
MGE: Royalty in Poverty

Rosa and Franchesca Las Costas are unknowingly descendants of the first Succubus Mamono Lord and Great Hero. Due to a breach of agreement from the Chief God, one of them must die in order to restore the deal.

UncleJimbo95 · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Innocent Sin

Mamonos and humans have been at war with each other since their inception. That was until a Succubus took the throne and permanently turned all the mamonos into attractive, husbands seeking women. The Chief God at the time sent a great Hero to kill the Mamono Lord, but he instead joined forces with her and became the most powerful Incubus.

This caused an imbalance to the mamonos population. The current Chief God had struck a deal with them that they can only have one child each generation and she would call the truce. The Mamono Lord and Hero agreed to the terms to cease the needless bloodshed. Centuries have passed since then and the bloodline has moved on from their royal heritage to live among the common folk, but they followed the one child rule told by their parents.

That was until fraternal twins were born. A boy and a girl. The Chief God sent one of her agents to inform the parents that they can only have one and to dispose of the other. Through the stubbornness of their mother, she declined the offer because they deserved a peaceful life like everybody else. This did not please the Chief God and tried to kill one of them through natural causes, but they somehow survived.

This is the story of the Las Costas and their struggles for inheriting the sins of their ancestors.

Miami, Florida August 20, 2019

"Gooood morning! How is everyone's morning doing? I hope it's as fantastic as mine. Why am I excited? Because recently, our country is finally integrating the Mamono Care Act here in the West. It is a program where anybody can sign up to have a mamono that best pairs them based on their interests. It was first introduced in Japan a couple years ago with great success! Now we c-!" A woman smashes the radio with her foot. Her long strawberry blonde hair is covering her left eye. She fixes her silver coat and pockets the broken radio in her baggy camo pants.

"Hmph. There is so much corruption in this world." She shakes her head. She is on top of a building looking down at the busy crowd. "Their last known location was here." She pulls out two photos.

One of them is a man named Rosa Las Costas. With curly black hair and orange eyes. She obtained the picture from sneaking into the police records as he was arrested for possessing marijuana.

The other is a woman named Franchesca Las Costas. She has long red hair with brown at the tip. Her intense glare while fixing her glasses, makes the emerald eyes intimidating. She got this one by accessing the school terminal as the girl in the picture was a known bully at the time.

Those are the last remnants of their existence as there is no evidence of them having any social media.

"Just have to keep looking around." She spreads her angel wings and flies above downtown. She spots a familiar black hair among the crowd. She descends nearby, makes her wings disappear and analyzes him.

He's wearing a jean jacket with a black shirt underneath. He's also wearing jeans and white running shoes. The man is too preoccupied on his cellphone to notice his surroundings. He adjusts his phone in the brown satchel.

"Perfect." She slowly approaches him. Suddenly, the target becomes alerted and looks around. The angel stops in her tracks. He scans one more time before shrugging and putting his headphones on. "Can he sense me coming?" The angel asks herself.

She tails him, keeping her distance. He walks into an alleyway, which is isolated from the public. He stops midway. Then take out a bag of cat food and pour it on a plate. Rosa proceeds to leave and the cats emerge from their hiding place to eat.

"No!" The angel shouts, scaring away the critters. "He must've poisoned the food." She grabs a piece of the cat food and eats. "...It's normal cat food. Blegh!" She spits it out. "You will not deceive me, heretic. Feigning good deeds to hide evil intentions."

She catches up to him entering a local video game store. She goes in browsing the selections of games, while looking over her shoulder.

"What's good, Don Vazquez?" Rosa greets the older man on the counter.

"Just chilling, waiting for my favorite customer. By the way, I finally have the game you've been wanting." He pulls out a case from the back.

"No way! The DS version of Strange Journey! How much for it!?"

"For being such a sport, it's in the house. Think of it as a late birthday gift."

"He must've manipulated him to give out free items for this devil." The angel grits her teeth.

"No no. I have to compensate for it somehow." Rosa pulls out a game and hands over to the gentleman.

"Legend of Dragoon!? Now this takes me back. Are you sure about this?"

"Of course! I already played the shit out of it and I want future generations to experience this great game like I did." They both hug and Rosa leaves. The angel quickly approaches the man and places her hands on his face.

"Look into my eyes. You will tell me the truth and nothing but the truth." Her eyes glow, hypnotizing him.


"Did he blackmail you or have your family hostage to cooperate with him?"

"No. He has been a regular for eleven years. Always such a good lad. He even pitched in money for my son's wedding."

"RRGH!" She violently trembles. "Forget my existence." The angel stomps out the store. "I guess he's the least degenerate of the two. If he's here, that means the other one is close by." She spreads her wings and flies around again.

After some time, she spots the sister sitting in a Starbucks. She lands nearby without being spotted. Franchesca is wearing a red vest, burgundy pants and black dress shoes. She is using her cellphone.

"You monster! Using the wifi without buying their services is outright theft!" The angel says. Franchesca walks up to a person to hand over their empty cup. She goes to the bathroom. She gets out with it washed and exits in front of the building. She places the large cup on the floor and plays Party Anthem from her phone.

She does an amazing dance. Going along with the music, she poses dramatically. A crowd forms around her, throwing change in the cup. When the performance is done, the people clap. Franchesca grabs the cup full of change and walls to a homeless man in the corner about to smoke.

