
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

The Chase.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Within two weeks, even if Moesat could learn fighting ability.

He could not learn complicate ability. He only learn double power ability which is same like his ability before and easy to learn.

That charge Sun power double but charging time is downside.

Moesat trying to use again and again, it reduce 10 to 3 second charging time. At first charging time easy to reduce 10 to 6 but 6 to 3 cost him nearly two weeks.

All the time, he training only this ability. Because Areum don't let him go out and do other training.

He trains until his all Sun power use up. And rest, when he got Sun power he trains again without tedious.

But he could only reduce to 3 second, so it is very difficult to use in battle.


For Areum,

With her Devil Tree ability, all injury heal to become like a new person.

And Her ability is really the best, actively and passively cultivate under the Sun with tree essence.

Three in there were really long life time and absorbing Sun power all the time. That made Areum not only level up but cleaning up her previous impurity.

When she reach to Metal Core 5 level and Lu Lu kick her out from the bag.

Areum don't complain as she notice so much Sun power were absorb by her and it needed to refill.

And she promise Lu Lu that she will try to find Energies to refill and power up this bag.

She never ask Moesat cultivation technique or trying to get the bag from Moesat.


The double power ability was taught by Areum.

Areum trying to teach him other but he is not familiar with other and First Gate is nearly open, so Double power is best for him at that time.

They got some small space rings from headmaster, Kawan Sik, and other.

Now they got enough money for expense,

Lu Lu made Moesat to wear one space ring, and taught how to pretend using space ring.

And Lu Lu copy all the books and ability from school as the new headmaster don't dare to offend Areum to read everything.

But they never know Lu Lu is copying everything if worth it. As Lu Lu power is limited.

And two weeks is pass quietly.


Now everyone is out and looking at in the Sky but nothing there. Including Areum, Lu Lu and Moesat.



There are many shining light appearing in the Sky and A Light beam drop down to the world.

Many shinning light but only two different kinds of light.

One is Golden and another is Crystal sparkling.

These light were showing where the gate were open, Gate were open for everyone in the metal world.

These gate were randomly open here and there.

There were always one gate around 10 miles, and it open up only 3 days.

So everyone could reach within 3 days or wait for 2 years.


It try to give fair chance for everyone but not fair is some powerful people were trying to reach and control the gate.

If they hate someone, they don't let them in and they kill them who come.


Golden gate is for Sun power and Crystal Gate is for Moon power.

These two Gate were not open near to each other but this time many blood shed could not prevent.


Sun and Moon in the Sky is out.

But there were no total darkness or no shinning light. And all have their power is not boosted. They could fight and kill at basic power.


There were no one could say not to fight or made a rule for not to fight. As the most powerful wanted the power for their children and prevent from other get it.

But there were many Gates open and no one completely prevent other not come in.

That is leading to more blood shed in the Gate too.

This reason made people would form a group before they went in but,

Betrayal by back stab, revenge, bully, killing weak everything happen.

Since children age 12, they have to face real cruel world.

Only the Elite could come out alive, and Weakling that serve strong.

Or other with luck.


Areum taught Moesat many thing about in the gate and outside, as Moesat needed to survive.

And school group don't let Moesat join them as Ko Kang Sun one of the powerful people in this small town.

They could not dare to touch Areum but they want Moesat die in The Gate,

And even if Moesat in group, they could back stab. That why go in alone is better than with this group.


Areum and Moesat follow on foot as they did not prepare for something to ride on and gate were around 5 mile in radius.

Now is only 3 mile far from their town.

Areum and Moesat were fast so they were in front of the group. And left all other behind.


Around one mile they travel in the forest, A group of people around 30 people come out wearing black clothes and mask.

They block the way, in front of Areum and Moesat.


"We want this child, nothing to do with other, so leave."

They come for Moesat, and they ask other leave.

Areum and Moesat know who are they, but wearing mask mean they cover up.

Areum don't think, Moesat don't know.


They ready to fight.

"Areum we only want that child, do you want to die for him?"

The leader of the Mask group said to Areum.


"Run. I will be OK."

Areum told to run to Moesat,

And she jump into that leader and fight.


