
Metanoia - An Adventurous Mishap

Metanoia - An Adventurous Mishap (Myths of Yoeveth Kingdom Book 6) Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life (c.wordables) Rose White. She has always been a wolf with an adventurous spirit, but what she did not expect was that her fearless nature would lead her to associate with a group that has always been looked up to. The military pack. They say that everything about them will always remain a secret. With her spirit being adventurous and a gift that had been given to her, she ends up being another member of their pack. When you mix an adventure-loving girl and a guy whose life is the definition of adventure, along with an odd mystery that is yet to be solved, what would you expect? But will the mate bond be a hindrance to them and their story? When they don't feel those sparks as they touch but their hearts always longing for each other PS. Steamy scenes are present and language is not censored so please be warned This can be read as a stand alone - Hey loves, So I'll just get this off my chest before we begin The characters I have formed are purely out of fiction. Any similarities with the characters of my stories and real life, are not intended. Storyline was conjured up in my mind, and I do hope no plagiarising would occur. I am very open to criticisms and notes on how to improve from anyone, but I do

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CHAPTER 1 - Rose White

"The orange and purple hue painted the sky in such vivid colors, sending its beautiful goodbye to the sun who was shying away seemingly sinking itself under the deep waters of the ocean. Peaceful bouts of waves would hit the shore, bringing with it the salty and dry scent it carries as the breeze blows by, hitting a particularly small figure, me, who treaded along the sandy path and making my yellow knee-length dress flutter around."

"Taking an afternoon stroll along the empty beach, me and my petite frame with pitch dark hair, wanted to feel the welcoming nature of the ocean. Describing myself might make me sound like a narcissistic person, because I may seem to flaunt my clear emerald green eyes but, oh well."

"Crunch crunch crunch"

"I wonder if the sound the sand makes as it lies under the weight laid upon by my feet would be as such. I look down below, focusing my attention on the grains of sand, and continue the short journey. Every time I would raise my feet to take another step forward, it once again brings a few grains of sands along with it and displaces it from its original position. Rise, fall, rise, fall, the process repeats itself and —"

'Oh cut it off with this damn self-narration.' A voice suddenly called out from inside my head. One that I am so familiar with and one that I have grown to possess a love and hate relationship with.

To say that the voice was honey to my ears would be an overstatement. At the most, I would probably describe it as one that was satisfactory, but it always felt like it had to annoy me at any chance it gets. So in the long run, I found it a bit trying at times.

"Damn it I was in a roll there Avra." I called out to my wolf inside my head, and the very one who suddenly stopped my wonderful trail of thoughts that I was leaving behind as I took my steps across the sandy beach.

Avra and I have been together for as long as I could remember. My parents, as a high ranked alpha and luna, their children supposedly were privileged to meet their wolves at an earlier age, and this is true for the members of my family. We all met our wolves when we were at the tender age of five.

And that couldn't have been more chaotic.

The age mentality of our wolves as they make themselves known to us differs. This is because there are a handful of wolves who are still aware of what they call 'past lives'. Usually, these wolves in question boast great amounts of strength physically and mentally and so are able to combat the tribulations that pop up when they do the so-called transmigrations.

So even though they may carry the same age as us when written down on paper, their soul may still actually double or triple that number. There have been a lot of instances wherein this case happens, and they usually occur sporadically, not needing to have a set of qualifications for the human to acquire this so-called blessing.

A prime example was me.

Now imagine a wolf with a mentality of a grown-up trying to hammer in a five-year-old the meaning of her actions and choices.

What a marvelous feeling that would be, no?


That did not sit well with me.

I am pretty sure five years old me just wanted to rebel and do as she pleases while she stays drowning in her parents' and siblings' love and not care about the consequences her actions brought.

But Avra was having none of that.

Yes, I will eventually get to know the meaning of consequences, but five-year-old me was not ready for a hundred-year-old big brain Avra.

She always had a snide remark about my actions. Although at first, I found it irritating, I eventually grew to counter her as well, and thus was the start of a relationship that was irrevocable.

An incredibly messy irrevocable relationship.

'Yeah, a roll of nonsense! You couldn't get any more pathetic than that, Rose. People would think of you as a psychopath!' Avra sounded out inside my mind as she circled around hurriedly.

She suddenly held her snout up high and swiftly flicked her head to the side in a stance that screamed superiority. 'I still think our roles are inversed. I am definitely more suitable for human life than you'

There she goes again.

Honestly, that was just her to go sentence whenever she feels embarrassed about something I did. Although both of us are well aware that she does not mean it, it still and always is a funny sight, thinking of Avra paving through life as a human.

I did let her try and experience the life of being a human once, purely out of curiosity, and that was the best day of my life. I have never laughed so much in my entire life because what I witnessed was beyond what I expected.

For Avra, it might have been a shocking moment, but for me, it was over the top hilarious. I wanted to let Avra have a go at it again so I could have some entertainment as I laid back in a corner, but she vehemently denied the opportunity to do so ever since.

"Right..do you want to exchange again?" I was stifling back my laughter as I taunted Avra and awaited her reply, but the wolf decided that a cat caught her tongue and I was left in silence.

"Drunk Avra is my favorite kind of Avra." I ended up laughing unrestrainedly as I recalled drunk Avra, who thought that beer was a soda with just a different look along with the added sizzyness.

'Shut up Rose. The point is you looked ridiculous doing your own narration' plopping down on her behind, as her tail wagged from side to side similarly to her head. It looked as if she was trying to erase the unsettling scene that played out in her mind.

Sorry wolf, drunk Avra will always be golden.

"What's wrong with narrating my steps though?" I shrugged when I was finally able to move on from the previous topic and let the events that just transpired replay in my mind for a bit. After a few seconds, I shuddered and cringed, agreeing that Avra was right.

"God damn it. Just how bored am I" I huff out while shaking my head at my previous antic. It was quite an interesting scene to watch. Although I felt sheepish about it now, I still could not deny I enjoyed it quite a bit."It's just that there is nothing to do here!"

At this point, I was kicking the sand which I lovingly made a narration for previously, as if it had done something unforgivable to me.

Traitorous sand, you didn't tell me I might have looked like a fool.

But you are still a beauty of nature, so I will let you pass.

'It is in situations like these where your talent would be of perfect use'</i> She plainly called me out and I suddenly halted in my steps as she reminded me of a particular gift that I never really appreciated.

Yes, I never did appreciate it.

It was something I never did acknowledge and never would.