
Mew's Journal

Mew's Journal. It happened with him and.... ends with him.

Mew_writes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

20th March 2021

#Journal Entry: Strange

Today was a strange and wonderful day. I saw him again, the mysterious guy who caught my eye two days ago. His name is Murat, and he is in my history class. He has dark hair, piercing eyes, and a mysterious smile. He always wears a leather jacket and, even when it's warm outside.

I was sitting alone in the cafeteria, eating my sandwich, when he suddenly appeared next to me. He had a tray with a salad, a juice, and a chocolate cake. He put his tray beside mine and said, "Hi, I'm Murat. Mind if I join you?"

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or do. He looked at me with a curious expression and said, "You're in my history class, right? You always sit in the front row and answer all the questions. You're very smart."

I felt my cheeks turn red. I managed to say, "Thank you. Yes, I'm in your class. I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

He smiled and said, "I just told you. I'm Murat."

I felt stupid. Of course he did. I said, "Oh, right. Sorry. I'm...I'm..."

He leaned closer and said, "You're what?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine. He was so close to me, I could smell his cologne. It was spicy and exotic. He said, "You're beautiful."

I gasped. He said that? To me? He said, "Don't be shy. I like you. You're different from the other girls here. You're not superficial or boring. You have depth and passion."

He reached for my hand and held it gently. He said, "Can I see you again? Maybe after class? We can go for a walk or a coffee or something."

I nodded, unable to speak. He smiled and said, "Great. I'll see you later then." He kissed my hand and got up. He took his tray and left, leaving me breathless and bewildered.

What just happened? Did he really like me? Or was he playing with me? Was he sincere or sarcastic? Was he sweet or dangerous? I didn't know what to think or feel.

All I knew was that I wanted to see him again.