
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Knell Fisher {I}

Jayden could not sleep well that night. He had waited for a long time beside Nate's bed just staring at his sleeping figure.

Nate's parents had come over as fast as they could after being called by the schools clinic. They panicked when they saw the state their son was in and blamed Jayden for not looking after his friend, but Jayden wasn't in the mood to reply them, becaue if he was...

...he would have left them in a state far from their normal health.

Nate was transfered to a hospital in the center of Floating Haven City, to be taken care of properly. His parents didn't care about what the doctor said about him not coming back to life again, they just prayed to all the gods they knew of, to revive their son.

They were worried as any parent would, and were willing to spend any amount of credits to give their son the best care the human race had to offer.

Jayden woke up the next morning to the sound of loud knockings on his door. He pressed a button by the side of his bed, and the door and walls turned transparent. He could see through to the other side, but those outside couldn't.

The worried expression of Knell and the Lana twins were enough to remind Jayden of what happened the day before. He got up from the bed halfheartedly, he was not ready to talk to his friends yet, he wanted to sort his memories out and arrange them in the right order.

Nahshon had told him that he had an idea of how to cure the Greenstone Poison.

He needed some ingredients that were hard to come by, even for The Garrion Race.

He checked the new panel that had been added.


[1x Heart of a hundred year old Great Nephilim]

[2x 1½ liter of poison of Purple Scarabaeus]

[3x 1 Core of a Zanarian Poison Mage]

[2x 4 Full grown Demon Monkey tooths]

This were the ingredients that were the hardset to find. He didn't even know where to start from, he didn't know some of the items and how he was ever going to get them, but that didn't stop him, he was going to save his friend no matter what.

The list continued on, but the remaining were relatively easy to find.

Jayden opened the door and was immediately assaulted by the Lana twins jumping into his embrace and asking about Nate, tears welled up in their eyes and they began to cry when Jayden narrated what happened from the dorm room, to the schools clinic.

Knell was more composed, but Jayden could see the sadness in his eyes. He clenched his fists tightly and gnashed his teeths. Jayden could faintly hear the sound of them grinding against each other.

"So what do we do now?" Knell broke the solemn atmosphere with his question.

Jayden didn't want to outright tell them that he might have a way to cure Nate. He didn't want to blow his cover. Not yet at least.

"What can we do? Nothing."

"There's no cure for the Greenstone Poison."

"We can only hope for a miracle."

Even in their despair, the Lana twins still alternated their sentences between each other.

Jayden wanted to say to them, 'I have a way', but he just couldn't do it. He held himself back and stared at the trio.

"All this wouldn't have happened if we were stronger." Knell said. His nails dug into his palms but they were not long enough to cut his calloused palms.

A tear trickled down Knell's eye, he turned around and left the room, not before saying.

"We need to get stronger, and fast."


The Lana twins left after some persuasion from Jayden, he needed some space to sort out his thoughts.

Jayden lay down on his bed with his pajamas still on, he began to trace symbols in the air before he stood up to go and take his bath to calm his raging mind, instead of using the refresh machine.

He soon came out and put on his body suit and left for the gym to complete his daily tasks.


Jayden completed the daily tasks faster than usual, his physical strength had reached the level of the second years and was still growing.

[Name: Jayden Nova]

[Race: Human]

[HP: 100/100]

[EP: 1199/1200/∞]

[Strength: 53(+100)(+10)]

[Agility: 55(+100)(+10)]

[Stamina: 60(+100)(+10)]

[Defense: 50(+100)(+15)]



[Monkey Punch - UPGRADEABLE]

[Energy Fists - UPGRADEABLE]


[Energy Scan - UPGRADEABLE]

[Night Vision - Passive - UPGRADEABLE]

[Force Absorption]

[Force Emission - UPGRADEABLE]

[Skills Combination]

[Mad Steps+Monkey Punch]

[Mad Steps+Monkey Punch+Energy Fists]

[Monkey Punch+Energy Fists]

[Rogue Surbodinates - Black Coal Panther]

[Affinity - Illusion]

His natural strength was now comparable to the second year students, coupled with the natural and permanent boost the Rogue Suit gave him, he was sure to be as strong as the teachers, perhaps even stronger.

The Rogue Suit had fused with him, and gave him the permanent increase, whether he was wearing it or not.

Jayden got up after cultivating, his muscles had seen a visible increase in the last few weeks further increasing his already handsome self.

He left for the cafeteria to grab his lunch before returning back to the gym. He had nothing to do, he always stayed with Nate and they talked about random stuffs, he wasn't really close with the others as he was with his best friend. They were best friends for a reason.

Except the Lana twins that acted like his two little cute sisters, he didn't know much about Knell. Yes they talked, but it wasn't to the point where Jayden could answer almost any questions thrown at him about Knell.

The fought together, ate together and worked out together –although Knell always tried to run away from the workout– Jayden didn't speak to Knell like he did to the others.

But he could change that, he wanted to speak with Knell to know more about him and maybe even form a stronger bond.