
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Magic Laws and equations.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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To all reader,

I tried to talk with many news channels, they don't care about that because I could not tell them, on the phone or email, what I found.

I tried to talk face to face with just one reporter but no response.

I even tried to contact solicitors for registration, they also neglected it when I said that I found a new thing.

And also Guinness world records too. And they respond to me but that is not what I want.

I have a question for you all,

"What would you do when you accidentally found something new?"

"But you also have to protect it from other people taking it from you too."

I am still trying.

(P.S, I did not find a magic. What I found is related to the human body medical science, and I found that some informations that they knew is incomplete. If I tell them, they will bury my name and they will take it away from me.)




The fire lady continued to explain about the basics of magic.

To attack a physical body or thing, magic needed to have some sort of physical properties or physical law in it.

Like magic arrows.

It is a physical magic energy arrow, and it could be shot the same as normal arrows. It applies the law of motion, so it has range and it could not fly forever. If it did not hit a target and it would disappear in the air.

No one could not shoot full speed zigzag arrows or constant speed zigzag arrows. Every change in the directions, it would lose its speed if there is no additional energy is applying on it.

It is the same as a fireball or fire cannon shot. It could only shoot within a range and could not fly zigzag with full speed.

Because of the physical properties, magic fire would be extinguished if it touched with an enough amount of natural water.

Magic law is too much related to natural physical law.

So, an item or a body could not just float in the air without any additional force against the gravity. There are some skills that could make something float but it is not forever and it will drop down when the energy is used up.

And it moves to one direction and there must be energy involved in it.

With the only additional energy applied on an arrow and it could fly in zigzag at full speed.

Some people use psychic energy or magic energy to control an arrow in the air like a homing missile but psychic energy or magic energy has it range too.

There may be some item that was made by magic science, that could move zigzag in full speed. But it would always be cost and effective.

The natural arrow and magic arrow are different at the end. The natural arrow is still stuck on a target but the magic arrow disappears into the air.

Magic energy is powerful so it needs to be refined before it is stored in a living thing body. But is it still harmful to its owner body if it was used in the wrong way.

Many of heaven and earth cultivators died when their cultivation deviations and the magic energy went away in the wrong way.

Magic abilities do not have cool down time but the usage is too much and magic vessels in the body would be worn down and broken.

While refining a magic energy into a body, magic DNA is formed. So that it could stay in the owner's body and the owner could use that magic energy in less harm to their bodies.

Because of the magic DNA is different between two people, two fire magic users could fight with their own magic.

Two fireballs from two magic users could be collide and explode because of the different magic DNA

If the magic DNA is the same and it would be fused to become one.

For this reason, magic users have a hard time to heal on other and magic doctors become essential.


Using Magic is like a car or a human body.

It needed an energy resource, storage tank, engine, connection mechanism and body.

Energy resources are magic mana. (food for humans or fuel for cars.)

Storage tank is a magic reservoir or magic core. But humans store energy in their cells. (explain more in later part.)

Engine is a cultivation method in heaven and earth warriors. (for normal humans... it is human heart)

Connection mechanism is magic energy channels or magic veins. (blood vessels)

Car body is a magic skill, it is formed in different ways for different movements, it is the same like human body movement.

A leg is used for walking or a kick or a car body is used for move or smash down.


The better the engine(cultivation method), the faster the car would be...but connection mechanism(magic veins) is important too.

Engine is good but the connection mechanism is bad and the car is not going to move at a fast speed.

If too much speed is used on a car with a bad connection mechanism(magic vessels) and connection mechanism would be broken.

The fuel is another important part of a good car too.

Some people on Earth do not know that there are very weak car fuels used in some parts of poor countries.

Using this weak fuel in modern cars, and these modern cars would not move.

Same like aeroplane fuel and normal car fuel.

And the last is the fuel tank. The faster the car and the more fuel is used. There was never a faster car with less fuel used. The stronger the magic power the more mana is used.

So, to become a fast car, it needs proper fuel, engine, connection mechanism, fuel tank and car body.

For Moesat, he got a good engine(cultivation technique), very good connection mechanism(energy veins) and a very big fuel tank(he did not notice that he got a very big magic core.)

That is why he could move very fast and attack power is better but he is using too much energy. And he did not have good attacking skills.


About the fuel or magic mana,

Pure magic energy does not mean that it is a good magic energy.

