

Appearing in a cave, Kai quickly realizes he is in a Fantasy World! Reincarnating as a Mythical material, Kai spends his time growing stronger, figuring out the concepts of this new world and learning new abilities! Having gained a unnatural but useful body, Kai makes sure to use it to the utmost extent to pave himself a path to glory and power! (as well as the occasional act of tomfoolery) Not to mention his inherent cunning and talent for manipulation, with his profit-prioritized mind and words that could make the defenses of even the most guarded man fall. All in the hands of a single intelligent little boy. Follow this boy - Kai - as he travels this new unknown world, watch him as he learns new abilities, use his cunning, rise in power and overpower his enemies! All as a... chunk of metal? (This is my first time writing so if you have any feedback or suggestions for the story please let me know) I saw that there wasn't that many good reincarnated as an object stories so I decided to make one of my own Also if you have anything you want me to incorporate into the story please let me know. I'm open to any and all ideas you might have :D

Takaie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


It was dark, very dark, it was cold too. A lone boy sat in this room. He thought it was cold at first, but he didn't think much of it now. He tried to keep track of how long he was here, but as time passed, he soon lost track. The room was darker than pitch-black, well, if that was possible at least.


The boy couldn't feel anything, he couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't smell, and couldn't taste anything, not even his saliva - which he thought was weird. Left with nothing but fleeting thoughts, the boy had to make do.


Then something appeared.



A drop of Water



The drop of water odd. The boy tried touching it, but nothing happened, the drop of water remained still. It slowly increased in size, causing it to take more and more of the seemingly limited space he was in.


However, for some reason the boy wasn't afraid, or even agitated. It felt calm around the ever-growing drop of water, as though a soothing melody was being played in the back of his head.


Eventually, he stopped feeling the cold that had been present ever since he appeared in this weird space. It was a great feeling, no longer feeling as though he was butt naked in the middle of a snowstorm was really pleasurable if one thought about it.


More changes kept happening. First of all, the boy had gained some memories it hadn't had before, or should he say that he had regained them? Many memories continuously flooded his mind, from his childhood to his timely death. 


The boy knew of its name now, it was Kai. Kai was happy, the first time he'd felt happy in a very long time. 


The drop of water gradually grew, stopping at the size of around 0.5 meter in height and 0.15 in width. Its form of a water droplet never changing, looking just like a falling water droplet stuck in time.


Suddenly, the world changed, yes, it changed. One moment he was admiring the drop of water that had been accompanying him and then next; a dark cave with luminous crystals scattered everywhere.


Then, his mind started to ache.