
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

My Turn

The crowd erupted into cheers, whether they were Ustapians or from another race, they all screamed at the top of their lungs until their cheeks turned red from excitement. Except the Elfs though.

The Ustapians who were supposed to be looking, gloomy were cheering with the crowd. They had just witnessed one of their own get butchered, yet, it only made them happy.

The fighters in the waiting room sighed and shook their heads as they all had one thought running through their heads. 'That Ustapian... is an idiot. A big one'

Even Jayden had the same thought, the Ustapian believed in his speed to get away from any danger as long as he reacted in time, but the Elf had smartly counterd his speed with her wind magic.

The MC cheered at the victory of the Elf and sent her out.

Nine more stages were then erected in the arena, where ten fights were going to take place simultaneously.

The first fight was just used to grace the start of the whole one on one fights.

"Let's make welcome, OUR NEXT FIGHTERS..." The MC began to call out the fighters to the stage, making sure to make it as loud as possible.

Orcs, Humans, Zanarians, Nagas and many more began to walk out to their respective stages to face their opponents.

The spectators cheered and began to place bets on the fighters, even the humans placed bets –only the rich ones though–

The bets weren't the race's currency, but treasures that could benefit them all, although humans couldn't make use of those treasures like other races, they coud use it to exchange for other resources with the Garrions.

Jayden didn't place any bet, firstly because he was a fighter and fghters weren't allowed to place bets, also, he didn't have any money or treasures to bet with.

It was then Jayden realized a problem he had. 'I am as poor as a church mouse.' He thought. 'Whatever a church mouse is.'

Jayden focused on the fights and analyzed the fighting styles of most of the humans.

The humans didn't go close to their opponents, instead, they shot out highly condensed amounts of altered energy at them. Altered in the sense that they had different effects.

In one fight, a human in a bulky silver Mech Suit fired out a beam of red lasers, the lasers were able to melt the Warborn Golem Centaur's earthen wall and crash into it, causing the Centaur to be pushed back by several meters.

The Warborn Golem Centaur powered through it and created several earth axes in his eight calloused hands and charged at the human, the human counterd his attack with another beam, this one though, was ice, it chilled the air around as it hit the crossed axes of the centaur, freezing them in place and forcing the axes to crumble into broken fragments.

The Warborn Golem Centaur roared in anger and began to spam ranged attacks at the human, he was done taking things easy.

The human even with all his defenses, ended up getting pinned to the ground with several spears and spikes protruding through him.

The spears dissolved into the ground, letting the human drop to the ground with several blood dripping holes in his body.

Jayden sighed. "Another defeat."

He had been watching all the humans get murdered on the stages easily, none of them had put up a descent fight, only this human had forced the Warborn Golem Centaur to take things seriously.

Soon, Jayden's metallic face popped up on the screen, and beside it was the image of an Asura.

"My Turn." Jayden said and began to walk towards the stage in the center of the arena.

The humans cheered loudly at his enterance, they had almost lost their confidence when they saw the previous humans were getting their asses handed to them.

Most of the humans had chosen to fight until one of them concedes, but the overwhelming powers of their opponents made them loose their life before they could say the words, 'I surrender'.

Jayden stood before an Asura with red glowing markings etched on his skin. He towered at an imposing height of three meters, and he had a malevolent and violent aura revolving around him.

"To death." The Asura said and readied himself.

"To death." Jayden replied.

As the Asura tensed his fists, a fierce bright red energy began to spiral around his arms, his eyes turned red and his short white hair also turned red and began to move as if under water.

Jayden tilted his head at this sight, the Asura was going full ham from start, not underestimating him for a second.

Who could blame him? Jayden who was supposed to be panicking like a thanksgiving turkey, was as calm as the morning breeze in summer.

This attitude put the Asura on the edge, and also fueled his rage. 'How can this tiny being put me in such a position, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!!!!

Abruptly, the Asuras bright red aura erupted like a volcano, only his bloodshot rage filled eyes could be seen through the dense amount of bloodlust, killing intent and energy surging from his being.

Jayden took a step back when he saw this, the sudden change in the demeanor of the Asura made his senses tingle, telling him to run away.

Jayden smiled behind his Rogue Suit and manifested his Energy Armour, he activated all the skills needed and prepared for the clash.

The Asura blasted of the ground and shot like a comet towards Jayden. Jayden gasped, he got the shock of his life when the Asura reached him before he could react, the speed the asura possesed surprised Jayden and made him scared, a feeling that he rarely had since he got his powers.

The Asura threw out a fist filled with red energy, the fist tore apart the sound barrier, causing loud waves of energy to ripple through the air.

The fist hit hard enough it caused an explosion of energy to travel through the air and drown out the sounds of the battles happening around.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the mushroom shaped cloud of dust and smoke, and they gasped when they saw who had caused the explosion.

"Isn't that a bit over kill, he's just a human!!" A Zanarian exclaimed.

"He knew that he had to deal with him quickly before he could react." Another Zanarian replied. "Remember that human got angry and almost wiped out half of the contestants during the Battle Royale."

A commotion was brewing as the spectators talked about the Asuras tactic.

Jayden who was the main target of the attack was standing with his heart beating faster than an athlete who just ran a marathon.

As he looked up, a wall of a dark red and black matter was holding the Asuras fists in place.

Jayden stared in wonder at what it was, and without another second wasted, Jaydens shadow began to expand out of his body and cover the area around him in a pool of dark shadows.

And like a demon rising from the pits of hell, three horns revealed themselves, followed a by a pair of two piercing red eyes, then a snout with two fangs protruding from its beastial jaws, and a humanoid black body filled with ripped muscles and pieces of red and black armour.

"Stand back master." A deep voice carrying immense power echoed in the arena, stopping all the fighters and spectators and causing them all to focus on Jayden's stage.

...It's my turn."

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