
Chapter 3: Rebirth and Family

"WAAAAAH! IT'S A BOY!!" were the first words I heard after regaining consciousness. I opened my eyes and and the first thing I saw in this new world was a female doctor looking down on me warmly. Considering how giant her face was, I presumed that the reincarnation was successful and I giggled at the thought that this is the first stepping stone towards my greatness.

So this is my new life huh?

Let's try to live life to it's fullest this time.

Unknown to me though was that the little giggle I did after staring at the nurse for an unusually long time prevented a tight slap to my ass.

(Third Person POV)

"IT'S A BOY!!" were the words that Konomi Takeyama heard after giving an intense and exhausting birth. After catching her breath, she looked at the doctor holding her newborn son now wrapped in a soft blanket. She was a little surprised that she didn't hear crying but that changed when she heard a giggle filled with innocence and milk, which caused her to break out into a warm smile that spread across her exhausted face.

She got pregnant unexpectedly when her husband finished inside her after an intense session even though he claimed to have worn a condom. She was both shocked and a little angry as they didn't even plan for a second child so soon after her daughter was born 7 years ago (as well as being lied to about the condom thing). But she decided to keep it as she could use a maternity leave as currently she was swamped with work with managing the Takeyama group, a Law firm that was run by her and her husband as her husband is currently starting up his political career. Due to the close friendly relations with another influential family in the political circle, The Yaoyorozu family, breaking into the political circle was easy for him as he had a strong supporter.

But enough of that let's see the child.

"Give me my baby" said Konomi as she finally managed to catch her breath after giving birth. After she heard the incredibly cute giggle coming from her child, she just knew she had to see him.

The doctor reluctantly took her face away from the incredibly cute baby wrapped in a white blanket and handed him over to his mother.

'Damn this kid is definitely going to be lady killer when he grows up. unfortunately I'll be a old hag by then so I cant take him my self...…..WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING TOWARDS A NEWBORN AT THAT!!' thought the the doctor as she tried to hide her blush while quickly giving the baby to his mother.

After Konomi held her newborn son, she stared into his deep purple eyes which had a resemblance to hers and the patch of blond hair at the top of his hair which looked like his fathers. After seeing her son she couldn't help but put her cheek on his tiny face and started to rub it affectionately.

"AHHHH! YOUR SOOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!" She couldn't help but yell as she continued to apply pressure to his face and rubbed even harder.

The baby started to feel uncomfortable and tried to make her stop by 'trying' to shake his head which resulted in even more rubbing from his mother.

'I guess I have no choice'

"WAAAAAANNNNNNNNH!!!!!" cried the baby to stop his mother from rubbing his face too much.

Konomi was shocked to hear the sudden crying and looked down to see her son looking extremely cute with tears in his deep purple eyes. She then started to calm down as she realized she might have gone over board with the rubbing.

"Sorry baby-chan, ah that reminds me I haven't named you yet have I. Since Yu-chan was named after your father, I'll name you Kodai then. Kodai Takeyama." said Konomi as she cast a loving gaze towards her son and wiped away his tears.

The baby, or now Kodai gave a happy smile to his mother when suddenly he felt sleepy. He just laid his head on his mothers chest and started to drift into dream land as he closed his eyes.

When Konomi saw this she also felt sleepy and started to sleep with her son in his arms awaiting the next day where she can show him to her husband and daughter.

The doctor started to get to work as she looked at the mother and son and decided to take a picture of them to commemorate this loving moment.

(Kaido POV)

The next day.

I finally woke up from my sleep and I got to say that was one of the most relaxing sleep I've ever had. I gained consciousness only to see not see my mother or my family, but a black space with golden words floating there.

['Hey kid I forgot to mention this to you but when you awaken your quirk, make sure to do it in an open area where there are not that many buildings near you as the lightning that strikes you when you awaken will destroy everything is a 50m radius so unless you want to destroy your family I would suggest doing it in an open plain where it doesn't affect anything. Before you mention it, no you cant get rid of the lightning as the lightning that comes down is the thing that gives you the energy to create your titan body so you cant remove that. After mastering your quirk that you can keep the damage radius low. Also since you will grow up to have a god like appearance, you will have a passive charm skill so unless you want every women in the world in the same bed as you, you should master the intensity of your skill. Well that's pretty much it, enjoy your second life kid. Peace']

After I've read god's note I started to feel thankful. Imagine hurting my family right after I awaken my quirk? That would be disastrous. Also that charm skill. I guess its ok to keep it on when I'm a kid but definitely have to lower the intensity cause I'm not trying to have the whole female student body as my harem.

