
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Nothing is perfect.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

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Diamond Angel Dance created by Lu Lu and Nana is not created like 'something out of nothing.'

Lu Lu used all her effort to study every attack ability and skill one after another, and she tried to understand every concept, law and insight of each attack ability.

Each and every attack ability has a one same common,

'The common thing was a target.'

But every attack had a different way to approach toward a target and many different kind of attacking on the target.

Some attack wanted to destroy the whole target, or some attack only want to destroy a small part.

Some attack wants the target move toward their desire position. But some attacked wanted to restrain the target from its' movement.

Some attacks were fake and some were unnecessary.

There were many flaws found in these abilities and skills because creators of these abilities and skills were not a God.

So, Lu Lu made an arrow ways diagram of the movement of a one attack ability.

That show, how to approach near to the target and attack the target from which angle.

The way of the target reaction movements if they got attacked, and which ways the target evade after it got attacked. How to follow up to that the evading target.

And if the target is not a human but that could be four legs beast, many legs other living things, flying living thing or trees. And their movment would change.

The direction of the target movements were many, because of that, there were too many possibility and many ways diagrams were made by Lu Lu.

It was like a chess; Prediction on the many possibility out come and next movement.

Which was so much complicated and only the intelligent people who got super memory and super intelligent could understand.

And that was only from one ability or one skill and there were many other abilities and martial art skills.

Lu Lu made mapping diagrams one after another of too many attack abilities. It came out thousand of thousand ways or mapping diagrams that she made these from many abilities.

She and Nana studied all of them first, there were too many concept, law, and insight. And all about concept, law and insight, no one taught them.

Even the highest stage of cultivators who lived on that continent would not understand.

But these all were fully studied by two little girls. This was an innate ability of both Lu Lu and Nana.

There were too many attack abilities with elemental law or other law within it.

So, Lu Lu and Nana bend the original concept and break the original law. Because the original creators were not Gods who could make the perfect law.

After that two small girls made their own concept, and law.

They took out many unnecessary arrow ways from one attack ability diagram.

And they did it to another similar ability, after that they combine two into one. They did the same thing to all similar ability.

After a long time they combined one to another, and they got less arrow mapping diagrams. And they got many new arrow diagrams.

Some of these new arrow mapping diagrams were similar to previous mapping diagrams of two abilities but some new mapping were like a really new ability.

From that, they combined these and eliminate again.

Eliminated thing were hard too,

Before they eliminate, they asked many questions whey was the arrow way is needed or needed to be eliminated.

After thinking of many possibility of needing it and if it was not needed it. At the end they made a decision to eliminate it.

The rest of the mapping arrow diagrams were needed but it did not mean that they already got a new skill.

They again needed to refine it or made it to better way of mapping. And then they combined all of it.

After that she and Nana got a base positions of basic movement. Both Lu Lu and Nana could understand how to use these base positions and basic movement.

Because they were the one who created, and they grab the essence of this movment in their hand. But these basic movement are not teachable to other people just like that.

So they made it to something that other could understand it and used it.

That was how they created a skill step by step to make a legendary movement martial art skill.

But that martial arts skill was not a perfect martial arts skill, there were a lot of room to improved it. And that was just a basic movement martial arts skill.

It could also be upgraded later if they got some more data from more advance abilities and skills.

Lu Lu and Nana both already found a way to improved but that did not mean they already got it.

They predicted that there were two more step they could improved the Diamond Angel Dance martial art skill.

Lu Lu and Nana created their own body movement that how to move between these base positions.

At that point, Moesat could create his own body movement too.

Because original Angel Dance movement skill is user friendly and Moesat made a few change just to fit in with his own.

So as Areum and Enna.

Because of that, they tried too hard to get this skill, they could not give it to other.

May be someone would think they were too selfish or stingy, that could not help.


There were many carriages were travelling in the darkness steadily with the light from many torches.

Many torches burning intense heat and gave out light that could enough to clearly see hundred feet away from the torch.

But no carriage was hurry to move in fast speed. They were travelling at 10 feet per second.

All the beasts that pulling the carriage could run many time faster than that speed. But they were not travelling at full speed.

Moreover that, they stopped time to time to teach students about the terrain and the beasts.

Some time they needed to stop and fight with hungry beasts or stupid beasts these tried to attack that big group.

That group is combining group of Cloud Field (CF) and Blood Cliff (BC) sects. As they travelled toward south, they saw less and less human.

When they entered the wild land area, they saw many group of beasts time to time but most of these beast groups did not try to attack them as they knew how strong that human group was.

These carriages driving was a bit different from earth carriages, and only some driver drove the carriage, mostly people just sat on the driver seat or sat on the roof of the carriage to guard it.

For Moesat carriage, no one was driving the carriage or no one on the roof to guard the carriage.

