

Tato is an orphan who loses his parent during an attack that reside in Arcadia land. His goal now is to be a hunter and finding the truth behind the incident that happen within his family. During his journey he uncover that....

monmon_on_top · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Fresh Start

"Hey, so how can a Metamon run free without your guardian? I heard Metamons that don't have a hunter will be kept in a special facility to avoid contact with the public." TaTo asked the strange runaway Metamon, who was happily munching away at the snacks in its hands, given by our ever-benevolent protagonist.

"I didn't wanna stay still there. It just feels.....suffocating. Most of the guardians there always give off evil auras, like super intimidating gonna eat you, chew you and, swallow you just to throw you somewhere on the sea." The anonymous Metamon shivered while still holding the snacks, implying that these guards cannot scare it off the snacks. "There, there. You all good by my side." TaTo said while patting its head, assuring its safety.

"Sooo....what are you gonna do with me? Send me back to that cold damp place? Or are you going to sell me to some weird suspicious merchants?" the Metamon tried to hide behind the room's curtains. "What are you saying, dummy? Of course, I'm gonna do just that." TaTo pulled the Metamon to the bathroom.

"NOOOOOO!!! STOP!!!!" the Metamon rolled around in an attempt to escape, to no avail. "Stop squirming around, you are making it hard to clean you!" TaTo held the Metamon close, trying to scrub it's dirty body. "No, don't cream me with the dangerous acidic material!!!" It tries to fly away. TaTo caught it instantly, hugging it before jumping into the bath tub.

"What is your name?" TaTo asked the Metamon, who is still sulking by turning its head away and wrapping up itself around the curtains. "...Silent treatment eh? I'm gonna call you Bob then." TaTo said while holding the curtain clothes. "Stop! What is wrong with you? Giving me such a horrible nickname!" the Metamon protested, to which TaTo responds with swirling the curtains, making it spin around in process.

"Call me Nyanpu." The Metamon stated seriously. "What? You take a super long time just to come up with that shitty nickname?" TaTo facepalmed himself. "We should stick with Bob. It sounds way better than Nyanpu." He added. "What's wrong with it? It is gonna be my nickname so let me choose it. I'm not a pet of yours okay?" the MetaMon hissed angrily. "Ahahaha my bad. Nyanpu." TaTo said while patting it's head to calm it down. "There you go. You can be good when you want-eh?" Nyan(pfft)pu stopped it's compliments when it saw TaTo desperately trying to hold his laugh back. "Hahaha Nyanpu, go rest. Tomorrow, I am the Hunter. You are gonna be my Metamonster." TaTo settles Nyanpu into a spare bed before flicking the switch off. "Good Night Nyanpu." TaTo said before closing the door and was met with a cold glare from the still sulking Metamon hiding itself to no avail with the blanket given.

"Tomorrow, our journey starts. With Nyanpu by my side, I will overcome the irrational logics of this world and find out the truth behind that tragic incident." TaTo said to himself while gripping a locket in his right hand.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." -Stoic-