
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

My stupid seniors.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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While treating injuries of five children, Moesat tried to ask how to treat Areum hand but these doctors could not cure her hand.

These doctors told him, he needed to ask professional specialist doctor for Areum hand. And they were happy inside because this small child, who threaten them, got a big problem.

If Moesat goes and threaten a professional specialist doctors, it is end for him. These doctor hate this small child for threatening them.


Moesat is not stupid, he was just thinking in simple way. Now he is slowly understand the way of people.

So he tried to ask what is that professional people? Why would normal doctors not called as a professional?

But Areum stopped him to wait for the day he got stronger. She told him knowing too much is not good.

Moesat does not like it but he decided to wait.

Two children who got injuries need to stay some time in the clinic, so other three decided to work there for paying their debt.


Moesat stayed in a Areums' small hut.

All schools allow children register for one whole month because many people come from far away. And after the registration, they made all children wait until entrance test date.

But all the school entrance test date is same. These schools were testing at same date, because lower rank schools also want a good students too.


For example,

If good rank school takes an entrance test first before other school

And all the children will go for it. After these children fail at that top school they will go to other.


That mean all genius go to good rank and failure go to other. All others school don't want it.

And moreover,

All the schools have their pride, they don't want to be a second choice.


So that, some talent children, who are not sure for entering a top rank school and they should register other.


And again, if all schools make entrance test combine together, and all the talented children were garbed by top schools too.

So it happened like that and what is a reason for opening other low ranks school?



The top of the top talented children will go to top rank school, that could not be helped.

But still some schools were trying lure top talented children with profit.


If some people thought that they were so talented and applied for top rank but they failed. And that made them wait for two years for another test.


All the school were competitive to each other too. And they all were taking tuition fee.


Top Schools were accepting children in two kind,

One should be with talent or one with money or powerful people support.


Other school were accepting poor children and let them work for school.

But there were no free school available.


The big market is around 3 miles square. South side were mostly selling cheap item and north side selling expensive things.

When Areum and Moesat arrived at the registration place which is in the middle of market, they saw many people who were wearing a good fabric clothes.

Mostly normal people wear many kind of leather clothes.


Areum told Moesat that,

Red clothes with small black Asia dragons image on it, they were from Royal Dragon sect.

White silver with a pair of wing image on their back, they were from Silver Wings sect.

Blue clothes with 'Heaven and Edge' One Big Word on each hands, they were Heaven Edge sect.

White clothes with small Cloud feather image on their chest, they were Cloud field sect.


These fabric clothes were only for elites. But for all other follower were wearing leather clothes and a brooch on their chest. Brooches are same design like image on the clothes.


But there were many people wearing red clothes. Even if all were not elites disciple.

This is showing for their sects' money and power. Leather wearing people from Royal Dragon sect were their slaves.


Some people even wear outer layer clothes with their Sect image too.

Many other people around registration area were looking at the Aura of these fibre clothes wearing people and dreaming of one day they will show off like these people.


But Moesat looks at them and said,

"Ohh, different colour people."

What he wanted to say is different colour clothes wearing people.


Moesat likes red colour, so he looks at red people and ask Areum,

"Noona, Which school am I going to register? Definitely not a white clothes with feather!!!"

Moesat changed his looks toward beautiful people who wears white clothes with feather and ask toward Areum.


Around these white feather clothes beautiful people, there were many red, wings, and blue were showing off their colour.

Because Cloud field sect is Female sect.


"You are going to register my sect, Heaven Edge."

When he heard Areum answer,


Moesat frown and looks at,

A stupid man wearing blue clothes, standing with his arms crossed on his chest.

When his arms across "Heaven Edge" Word appear and he is showing off to beautiful girls.


"Noona, I don't want to be stupid like him."

Moesat complain about stupid looking guy from Heaven edge.


"So, do you wanted to be stupid like that one?"

Areum show another with White silver clothes.


That guy is stand his back toward White feather clothes wearing females. Showing off his two wings.

And his head is nearly 180 turned and looking at white feather females while dripping down his saliva.


Looking at the man with wings,

"No, not that one. I likes red colour but."


There were some Red clothes men sitting near at white feathers and some slaves were using ancient long fan and wind blow on him, even if it is cool weather outside.

And they must have brought that chairs and fans with them all the time.

Here is north side of the continent, the weather is usually cold if there is not a sun out there.


Moesat continues and finished his word.

"It looks like I should choose other school."


Moesat then looking at Areum and

"I don't want these stupid people to be my senior."