Good refining method could produce good fuel but it is not the best. (it would be explained more in later chapters in a new place.)

Magic energy power could be increased when it becomes gas stage to liquid stage or solid stage. The more situated and the more powerful it becomes. This is one way to improve warrior power and it is also called stage change or level up.

But there is more about it.

Moesat group have better magic energy than other, so there is no strange that they are more overpower than other.

On the Earth, connection mechanisms could only transfer around 30% of energy from engine to the wheel.

Or that is the same in many manufacturing factories.

NASA showed that they could transfer the energy in the best way, but cost and effectiveness is not good to use in commercials.

Anyway, the energy transfer that NASA could do is around 30%.

(in reality...if you could make just 1% more energy transfer and you would become a millionaire for sure. If you could make 5% more energy transfer and you would become the world richest man for sure.)


So most of the energy is lost in the transfer.

But everything in the universe could not be created or destroyed, so the lost magic energy in transfer diffuses into the human body.

And it becomes a defence for the human body.

In the beast's body, mana were trapped in their cells, so their defence or physical body is stronger than normal magic cultivator humans.

But Moesat body is same like beast body so his physical body is stronger than normal magic cultivator human.

Again, the mana is not fused into the cells, it is only trapped. If the mana is fused with the cells and the cells could automatically absorb the mana if it was used.

It is the same like mana is trapped in the soil and the soil that is used for magic plant plantation in the blood ring. If the soil is fused with mana, and it could automatically refill the mana.

So, that magic energy fusing body is more powerful.

Yet, Moesat group do not have a method to fuse magic energy into their cells for now.


Many living things on that continent could only transfer 1% of magic energy from the magic core to where the skill is performed. And they all got poor magic energy quality.

Moesat got 5% of magic energy transfer rate and a few times better magic energy quality. And the magic energy, mana that is trapped in his cells, that helps him to transfer rate 5%.

(A/N: If there is something wrong in calculation please skip it, I admit that I am too lazy to calculate now.)

But when he uses magic and his power is fifty times higher than others at the same stage. It is because he uses more mana than others too.

When others use 10 mana points and he uses 30 to 50 mana points.

Moesat got big magic energy veins that allow him to transfer more fuel or mana points than others too.

If magic mana is fused with Moesat cells and Moesat would become better and stronger.

From the fire lady view…

At the beginning… Lu Lu is the best at energy transfer, followed by Enna and Nana, after that Areum and the last is Moesat.

But Moesat got helped by the Sun Moon cultivation Sutra, so he is now better than Areum.

Enna and Nana needed to grow up to be better than Moesat and…

Lu Lu has an energy body and she is slowly forming a physical body. For that moment she could not use all of her power or her body would be destroyed if she used too much magic energy.

If she forms a full physical body with magic fusing cells at 100% and she would become a very strong warrior.

She needed to be growing up in the opposite direction of Moesat, and Moesat needed to fuse magic mana into his physical cells to become 100% magic fusing physical body.

But there was no God with a 100% magic body. It is too hard to get a 100% magic fusing cell body.

If there is someone got 30% magic fusing body and they called them a seamless body or perfect warrior body. And they could transfer around 35% of magic energy in their body.

While others could only transfer 10% of magic energy and these perfect body warriors could transfer 35% in the same stage, so that they were called as MC or hero in many universes.


Magic energy power, magic veins, magic core and magic body could be improved at higher stages but someone who is better at the foundation and they got a better situation than someone who only has a poor foundation.

But everything is possible, so everything could be changed later too, if someone got a fortunate encounter at a higher stage.


Moesat is strong but there were some races who are too strong.

These races, the power of one year old could be enough to destroy the whole continent that Moesat live at.

But these races did not born from these lower stages, they all were born at higher stages and grow up to higher stages.

So...as far as the fire lady has seen… Moesat is the strongest in the foundation stage realm cultivator.

But still the fire lady wants more.

She told Moesat not to rush to finish the foundation stage. She want Moesat to be the best to build up while in foundation stage.

This is one of the reasons that they came to a very low stage world than the powerful races world.

Because the powerful races are born to skip over the foundation realm stage.

The powerful races are too powerful at all times but they could hardly reach to the real God realm stage.

But they claim themselves as Gods and no one would dare to say no as it is too hard to reach the real God realm.

That foundation stage is the neglected effect of the strong races, but….

For the weak race, if they build up a really good foundation and they could have a chance to reach the real God realm.