"I want to trade this for the cigarette." She hands him the money. The man looks at her perplexed and accepts.

"Thank you so much!" He runs inside Starbuck to buy a drink. She lights the cig and walks away.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" The angel shouts. The crowd is looking at her weird. "I can see why the Chief God hasn't outright eliminated them. It would look bad on her part if their death was unjustified. But I know for a fact they have malice! I just need proof." She keeps up with her until they reach the park, where Rosa is already sitting on the bench. He notices his sister and waves excitedly. She sits next to him and pulls out a bag of chocolate that they both share.

The angel is spying on them behind a tree. "Here goes nothing." She pumps herself up before approaching them. The angel stands in front of them without saying anything. The siblings raise an eyebrow.

"Can we help you?" Franchesca asks.

"Y-Yes! I was w-wondering if I could join your company?" She says nervously.

They look at each other. "Sure." They scoot over for the angel to sit in the middle.

"By the way, my name is Rosa. You can call me Ross." He extends his hand. The angel hesitates, but accepts and he firmly shakes it. "That's my sis, Franchesca. She goes by Fray." Fray deuces.

"N-Nice to meet you. I'm Serah Alina." She lets go of his hand and wipes the sweat on her coat. He gets close to her face. "W-What is it?"

"I feel like I've seen you before."

"I-I only arrived a moment ago."

"Stop it, Ross. You're making her nervous." Fray says.

"Sorry. I was admiring her beautiful blue eyes." He grins, going back to his jam. Serah blushes.

(He thinks my eyes are beautiful? No! You mustn't give in to their empty compliments!) Serah shakes her head. "...So what do you both do in your free time?"

"Enjoying the beauty of nature! We work too hard to admire the small things around us." Ross says excitedly. He looks up to the clear sky.

"Hell yeah, brother!" Fray adds as they fist bump.

"Oooooh yeeeeah. It's kicking in." Ross slumps and watches the trees.

"What's kicking in?" Serah asks.

"Magic mushrooms, baby. In order to appreciate mother nature, you have to become one with her." He gets up and hugs the trunk. Tears form around his eyes. "I feel the pain that humanity has caused you over ignorance and greed." He starts bawling like a child.

"Oh shit. Everything is wavy as fuck." Fray is hypnotised by the view.

"Magic mushrooms?" Serah pulls out her phone to look it up and gasps. "These drugs are illegal!" She stands and reveals her angel wings.

"Woah! You're a pretty angel!" Ross says.

"Silence! Your flattery will not work on me, devil!" She summons a spear. "As both of you have committed the same crime, I will let you both decide who will receive death."

"Why?" They both ask.

"Because there can only be one of you alive."


"Because that's the deal the Chief God made to your ancestors."


"RRRGH! Because of your damn faults for making humanity copulate with mamonos! Do you have no any idea why both of you are a problem!?"

"Oye. You know the gibberish she's spouting?" Ross asks while walking behind Fray.

"No idea. But she is serious about killing us. We cannot let that happen. I am not ready to leave this realm yet." Fray says as they dramatically pose. Beings materialize next to them.

A silver haired Succubus is hugging Ross. She has a black bikini and vacant eyes. She removes her black gloves and stockings to give it to him. Ross grabs the items and his clothes transform into a black thong. The gloves have spikes on the knuckles and the stockings morph into black boots with fishnet leggings.

The burly man behind Fray has his long dark brown hair covering his eyes. He only has weathered khaki pants and scars all over his bronze skin. She hands him her glasses as her body becomes muscular. He bestows his greatsword to her and Fray's clothes become like the man, with the exception of her burgundy pants.

"Guardians. We will use the gifts you have given us for our own protection. And deliver justice to those that have wronged us!" They chant and dramatically pose.

Serah is visibly shaking in fear by the display before her. In a blink of an eye, Fray is already at her face, swinging the sword. She reacts fast enough to block the attack, but the force sends her flying through three trees. Serah barely has any time to catch her breath when Ross jumps towards her.

"Alto Lux!" Serah shouts. Her feathers float in a circular pattern then glow to shoot together a concentrated blast of light at him. His Guardian manifests and covers him with her wings to shield the attack.

"Woooooohooooo!" Ross continues to fall and lands next to her. The force causes Serah to bounce in the air. In a blink of an eye, he punches her repeatedly. "ORA ORA ORA ORA!!" The final blow ascends her further, where Franchesca is waiting for her already.

"Aught?" Serah tries to express her surprise. With the few moments of clarity, she sees imprints on the ground. Meaning Fray jumped that high with amazing strength.

"Let's end this!" Fray grabs Serah's head and throws her back down like a baseball. She crashes on the ground, creating a small crater.

"Raefghr. Chief...I failed you." Serah knocks out. The sibling examine the fallen angel.

"You think she's alright?" Ross asks, poking her face. She coughs blood.

"Yup. Just give her a couple of weeks." Fray answers.

"Awesome!" They turn back to normal. "Aw man! All that fighting ruined the high and it's gone!"

"Ey, ey RRRosita. You disappoint me." She wraps her arm around him and pulls out a bag of shrooms. "I'm always prepared for emergencies." They both grin, eat, and hop out the area. A crowd forms to check on the aftermath.

"T-This isn't over, Las Costas. I will ha-" Serah coughs more blood. "Can someone call an ambulance?"