
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

To The Next Round

There were originally supposed to be ten battles, but with Jayden's team exterminating their opponents, it was now down to nine.

The other teams noticing that it was faster and better to end the lives of the losers, did just that, to prevent them from fighting again and prolonging the semifinals.

Armed with this knowledge, the losing teams were killed, or gave up, if they spoke in time that is.

At the moment on the stage, two teams were facing off.

The winning side consisted of a Warborn Golem Centaur, a Zanarian, an Ascending Fallen Angel, an Orc, and an Ustapian, while the losing team were a Cyclops, Elf, Zanarian, Naga and Warborn Golem Centaur.

Each race had two contestants make it to the semifinals, with the Elf, Asura, Ascending Fallen Angels, and Zanarians having three instead, and the human race, one.

The humans– even though had only one person to represent them– were still as upbeat as ever, cheering until their lungs hurt, for Jayden, or rather, The Metallic Rogue!


A loud crash was heard, and the body of a Zanarian was flung like a ragdoll to another side.

A red Orc wielding two Warhammers, roared to the sky.

The Orc's hammer heads themselves were as thick as an average humans heads, and the handles were four inches thick.

No doubt, everyone thought the Zanarian was dead as she had taken a direct hit from the two hammers to her head, though her head stayed intact and hadn't caved in.

Suddenly, red inscriptions flickered into existence on the Zanarian's robe, and green flames erupted all over her body.

The Zanarian slowed down herself and hovered over the ground again, with her wounds healing at a visible speed.

The Orc snorted and charged at the Zanarian with her hammers raised.

The Zanarian waved her hands and the green flames died down, only for a fierce orange/yellow flame to burst forth, winding quickly around her.

The Orc crossed the distance between them in no time flat, and swung her large hammers from both sides, aiming to crush the Zanarian in one move. The Zanarian in response conjured three balls of flames, and shot them at the Orc's face.

An explosion rang out and created space between the two fighters, but none were injured.

The Orc had retracted her hammers at the last second, and crossed them in her face to reduce the force of the heated shockwave.

The Zanarian appeared to have predicted the Orc's actions, and used the Orc's blindspot to her advantage.

Seven tongues of withering flames were evoked and began to spin around the Orc.

The Orc sensing the immediate threat, jumped out of the circle of flames, only for the ring to follow.

The Zanarian spread it's hands apart and began to close them slowly and at the same time, the ring began to compress on the Orc.

No matter how fast or where the Orc moved to, the flames never lagged behind, noticing this, the Orc decided to take the Zanarian down with herself.

The Zanarian expertly retreated, dodging all the red Orc's mad attacks by a hair's breath.

The red Orc, having the Magic Ability Red Titan, could make her skin take on a red pigment, and in turn make her physical strength soar to new levels.

Albeit, that still wasn't enough to really hurt the Zanarian that had prepared hard for the battle.

Earlier, the Zanarian had used a defense scroll on herself.

The scroll had just one work, which was to block any attack –at a certain threshold thrown at her– after that though, the scroll couldn't be used again.

The Orc didn't like that she was about to die and the Zanarian was still uninjured, therefore, she took a great risk.

"If I'm going to die, then let me be the chooser of the way I die!" The Orc uttered angrily.

The Orc's body then began to transform, her size inreased until she was six meters tall and the redness of her skin became more apparent.

Her hammers hummed, resonating with her and also increases in size until it fit into her hands perfectly.

The Zanarian understood that the Orc's threat level had increased significantly, and immediately took off, but that was probably a big mistake.

The Orc snorted, but in her new form, it looked like she had sent out deep soundwave attacks.

The Zanarian became disoriented and collapsed to the ground, the Orc took a step forward and disappeared in an instant, only to reappear by the fallen Zanarian.

The crowd held their breaths, the MC gasped, the Orc brought down her hammers... and the Zanarian, was turned into meat paste.

The crowd without warning began to scream, the Orc's dominance had made them ecstatic and the other battles were just as interesting.

Fortunately for the other teammates of the Zanarian, they had surrendered in time and left the stage with their lives, but with grave injuries of course.

Although the losing team were still alive, they didn't stand a chance against any other team again, and it was shown in their next battle.

This time, they were not so lucky and were all killed off.

They had lost a teammate in the previous battle and had only four members left, they were also weak and weary from the previous battle, so it was justified that they lost.

Only three teams were left now, and the judges were cooking up something again, and they sure were not expecting it.

The teams thought they were going to fight themselves again, but when the new battle format was given, some were annoyed greatly, while some were glad. Why?

Well, the judges used the points they had all collected, to choose those who were going to the next round, and the top ten on the scoreboard were the chosen ones.

Jayden was among the top ten, and surprisingly, the top ten consisted of all the races, except the Cyclops race who were replaced by the Battle Orcs, a work of Jayden unknowingly changing the timeline.