
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Draven's Respawn

Jayden went through the set of skills he had obtained from Sir Julius, some of them were magnificent to say the least, and during the process, something had caught his attention.

"I remember the system telling me to kill the enemy, and if memory serves, he was called Max Bauer, right?"


"Isn't he among the people that I have to worry about? One of those that might end up joining the Z Organization."

[Yes, he is]

"SO THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?" Jayden asked. It turned out Sir Julius wasn't Sir Julius, but was someone else in disguise.

[Uhh? I thought you knew]


[Didn't you see the name before killing him?]


[You didn't pay attention to it right? Because you thought you'll just see his name]

"Well yeah!!"

[At least you now know that you have eliminated one of the future threats]


Jayden got up and headed back to the Marked Zone, tracing back his steps easily. It took him a few hours, and by the time he had reached the proximity of the settlement, the sky was pitch black, a unique feature of the Arena planet.

There were no stars twinkling in the night sky like Planet Grenkar, instead, there were some flying apparitions moving swiftly around.

Jayden didn't have any fear against them, they were known to be harmless and unable to be touched by anything and vice versa.

It was said that they were ghosts, the ghosts of the previous race that lived on the planet. It wasn't proven yet, as no one was able to capture them for experiments.

Rumors said that a certain time in the year, the apparitions gather in the center of the flat side of the arena, and fly in circles for the whole day. People say, that if anyone was able to get into the circle, they would receive the ability to communicate with the apparitions and will be granted power.

Jayden dismissed the thoughts and opened the Void Space, it was time to revive Draven, he really missed him.

He couldn't do this in his room because it might cause damage, and he didn't want that. Also, the higher ups of the human race wouldn't know about it since he was outside the Marked Zone.

Just to be extra safe, Jayden activated his illusion energy before opening the Void Space.

If one were to see him, he would be sitting on a boulder, staring at the starless sky, when he really was in the Void Space.

Jayden walked towards the cocoon sitting silently and releasing subtle waves of black, grey and red energy. The intensity of the waves had visibly reduced, signs that Draven didn't have much time, so Jayden hurried.

He retrieved the two Orbs he procured from the Earth Dragon and Kong and then placed them opposite eachother so that one was in front of the cocoon, and the other was at the back. He then began to circle around the cocoon while placing the Energy Orbs of the other Evolved Tier and the Intermediate Tier Beasts at intervals.

After three minutes of work, the Energy Orbs were placed pefectly around it. Jayden smiled at his work and waited patiently for whatever was to come.

"Nahshon, how long do I have to wait?"

[One second]



Jayden was flung back akin to a missile, and landed a few hundred meters away from the cocoon. He got up and looked at his black skin.

"Urghh.. now I have to clean myself again." He said with a frown.

Jayden's defenses weren't something to scoff at, the boost he had received when he fought with the Three Headed Blood Reaver was immense and the explosion did nothing but turn his skin black.

He was flung back because he wasn't heavy enough to stand against the pushing force.

Jayden dusted his body and remained at that distance to not intefere with what was going on.

Watching closely, the cocoon had flared up and was revolving with black and red energy. He activated the Energy Sight and saw the grey energy was being devoured by the other two energies.

"Interesting. Can you tell why what's happening is happening."

[He's creating his own unique Demonic Energy and boosting his Shadow Energy simultaneously, and because he's doing this, his Shadow Energy will become more compatible with Demonic Energy]

[The grey energy that you see belongs to the Ascending Fallen Angel that you killed, he's using it as a manual to construct his own from scratch]

"Hmm..." Jayden stroked his chin. "This won't take long right?"

[No, though I suggest you move back a little bit]

The cocoon continued to revolve on its axis until the grey energy was completely devoured. Abrutly, the cocoon began to expand, it was now half red and half black, Jayden didn't hesitate and moved back until he was now a kilometer away from it.

He could still clearly see the cocoon, it had expanded to the size of a duplex and was still increasing unti it reached thirty meters before it stopped.

Suddenly, it burst, releasing a devastating booming sound that reached Jayden a split second later. The shockwaves crashed into him but failed to throw him off his feets. He held on and focused on the spot the cocoon was a few seconds ago.

Jayden saw a mass of black and red energy forming a tornado, the tornado spun rapidly and generated non-existent winds that blew his hair back. The mass of energy slowly began to reduce, something from within was sucking it in.

Jayden squinted his eyes at the tornado, his Energy Sight outlined a massive form standing on all fours and sucking the energy in like a sponge.

The tornado collapsed in on itself and the last wisps of energy were devoured.

[Rogue Surbodinate -Black Obsidian Panther- has evolved]

[Name: Black Obsidian Panther]

[Tier: Sovereign]

[Stage: Low]


[Affinity: Shadow, Demonic Energy]

On the spot, a towering pitch black beast stood, it's black claws resting on the ground and reflecting a dark light. It had its limbs encased in a red and black armour, and on its head, two curved horns rested, it had two long fangs protruding from its beastial jaws and its muscular body was tensed as if ready to pounce on anything at the moment.

Jayden stared in awe, Draven had really grown to be a big monster. Literally. And it was time for him to grace the world with his presence.

"Oh boy, we will terrorize our enemies."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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