

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Season Ending

"So, you guys just tussled around a little bit and fell on top of each other? Sounds a little bit too cliché to be true...." Sam said while looking at Tato and Ellen. "It's true! That incident was totally accidental!" Ellen shouted at the top of her lungs, while still blushing madly. "And here I was totally going to give you two my blessings if you and Tato are going to be an item...." Sam muttered slowly with a tone of relief in her voice. "I am not going to play dirty and take a lead on you for Tato, Sam. Don't worry about it." Ellen whispered in Sam's ear, causing her to explode with embarrassment.

"Hey, so what are we going to do with our upcoming examination? I heard from the seniors that the exam is quite a pain in the ass to deal with," Tato asked the two girls in front of him. "I think that we should prepare thoroughly to pass this exam with flying colors!" Ellen said while lifting her arm to answer the question, much like trying to answer a question from a teacher in a classroom. "No shit, Sherlock! We should try to first sharpen our knowledge on upcoming topics to ace the written assessment and make it our top priority." Sam answered. "That's a starting point! Okay, we will meet at the library this evening!" Tato said before they all split to go on their own ways.

As Tato is waiting for the duo to arrive, he walks around the area nearby the library and stumbles on a not-everyday scene. He sees a girl surrounded by a group of delinquents, clearly looking scared and about to cry looks plastered on her face. "Hey! Leave that girl alone! Pick on your own size!" Tato shouted, successfully attracting their attention to give a small frame of time for the girl to hide behind him. "Scram, kid! Leave if you don't want your face to turn into a messy mess!" One of the delinquents threatened while pointing a bat towards Tato's face.

"Oi, what are you guys doing? Lemme join in too!" an unfamiliar voice shouted behind Tato. They all turn to take a look at the voice's owner. A man wearing a black hoodie with blue jeans is looking at them with a cold look at them. The man slowly walks and stopped besides Tato while clenching his fists. "Oi, girl and man. What's your name?" The man asked while his eyes still locked on the delinquents in front of them. "Takeshi or Tato." "Suzuna or Suzu." They answered quickly as one of the delinquents come swinging at them. "Remember to buy me a drink after this,eh?" The man said before grabbed the delinquents and body slams him to the floor. "Sure!" Tato answered while grabbing a delinquent's neck and gave him a Stunner. Suzu then blocked a punch before quickly giving the attacker a flurry of jab combos, causing him to fall to the ground from the pain.

"There you are! Tato, we are coming to help!" Ellen and Sam shouted before Sam slid to the floor and punched one of the delinquents in his gut. Ellen then curbs stomped his face to the floor, crushing his teeth in the process. "Ellen, Sam, you girls are here!" Tato said before backfists a man, causing him to stumble backwards. After all the delinquents are sprawling all over the area, they all go away from there.

"Hey, man. Thanks for your help, uhhh..." Tato thanked the man, still not knowing his name. "My name's Ace. No probs, I am just looking for some exercises myself. Ciao." Ace started to leave when he was stopped by Tato. "Bro, you said you wanna a drink, right?" Tato said to him. "Later on, if fate allows it. Ciao." Ace then walks away from the gang. "Umm.... Thanks for helping me, everyone." Suzu thanked everyone.