'Anyways that's a time for later, lets see what my new family's like.'

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw was a small pretty face looking down on me. The face belonged to a 6-7 year old girl with the same purple eyes as me as well as the same blond hair as me. She had voluminous hair even at a young age and had 2 strands of hair that were slightly curled which framed her face. She had a face full of curiosity for me as she peered over what I now realize my crib.

I instantly knew who this was as it was the holder of of what I would think one of the coolest quirk but used incorrectly. This was my now big sister Yu Takeyama or in the future known as Pro hero Mt. Lady. Her quirk was gigantification where she turns into a 20 m giant that can crush her enemies. She was ranked 23rd on the hero billboard rankings as well as competed for the most beautiful hero with Midnight.

What I liked about her was solely her quirk as with just that she could get 23rd on the rankings. If it weren't for her attention seeking personality and decided to train her quirk more, she could have gotten even more powerful and probably gotten a higher ranking as well. Now that I'm here maybe I can develop her into someone like Choji Akamichi from Naruto where he can do partial expansion instead of full transformation right off the bat which could hinder mobility in certain situations.

'But that's for the future as now that lady is currently eyeing me as I'm a new toy'

I continued to look up at her when I see her poking a finger inside my crib. I decided that I would make a good impression on her first. I lift up my arm and use my tiny hands to grab her finger while giggling cutely. Well that seemed to work as I see a large smile appear on her face and she continued to tease me with her finger while I try to catch her finger. I decided to use it as training to start using my muscles earlier by trying to catch the finger that was dancing around.

I was playing with her so intensely that I failed to notice the room door open and a man that could have starred in a 5 star movie in my old world came from behind my crib and started to pick me up.

I was a little startled by the sudden liftoff but then I realized it might have been my father or mother picking me up, more likely my father as my mother seemed to be still resting.

"Mouuu Daaad! I was playing with him! Why did you have to pick him up!" complained my sister as she puffed her cheek and making a pout while stomping her feet. She looked so cute right now that I wanted to pinch her cheeks but realized that I am a baby.

"Haha, Yu, you have all the time in the world to play with him, let me also get to know the newest member of our family." said my new dad as I curiously looked at him. He was drop dead handsome with his messy blond hair as well as his kind and loving blue eyes. He looked like like he would be a great father who loved spoiling his children. His build was like a swimmer where I could see the outline of his physique from the shirt he was wearing. He also appeared pretty tall as well which made me happy as my parents from my last life were short which made me short as well.

My father then held me close to his face and started to rub his cheek affectionately as well. This was way more uncomfortable considering he had stubble and it felt like sand paper was grinding my skin. I was about to cry out in pain when the door opened again and a black haired woman with purple eyes came in and snatched me away from my father.

"Masaru! How many times do I have to tell you to shave your beard COMPLETELY OFF before hugging our children! You're going to grind their skin away at this rate!" yelled Konomi as she tried to soothe me even though I wasn't actually going to cry.

"Yeah Dad, your beard always hurts when you hug me! Don't hurt my little brother!!" yelled Yu as she stood beside my mom reprimanding my father. I guess all that playing with her payed off as she started to protect me like a mother lion.

While my dad seemed pretty sad about the scolding, I used this time to observe my mother. She had a goddess like appearance with her fierce purple eyes. Her black hair was running down her back like a waterfall and was also pretty voluminous as well. She had the same hairstyle as Yu did as Mt. Lady so I guess she idolized her mother a lot. All in all, she seemed pretty strong and protective of her children.

'I guess my family in this life will be a happy one I guess.' I thought at I witness my family interacting with each other.

Haha sorry the rebirth chapter took so long to post. I wanted to get a good prolougue and wish summery in the first 2 chapters so I didnt have to explain so much later down the line.

As for the quirks not supposed to do harm to the user I think some people got confused there as they gave examples such as One-for-all and othwer quirks that cause self harm. What I meant when I said self harm was like taking vitality to use the quirk like the 13 year lifespan. Also for the quirks that do cause self harm like One-for-all Izuku had no control over it so it kept damging his body. Thats what I meant that you should control the quirk and not let it contro you but I guess my wording was pretty confusing.

Anyways if you like it add it to your library!

Abyss_123creators' thoughts
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