Because the carriage pulling beasts were intelligent so they did not need someone to drive them but there were always time in need of a leader or someone for emergency situation.

If there is no leader or driver and enemies attacked on them. Then these carriages would face the big problem.

For that reason some people stay outside to watch or guard.

As for Moesat carriage, they were only at the second position from last carriage and Qi Krin was guarding them. So they did not need to guard it.

If there was a emergency situation, and Danny Xu would decide where to lead the carriage so they also did not need a driver.


In the carriage, Moesat was sitting down comfortably and Areum was guarding him. Three dog children were quietly crouch down and looking at Moesat.

Actually, Moesat did not have time to leisurely sitting down, he is now training his 'Seeing Eyes' ability.

He is trying to control his energy to slow it down within the energy veins and send it into his eyes.

The eyes were very soft part of the body, so if something bad happen and he would lost his vision.

And he also needed to careful about outside world too because he is on the carriage and travelling. As the carriage is moving there could be a chance to bump on a gap or stone.

So, why would he risked to train now?

That was simple, the real fight could take place anywhere or everywhere. And Moesat really needed to train how to control his energy in every situation.

All his fighting before were sort of like a wild beast fighting.

They decided to do it now because the risk is very small on doing that.

The risking involved in everywhere and everytime, and they could not evade all the time.

All of the warriors needed to train this kind of skill, as it is the part of the fighting.

Is there should be a fighter who could not see the fast moving object?

But how much they could see the fast moving object is different to each and everyone.


Moesat carefully moves his energy into his eyes, but when it went into the eyes, the energy was like a waterfall, it pour down into the empty space with rage.

But Moesat did not shock from it, he clamly reduce the rate of energy flow and trying to use Sun Moon cultivation in his eyes.

Energy were slowly become stable and fuse into his eyes cells to make a home for themselves.

After that his eyes were start sending data into the brain by using his nerves, even if his both eyes were closed.

So Moesat needed to follow his nerves and he notice that his nerves were overused by too many data.

Again Moesat needed to cultivate around his nerves, after his energy roated in his neves and fuse with nerves cells.

That made his nerves cells were getting stronger. But it is not the end. The data were continue on it way to his brain.

There he got another problem, that was too many data made him head in pain. And it put too much pressure on his brain.

He again cultivate and circulate his energy in his brain. This time he needed too much time to circulate in his brain cells.

And he found that there were some semi-blocked blood vessels and blocked energy vessels. His brain and nerves were not properly working or his brain is not at its' full function.

But that does not make him stupid, it made him only a bit slower than his normal brain usage.

So he used his time to circulate his energy all over his brain for trying to rapire.

After that all his energy were went back into energy reservoir which is near his heart.

'Seeing eyes ability' is not all finished learning yet but next time he send his energy into his ears.

Every process for ears was same as eyes, and he did not stop only at eyes and ears.

He continued training on other three more senses. He slowly and stably train all his five senses.

He did not train only one sense until it finished because that could make his five senses were balance off.

He did not want his eyes could see very fast moving objects but all other could not catch up his eyes.

So he build up all five senses slowly.

Day by day, He trains slowly and stably.

After two weeks of his training, he stopped his training on the carriage while travelling with some speed and he tried to test his senses abilities.

He looked outside of moving carriage from the small window, and he used his sensing ability.

Many objects that outside of the carriage were passing through fast pace on the small window view. But he could see even see detail of the passing tree branches.

Even if all his training were not done yet and now he could clearly see many time more than before on fast moving objects.

His ears could be heard every steps of carriage pulling beasts and he could even counts all their steps.

His skin could sense the change of the wind.

He is now enjoying the new three senses and open his smell sense or nose sense.


He nearly vomit because of the incoming bad smell and many smells. All the smells came into his nose made his head spin.

He right away used his both on his nose trying to cut off the incoming smells but he could not stop all of it.

He could not help and he is now trying to stop his breathing.

"Lu Lu please help me." He called help in his mind toward Lu Lu.


Lu Lu laughed after seeing Moesat but she did not pause a second, and she send fragrant smell from a flower into Moesat nose.

After that she pat on Moesat back, and she is trying to easy Moesat dizziness with worry.

Even though she laughed at him, she still worry.

That fragrant from the flower and Lu Lu care for him, that two things made Moesat ease from suffering but still he could still smell some bad smells.

The ability did not end for a few minute.

He could easily avoid all that bad smells by entering his item bag space but three small dogs were looking at him.

If he enter the item bag now and all of the scrifice of Nana and Enna would be turn to naught.

So he just stay outside and endure it.

Anyway there were no doubt that his smell sense was more senstive than other normal people. It is same to all other his senses.

Not only all of his senses improved, his brain and his energy control is getting better than before.

He was so happy with all his improvement but he did not notice one thing.

That was his illness or lose energies inside of his body were slowly invading into his five senses system and his brain cells.