

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The year is 2022. People are just living their normal, everyday life. Students keep on grinding their studies to get the highest academic qualification possible, office workers keep on their daily 8 am – 5 pm work hours routine, and some may still be trying to survive in this world. Some may rise to be phoenixes; some may fail and fall to the bottom of society and others may just barely be able to survive in this cruel world. Such cruel yet fitting norms in this dog-eat-dog environment. However, humankind never expected any major changes in their everyday life. Yeah, we never did. We all want the world to change, and we keep on hoping for changes to come without doing anything.

Yet, when the changes did come, we never did prepare ourselves for them.

Chaos engulfs the world as monsters with unique, yet dangerous powers keep on coming out and attacking the world. First, a tiger-like monster wreaks havoc at Arcadia Land by destroying buildings and killing unsuspecting victims near its location. Then, a gigantic snake, one that looks like the so-called sea serpent of the mythical worlds, causes giant waves to appear in the Pacific Ocean and destroy ships and oil rigs nearby. The continuous appearances of these monsters keep humanity on its toes. The community suddenly stops fighting over rights and equality among them. All countries around the world finally put their differences aside and banded together in desperation to save their species from these monstrosities.

And in these desperate times, when humanity needs a savior, they come into existence. The Salvation, they call themselves. Promising utmost safety and freedom to mankind.