
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Team Battles {II}–{Elf Rivalry}

As the shout from the Spider Kin echoed in the arena, a huge change within and without him began to occur.

His lower body that was that of a spider began to expand, and his upper body that was just like any other humans, began to shrink down.

His size grew until he was fifty meters in height and eighty five meters in length, and in his place, instead of his half human half spider form, he had now transformed into a gargantuan Scytodes Kumonga.

His eight long legs were tipped with a single sharp claw each, that dug into the ground due to his weight.

On his head were eight black eyes with red pupils, his black body was covered in bright silver and yellow stripes, and there were two large mandibles that constantly snapped at Jayden threateningly.

Jayden subconsciously took a step back as the whole transformation occured in mere seconds, and the threat of the Spider Kin elevated to new heights.

But unyielding in the face of a formidable opponent, he drew his sword and charged in.

The spider screeched loudly and shot out a sticky and sickly looking silk thread from its mouth.

Jayden side stepped the thread and continued on with his charge, but the spider began to send out barrages of those black threads, causing Jayden to slow down and dodge them.

The stalemate continued for a while and Jayden didn't seem to be progressing rapidly.


On the other side of the stage, the beautiful Elf, Stella, stood face to face with her opponent, who was just another Elf too.



Surprisingly, the two Elves knew each other, and were longtime rivals.

Their rivalry dated back to over a hundred years ago, and unsurprisingly, non of the two could top the other, which only intensified their rivalry and slowly grew into hatred for themselves.

"Surrender while you still have the chance, and I'll let you off easily." Meggy spat out with her head held up high, her nose almost touching the sky from her excessive pride.

"Your pride makes you resemble the Dark Elves more that we pure breeds." Stella replied calmly. "You believe yourself to be better than everyone, but you're just another random Elf. I wonder why we're even sisters."

"Enough with your bullshit!" Meggy screamed out loud. "You think you're something you're not, and everyone knows we're no pure breed."

"Do you think just because you're strong enough to rival me, you can speak such nonsense, it's time to end this, show me what you got, because this is the last time one of us ever sees the sunlight." Meggy ended and suddenly summoned an amour set from a ring on her left middle finger.

The ruby like armour covered her whole body, but somehow still highlighted her curves, and instead of a helmet, she had a ruby mask covering the lower part of her face.

Stella did the same thing, but instead of the ominuous ruby armour of Meggy, her's was of a bright Sapphire like blue.

"Get ready." Meggy uttered one last time before blasting of the ground, causing it to crack and shoot rubbles behind her.

Stella as calm as ever, summoned a spear made of the same sapphire as her armour, then twisting it in weird but elegant ways, the spear cut through the air and released air slashes at the incoming Meggy.

Meggy summoned a ruby spear and also countered with air slashes of her own.

The two attacks canceled each other out, and they both began to dance with their spears.

Sparks were flying out as they both went all out on each other, trading blows that made them reel back, stagger, only to recover and fight back with more fervor.

Their spears rolled over their body as they executed their spear techniques flawlessly, the spears moved as if they were alive, twirling and twisting like living snakes.

Stella seeing an opening, compressed a ball of air and launched it at Meggy, Meggy retaliated by coating her Spear's blade with air currents and slicing the ball into two.

The ball became unstable and exploded, pushing the two Elves back and giving them time to access themselves.

"You've gotten better."

"I can say the same for you."

Stella waved her spear and began to spam crescent air blades.

Meggy followed suit, and now, the air had become chaotic and blurry, causing the audience to start screaming in glee at the insane battle between the Elves.

"Aren't those two long time rivals?" An Elf asked his neighbor as he eyed the stage.

"I heard they hate each other's guts for some reasons." A Naga beside them chipped in.

"It's their unique situation that caused it." An older looking Elf replied.

"Ohh You know something? Tell us please!" Everyone around the Elf who had spoken began to beg him.

"It's not something that interesting." The older Elf replied.

"Just say it!!" They doubled up in their efforts.

"Fine, Fine." The Elf succumbed to their pestering and began to explain to them what he knew.

"They are the children of a Dark and Pure Elf." He began. "It might seem weird, but they both inherited different personalities, Meggy inherited the Dark Elves and the Stella, the Pure Elves."

"This had caused them to have differences with each other multiple times, until it became too much and they had to seperate, then they began to compete with each other to see who was better than the other, until it turned into this unbridled hatred for themselves." The Elf ended his short explanation while gesturing at the Elves that were still sending out batches of crescent air blades.

Stella finally maneuvered and charged at Meggy, with her spear twirling around her.

"You've pushed me now." Stella spoke with a fierce look in her eyes. "I never wanted to this."

As she dodged each blade of air, her spear began to shimmer and release blinding white lights from it. The light was being channeled from her hands into the spear, giving it a holy look like a divine weapon.

She didn't end it there though, the Light Energy was being used on her armour set and body too, causing her to glow like an angel.

"Hmph!! Is this what is giving you confidence? Light Magic?" Meggy snorted in disdain. "Let me show you what I'm also capable of."

As Meggy ended, a black ink like substance began to flow from her hands all over her body, armour and weapon. It covered every inch of her, making her a stark contrast to Stella's Angelic look.

As Stella watched the transformation, she couldn't help but utter as a feeling dread creeped into her.

"Dark Magic!"