Moesat run again, this time he did not run to town or gate, he run other side to by pass all these people.

And this time Moesat was taught how to do and he know Areum was safe if he is not around.


"Follow that brat and capture him alive." Leader give out order and trying to fight with Areum.



The leader got hit while he was focus on Moesat.

The real battle, 1 sec is very important.

Some of his lackey were trying to block Areum way to their leader and a big fight started.


"She reach Metal Core level 5.!!!"

"All change into Metal form."

Someone shout in amaze made all other scare. Their side have three Metal core warrior.

Leader is Metal Core level 4, other two were Metal Core level 2.


Areum reach Metal Core level 5 but not only that she got pure energy than before and she could even fight Metal Core level 8 or 9,

So now is like a sheep group and a Tigress.


"All high level stay here and fight, all other go capture that boy quick."

Leader needed to change the his command.

Around 15 people who were lower than Metal forming 4 chasing after Moesat,

But Areum smile after looking at vanishing Moesat as she know how strong Moesat is.


Areum punch nearest one,

'Seven punch'

Three punch hit on one of the Metal Core level 2 body.


Another Metal Core use his ability and trying to restrict Areum movement.



Areum break the binding with her force and,

'Triple kick'

The binder who try to save his friend got deadly kick and blown away.


All other were with weapons and trying to attack on Areum,

'Arrow Kick.'

Leader use his ability and his kick come like powerful arrow.

Power kick.

Areum use simple kick, after looking Moesat power kick and she try to use it.

Two kick hit in the middle.



With the loud sound both blown back.

Areum get one the ground with standing position but the leader got broken arrow. His leg broke.



Without saying everyone try to rescue their leader and run.

Areum did not follow them and look around found no one. All other left.


So, she pick up Metal Core dead body and follow where Moesat run.



When Moesat started to run,

Moesat slowly run into big mess forest, and he hide,

Soon people arrived there and,

"Where is that brat run off, if we lost him, Boss will angry at us. Spread out and search."

They spread out starting to search,


Moesat ready to use double power punch and wait.

Two chasers come near and Moesat punch one,

Another confuse and scare, With that 3 second is enough for second one down.


After that Moesat did not hide run toward nearest one and kick.

"Hay brat is here come." One of the shout.

While that one was shouting, another down.

"You. You devil." after he said he die.


After Moesat killed three guy group, he does not wait for other and he run.

Ten people chase after Moesat,


When a bit far Moesat hide behind the tree and wait.

The fastest runner from the group approach,

And Moesat give reward for fast runner.

9 left.

And Moesat run,


Moesat run toward the group but

2nd fastest runner now trying to run back, but he is late and got his reward for 2nd and another one got 3rd reward.

7 left.



People were running again,

This time,

7 people run and 1 chase after them.



Slowest got punishment,

All other were now, don't want to get punishment so they run faster and faster.

But two more got punishment,


Moesat wanted to chase other, but he stopped.


And look at his right hand,

This time his hand give really strong reaction never same like before.


Moesat look around but he did not see any.

He thought about go back and tell Areum about that but,

He change his decision.


As his hand show it is urgent and really strong reaction giving him.

And in his soul he notice that he needed to go now.

He starting to run all his can toward his hand show with worried.


1 mile was easily reach with his speed but still nothing found.

And his hand reaction were stronger.

Without thinking he run toward his hand show, deep into the forest.


Areum saw four people running with their life, she capture all.

"Where is the boy?"

Areum ask them.


"I don't know he was chasing after us!!!"

No one notice where Moesat gone as they were running for their life.

"Please let us go, we will tell you who is our boss.!"

Trying to save their life.


"You don't needed to tell me that your boss is Ko Kang Sun."

And Areum angry as she did not get her answer. And kill all of them as these bad people doing bad to small children.


She is worried about Moesat and she needed to look for him, so

She looks at Metal core dead body and dig out Metal Core and left the body.

And she run toward where Moesat were but she could not find him.

She thought Moesat went toward The Gate so she run toward the gate.


Moesat running without rest for 10 miles and still found nothing. But his right hand was so hot.

At that time he heard,

"Help me."

A weak woman voice.