Moesat got hit on his head by Areum.

Moesat did not know why Areum angry by calling 'these stupid seniors.'



Areum got bitten on her right hand by unknown. She shouted and trying to wave her hand.

Moesat quickly hold Areum right and,


"Don't, Lu Lu could got hurt."

That was Lu Lu, she bite Areum for hitting Moesat on his head.


"Lu Lu come back."

"If you dare hit my Dad again, I will bite you to dead."

Lu Lu face pout and said with anger, she told into Areums' mind directly. And she flew back.


Moesat looks around with concern but,

They were far from other so no one notice or hear what they said.


"Like father like daughter, you both bully me." Areum pout likes a big child.

But she continues explain about sects.


Royal Dragon sect good in every skills and education. A bit better than all other top sects in general.


Cloud Field sect a bit lower in general than Royal Dragon sect but their main skill is way better than all other sect.

Their main skill is gentle and fast movement. Stealth attacking is good and their movement is also elegant. They also good at hidden weapons.


Silver wings sect same as Cloud Field in general but the best is their speed.


Heaven Edge sect, their general skill were lower than Royal Dragon sect and higher than other two.

But their best is defence or endurance.


"So, In conclusion, my Heaven Edge is the best." Areum told Moesat in proud.


"Mmmmm… I see!!!!"

Moesat made deep thinking while looking at Areum. And he nods his head and made remark with smile.


"You!!! small brat." Areum angry and lift her hand trying to hit but she stopped her hand in the air and look around for incoming attack from Lu Lu.


They saw many people fighting along the way but they don't have to fight on that day.

They went back home after they register at Heaven Edge.


In the Metal world the best thing is a metal.

So around a market place, Moesat saw many beautiful Metal Work or Metal Art.

Technology is same like 1700 century on Earth but there were many different kind of metal found on there.


House were built with Metal and roof were built to control heat. Different colour of Metal makes house were beautiful and looks strong.


Strong warriors were fighting all the time. If they don't have strong house or furniture, they will needed to replace all the time.


Not only houses, there were also horse carriages, accessories, weapons, and armours.

Even though they don't have Metal mixing technology(Metallurgy), they could even found better than a titanium metal on that Metal world.


Many metal does not mean that other things could not be found. Non metal were also found too.


There were three different types of pure metal found in most of pure metal.

For example: Bronze low, Bronze mid and high


Money exchange is bronze low x 100 to silver low x 1,

Bronze mid x 1 to silver low x 1,

Bronze high x 1 to silver low x 100. Same go for silver to gold.


If it is on earth, these metals would be given different name but here they just gave rank because it has same but stronger colour and ability.


When Areum and Moesat got back home, they found five children were waiting at the door.

They were kick out from clinic but they stopped Moesat not to make anymore problem to clinic.


They told Moesat that their lives were saved and that is enough.

They don't have anywhere to go and Moesat got idea.


These children could do many things, so Moesat asked them to disassemble many Moon beasts dead bodies.


They needs money for food and tuition fee.

All stay in run down hut but everyone happily eat and sleep after working hard disassembling.


Next day,

Areum went back to her master, Kwon Sung Min: High level weapon forming stage, to inform about Moesat.

Kwon Sung Min is second head master of Heaven Edge branch of Soong City. There were two second head masters at Soong City.

They were fighting for head master position. Who got better student and made name for their school will level up to head master.

Kwon Sung Min was in advance before, because he got Areum as his disciple. But Areum got problem and his opposition reached to advance position.


Moesat and children groups go to registration area and they will wait for Areum to sell his items.

Five children wanted to enrol top no. 10 school.

While they were waiting other children were trying to provoke them.


Telling them, "poor slaves trying to get in the good school. Or told them to become their lackey."

But these five children do not respond and Moesat don't kill and eat weakling.

So they neglect all other.


When Areum arrived she looks happy and lead them to sell their items.

But she did not know which shop is good or bad.


While they were looking, a sixteen years old boy come out to them?

"Do you wants to sell Moon beast skins and meat?"



"I know a good place to pay good. Follow me!"

Without saying any the boy lead them with smile.


When they reach back of big shop store, a buyer come and check their item.

"These were good items, less damage on the skin. Who kill it?"

A big muscle and fat buyer ask them.


"Me." Moesat told him as he thought he does not need to lie.


When the big man hear it and he looks at six children and Areum who got injuries on her left hand.

And all were look poor.


He smile and nods at the sixteen year old boy who took Areum group here.

And the boy gave signal.