
MHA - The Flash

A quirkless kid struck by a mysterious form of dry lightning. Admitted to the hospital for weeks, he awoke to having his life changed around completely. Read the story of Kai Knight, a kid chosen by a mysterious conceptual entity to be their avatar. ~~~~~~~~ DISCLAIMER! No Harem

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Almost more than a month passed, and Kai still hadn't woken up. None of the doctors gave up on him as of yet- still doing their best to keep him alive and well.

The only thing that frustrated them, was the fact that he was perfectly healthy… A duo of doctors was on their daily check-ups, the last one being Kai Knight- The boy who survived "dry lightning."

Their heels clicked on the tiled floor, dawning the standard doctor's attire. However, the thing that made them stand out more than the others within the hospital, was the fact that one of them had the head of an albino Panther.

Clicking his tongue rhythmically, his eyes glazed over his completed checklist and notes written on his clipboard. "Oof, Mr. Knight is up next. Should be pretty easy." He commented, glancing over to his partner; A rather tall middle-aged man with noticeable, graying brown hair.

Being pretty up there in age, the man was already experiencing balding which many of his co-workers- and really anybody who's seen him, think that's that reasoning for his permanent frown. That and his thin lips seem to give him the appearance of an always angry man.

"Hmm. It's still strange no matter how much I, and other doctors look at it. Mr. Knights health is practically top tier. Much better than what it's been since the last time he was here." Flipping through his own clipboard; He was secretly happy that the Hospital was experiencing a sort of drought at the moment; Freeing the hallways.

"What do you mean, William? That should be obvious considering the last time he was here was a couple years ago- And that was something to remember…" The mutant shook his head, shivering out of pity.

"Yeah… Tch, this town really is going to hell." William scoffed, coming to a stop before a room labeled, [312]

Opening the door for his partner, he followed. The room was simple, the only things really in there being an IV station and a heart monitor to provide the basic readings and nutrition for the ever-hungry young boy.

"I wonder if his school will give him a pass… Being hospitalized and all that." The Panther spoke, immediately making his passes at Kai's senses.

"Pupils respond to light… His heartbeat is regular- For him at least. Still beating 120-155." He mused, raising an eyebrow. William hummed, his gruff tone breaking through his lips as he replaced the IV bags.

"No sign of waking up though. Jeez, this kids going through it." Shaking his head pitifully, the panther jotted some stuff down on his board.

"You talk a lot, you know that, Piper?" The old man commented, shaking his own head as he did the same as his partner before dropping his hands to his sides- His free hand slipping into his pocket.

The panther, now known as Piper, chuckled awkwardly. "My bad~ Anyway, let's go. I'll send a nurse to feed him and whatnot. I'm tired." As if to prove his point, the panther heteromorph yawned as he exited the room, leaving William with the coma patient.

'…You'll pull through.' Leaving his own thoughts to comfort the boy.

Weeks flew by and there was no sign of Kai stirring. It got to the point that he became a popular interest among the small-time reporters within the city.

[The Boy Who Lived]- Was what he was dubbed. If he had caught wind of it, he probably would've said that it was a little over the top. Many people live after getting struck by lightning.

His story had begun to pick up a month after his admission. It really begun to catch the eyes of the people of Denton a couple months later…

Many people speculated what he was experiencing- Some were saying that he wasn't in a coma but a vegetative state and that he would suffer like that for the rest of his life.

Theories and assumptions like that permeated the town for a good while. Eventually, it died down. It was clear that Kai wasn't waking up anytime soon and people needed to eat- Specifically the reporters.

So, another month passed. Kai still hadn't moved.

And then another passed- And another… And another… And another… And another.

A lot of people were getting used to the stagnant situation Kai was in. The only visitor that Kai had was Piper, the upbeat Panther. William and a couple of other doctors only dropped by to check his vitals and change his IV.


A nurse was doing her routine check up on Kai Knight, their resident miracle- Hopefully. It was already midnight by now and she was pretty tired.

With short brown hair styled into an old-fashioned bob cut, she rubbed her eyes lazily as she yawned. Switching out the IV needles in her patient's arm.

Turning to pack up, she stopped to look out the window, gazing out at the rising smoke in the distance spanning from multiple places. Sighing and shaking her head, "Another long night…" she muttered, feeling her muscles and brain drown with fatigue.

Throwing some stuff into the trash can, she turned to switch the packets in the IV machine but was forced to come to a stop when the lights began to flicker violently.

Looking around frantically, she felt a little peeved about it, but ultimately brushed it off to an electrical failure- Something that should've startled her a bit more.

However, before she could even leave the room to request more information, she was forced backwards, flung through the air violently as white bolts of erratic lightning sparked life from Kai' assumed vegetable physique.

Kai' eyes shot open, his eyes flickering with bluish-white lightning as his gaze shifted around him uncontrollably- Taking in every single detail at terrifyingly high speeds.

His frantic eyes came to a stop once he saw the floating form of a woman in front of him, her face contorted in pain as she slowly flew towards the window. From the view alone, he instantly put together that they were more than a couple stories high.

His face was stoic, and his eyes held indifference. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed, his every movement edged on the wild lightning, causing them to arc towards any surface near him.

With graceful steps, he softly grabbed hold of the woman and sat her down on the floor and took off out the hospital room. His mind felt like it was moving at a hundred miles per hour, causing him to ultimately act off of adrenaline.

Racing out of the hospital, Kai was anxious seeing the slow-moving bodies of everyone around him. He didn't know what was going on, he was scared truthfully, but he was too high off the fluffy feeling coursing through him to even acknowledge it.

So, in his rush of power, he raced home. Instantly clearing 5 miles in under a couple seconds. Once there, the world returned to its normal speed and continued with Kai failing to come to a complete stop- Bursting through his own room wall and tripping over his bed, leaving him panting on the floor.

"Ha… Ha- W-What the fuck-"