
Cheat Codes Used.


//{HESOYAM} - Health, Armor, $250k (around 28M yen) Description- First cheat to be activated by Shido.


//{FULLCLIP} - Infinite Ammo, No Reloading. Description- In the later chapters.

//{PROFESSIONALKILLER} - Hitman Level for all Weapon Stats. Description- Shido gets the experience of a hitman using weapons (not all experience of a hitman that includes fighting and assassination techniques.) But He still needs to train his body on adapting various weapons' weight, their recoil, etc., and the mindset to use guns on a person.

//{BAGUVIX} - (Semi)Infinite Health. Description- This cheat gives Shido a semi-Infinite heath which means if He is dealing with an opponent who tries to chirp off Shido's health slowly with continuous attacks, then it will be impossible. But outright killing methods are immune to this cheat, such as taking out his heart, cutting off his head, explosions, falling from a very high altitude, etc. Consider this as a High HP Cheat.

Weather-Related cheats are not usable as the System cannot affect the Laws of the world.

//{ANOSEONGLASS} - Adrenaline Mode. Description- In adrenaline mode, Shido is able to make faster movements, with increased strength and heightened senses/perception.

//{SLOWITDOWN} - Slow Motion. Description- This cheat makes Shido perceive the surrounding in slow motion or in simple words, his perception speed is increased. This cheat can be stacked over it again to make a bigger slow-motion effect, by writing the cheat again. Used to fight agile opponents.

//{SPEEDITUP} - Fast Motion. Description- This cheat is the reverse of the Slow Motion cheat, it decreases the perception speed of Shido. Used by Shido to train his perception speed by watching TV in fast motion and trying to dodge balls shot by tennis machine in fast motion.

To deactivate the time-related cheats, Shido needs to write the cheat of the opposite nature. Example- If Slow Motion cheat is activated, then Fast motion cheat is required to deactivate the slow-motion cheat and vice versa.

//{IAVENJQ}/{STINGLIKEABEE} - Super Punch. Description- This cheat enables Shido to make a super powerful punch, thus Super Punch. The power of a full-powered super punch is not known to Shido, but a held-back super punch was able to make Muscular unconscious with a single hit and at that time Shido was weak(not trained).

//{KANGAROO} - Super Jump. Description- This cheat enables the Shido to take jumps higher than normal, comparable to Rabbit Hero: Mirko, stated by a victim of assault, saved by the Shido.

//{VKYPQCF} - Maximum Stamina. Description- This cheat gives Shido max stamina in his stat, but this stat is effective for a period of time. But there is no cooldown period, so it can be activated numerous times.

//{BUFFMEUP} - Maximum Muscles. Description- This cheat gives Shido max muscles in his stat, but this stat is effective for a period of time. But there is no cooldown period, so it can be activated numerous times. The permanent effect of this cheat is a muscular body. (Muscles can be related to the defense of the body, so the higher the muscles in the stat, the higher is his defense.)

//{AEZAKMI} - Disable Wanted Level.

Description- This cheat makes the presence of Shido very low or conceals it to a very high level, making it hard to find him through normal perception and devices. The only weakness is the Perception-based quirks which let them 'feel' that he is around them somewhere.

//{WORSHIPME} - Maximum Respect.

Description- This cheat makes Shido look very respectable and a person from a higher level than them in the hierarchy, to others.

//{NATURALTALENT} - Maximize All Vehicle Skills.

//{SJMAHPE} - Recruit Cheat.

Description- This cheat increases the impact of Shido's words. If he tries to recruit someone, the words of Shido will seem to be very alluring to the person, which makes it easier for Shido to recruit them. The cheat doesn't work when the words used are completely opposite to the person's thinking, then the dissatisfaction will also increase at an alarming rate.

//{ASNAEB} - Remove wanted level.

Description - This cheat has the same effect as of {AEZAKMI}, which is to lower or conceal Shido's presence but the effect of this cheat is lower when compared to {AEZAKMI}.

//{ROCKETMAN} - Spawn Jetpack.

//{FOURWHEELFUN} - Spawn Quad/Quadbike.

//{JQNTDMH} - Spawn Rancher.

//{KGGGDKP} - Spawn Vortex Hovercraft.



Bugs is the term given by Shido to the Combined Cheats. Combined Cheats is the combination of two or more cheats or laws. The effects of these Combined Cheats are really World Breaking.


//{HESOYAM}*Rewind = {HESOYAM} + [Law of Time]

Description- This Bug is inspired by Eri's Quirk Rewind. Eri can rewind or reverse a living being's body back to a previous state. {HESOYAM} can repair a body or object to the previous stable configuration. And it does not go beyond that previous configuration while Eri's Quirk Rewind can reverse the body to non-existence.

For example: If {HESOYAM} is used to repair an amputated hand which is like that for months, then it will fail as the amputated hand is now the stable configuration of the body.

{HESOYAM}*Rewind can be used to reverse a body back to any of its previous state regardless of the time. {HESOYAM*Rewind} is the same as Rewind but it does not have the limitation of living beings which is in Rewind.

It also has a disadvantage. It takes too much time to reverse the body to its previous state. The Time taken to revert the state is proportional to the time distance between the initial and final state/configuration of the target.

Time Taken ∝ Time Distance between the two configurations.


//{Conceal Ultima} = {AEZAKMI} + {ASNAEB}

Description- {AEZAKMI} and {ASNAEB} are cheats of the same category. They also have the same effect of concealing presence but the difference lies in the extent of the concealment. {AEZAKMI} outclasses {ASNAEB} in concealment. But in heavily guarded facilities like Special Prison for Villain Criminals - Tartarus, Even {AEZAKMI} may fail in front of various detection technologies installed in the facility. (Haven't used {AEZAKMI} in Tartarus yet, therefore 'may fail')

So, if {ASNAEB} is stacked on {AEZAKMI}, then the concealment goes to another level and it makes the bug, {Conceal Ultima}. When {Conceal Ultima} is activated, It becomes nigh-impossible to find Shido as {AEZAKMI} was enough for the Shido to enter and get out of HPSC HQ, and adding {ASNAEB} on it makes it more difficult to find him.