasn't human, I mean.. It was but.. it was made of human corpses.. someone managed to manually combine different genetics from 3 completely different people with different quirks to make an inhumane soldier that was meant to kill All Might-sensei" Daisuke said as he looked at All Might as see him and the teachers are shocked as Daisuke continued.

"The Nomu had multiple quirks, Super Strength that's on par with All Might-sensei, Hyper Regeneration to heal away any damage that it sustains and Shock Absorption to reduce damage from All Might-sensei's punches, It's the perfect killing machine made for All Might" Daisuke said shocking the teachers as Momo spoke.

"But it's strength is also it's weakness, It was built specifically for All Might-sensei meaning it's vulnerable to any and all other attacks, that's why we chose to use slashing and piercing attacks, like knife wounds and Daisuke suspected Aizawa-sensei to have experience wielding one" Momo said as she shared her deduction on the villain's weakness to their teachers.

"I also gave Aizawa-sensei several boosts to help him fight, like help strengthen him and give him a boost in speed as well as boost his slashing and piercing abilities, I also weakened the Nomu with my quirk" Daisuke said, surprising the teachers except Aizawa and Momo.

"Alright, Thank you Daisuke-kun, Momo-chan, You two may go now, Shota can fill us in on the details of the fight" Nezu said as Daisuke and Momo bowed to their teachers as they left the room.