
Chapter 8: A Shocking Change

"Warrior, Warrior I've found you."

Li Pingan quickly distinguished the familiar voice.

Knife Catchers Xiao Wu.


Pingan Li took a bite of a large bun with thin skin and thick meat, "I'm not called Warrior."

Xiao Wu wiped the sweat from his head, "Warrior, I've found you."

"Found me?" Li Pingan stopped eating, "Fifteen dollars for the white affair, twenty dollars for the red affair, to take care of the food, and my oxen."

Xiaowu said, "It's not looking for you to sing the red and white affairs, it's something else."

It turns out that since the crowd thought it was Xiaowu who caught Ma Sandao, Xiaowu has gained fame among knife catchers.

Both the government and the civil organizations now treated him as a meat and potatoes.

There were more and more commissions.

At first, Xiao Wu was surrounded by vanity and felt immensely happy.

However, when he took a look at the commissioned tasks, he immediately shriveled up.

Either it was to apprehend a bandit, capture a cultist, or investigate a demonic beast attacking a person.

These commissions, giving little fifty lives is not enough to do.

In the beginning, he could still find excuses, but over time, if he didn't take on a mission, sooner or later, he would be found out.

He had no choice but to approach Li Pingan.

Xiao Wu pleaded, "Warrior, please help me, not for nothing.

I don't want a cent of the reward money, I'll give it all to you."

Pingan Li hesitated for a moment and pulled out the prescription for the Pulse Sheng San.

"The herbs in this prescription, do you have a way to get them?"

Xiao Wu glanced at it, "Most of the herbs on it are generally unavailable on the market, you can only go to the black market to buy them, but this one is going to be a bit more expensive."

Xiao Wu suddenly thought of something, "Right, this time, there is a client who is the owner of Luoshui City's Tong Ren Tang, he must have a way to get these herbs."

Li Pingan took a sip of the haggis soup, and his heart was slightly moved.

It was difficult to buy the herbs of Pulse Sheng San on one's own.

Tong Ren Tang was an old organization, a national chain.

If he could really hook up with the other party, he thought it would be much easier.


Luo Shui.

A huge treasure ship traveled on the water, this behemoth carried a mysterious power that was irresistible.

"Princess, the boat is almost at Luoshui City."

Liu Yun stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the water.

Not a word was spoken, but there was already a hint of a smile on her face.

When a beauty smiled, it was truly like the best color on earth.

It was like a piece of white jade soaked in water, warm and moist like water.

It was like a water demon in the river, permeated with a seductive charm.

The personal palace maid, Fang Ruo, whispered, "Princess, I've heard that Luoshui City is not peaceful lately, we need to be more careful."

"We are not resting our feet in Luoshui City what are we afraid of, not to mention who dares to attack the royal treasure ship."

Fang Ruo looked around and lowered her voice a few more points.

"Princess, the emperor is seriously ill, the second prince's side ..... The slave girl is worried that they may not be harboring good intentions."

The Great Sui had lasted for already eight generations, three of which were female emperors.

This emperor is also a female emperor, and the heir he has always favored is his eldest princess, Liu Yun.

Everyone in the court knows that if there are no accidents.

Then Liu Yun will be in the Queen's death, take over the throne.

But now the situation in the dynasty is treacherous, all the princes are stupid.

The ministers of the dynasty, the warlords collude with each other, each for their own.

The Sui dynasty has long been in chaos as a scattered sand.

Liu Yun gently exhaled a breath.

The joy that she had just felt because of the riverside scenery was quickly washed away by her heavy heart.


"It is true that these herbs are not easy to get, but you have found the right person, let's put it this way the price I only need half of your black market.

After completing this commission, I'll send you a few more packs of these medicines for free."

Wang Dali from Tong Ren Tang took a look at Li Pingan's prescription and agreed readily.

Li Pingan arched his hand, "Then I'll be grateful."

Wang Dali's commissioned mission was a fugitive named Liu Bo.

He used to work at Tong Ren Tang and later stole many of Tong Ren Tang's secret prescriptions and killed Wang Dali's nephew. The officials never caught him.

Wang Dali hated him so much that he found the knife catcher Xiao Wu.

"No problem, Boss Wang, we'll take care of this."

Wang Dali said, "My people have already found the whereabouts of this Liu Bo, it's just that this Liu Bo was in the Fish and Dragon Gang in the early years.

He often fought against the government because of his excellent martial arts skills and skillful swordsmanship.

The government constables have suffered a lot at his hands."

It was midday and the sun was surprisingly large.

"Warrior, can you teach me the sword technique, the one you used that night."

Along the way, Xiao Wu's mouth didn't stop.

Li Pingan ignored him and looked at the river.

According to Wang Dali's intelligence, this Liu Bo was hiding by the river.

"Hey! What for?"

Two military soldiers came over from the east.

"Master Army, take a look at the scenery." Xiao Wu piled up a smiling face.

"Go go go! Look at the scenery also do not know to pick a time, the princess treasure ship is about to arrive, idle people disperse."

The two had no choice but to turn their heads and leave.

"The princess's ship is coming?" Li Pingan asked.

Xiao Wu took three steps and turned back, looking away from the river.

"You don't know about such a big thing? The news came half a month ago.

Hey, it is said that our princess is the number one beauty on the rouge list, I don't know if we are lucky enough to see the face of heaven."

Li Pingan unscrewed the wine pot and took a sip.


Li Pingan opened another wine jug and brought it to the old cow's mouth.

"Drink up, old buddy."

The old cow's tail twitched, very happy.

The sound of bells and drums suddenly rang out on the silent river.

In the distance, a huge ship cut through the water and rolled up a white wave.

"Wow! What a grandeur."

Xiao Wu exclaimed.

Pingan Li did not turn around, he could not see it himself anyway.


The old cow let out a disturbing cry.

Li Pingan frowned.

The old cow was not an ordinary old cow, this was something that Ping An Li had known for a long time.

The old cow had a certain level of precognition, and many things could be discerned from his bellowing.

Pingan Li turned his head, the [Breath Lock] was not able to lock such a long distance for the time being.


Xiao Wu's expression was instantly fixed on his face.

The immense and incomparable treasure ship was plunged into a sea of fire in an instant.

A tight and sharp air pressure spread through the water in an unspeakable manner.

A blood-red sea was formed, as if it was going to cut the treasure ship into pieces inch by inch.

What a spectacular scene this was!

The treasure ship that the princess was traveling on blew up!

The entire river trembled violently, and one of the ends of the treasure ship was even blown apart.

The ship was destroyed, the ship was destroyed!


Li Pingan pulled up Xiao Wu, who was still in a daze, and turned to leave.

The princess's treasure ship had been attacked, and the officials must have preferred to catch a thousand by mistake rather than letting one go.

They had just been at the riverside and would definitely be treated as suspects.

When they arrived at the government office, they didn't care if you had evidence or not, they would first be given a killing blow.

If you are lucky, you will be released.

If unfortunate, you will end up in jail, or your life will be in jeopardy.

"There's someone in the water!"

Xiao Wu suddenly said.