
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Lee Areum.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

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When Moesat heard what Long Wei said, he turn back at Long Wei with anger….

"I did not lost, I did not lost. If you think you are winning, do you dare to bet again?"

Moesat told the Long Wei with anger, it is like a stubborn child who is trying to denial the reality of his lost.


But Long Wei is cleaver too, he just do not accept the bet that he do not know what is betting.

"Tell me what do you wanted to bet? I am not stupid to bet like '''who is younger between us and the younger one would win'''. I am not going to bet this stupid kind of bet."

Long Wei is trying to destroy the loot hole in the bet.


Moesat stops and thinks with his face too dark.

After a while he said,

"In the coming competition, there were one reward for a person who would get the most points and he would be reward with rank 7 metal?"


"That right, what do you want to bet? Do you want to bet that you could get the most point?"

Long Wei said it loud to make sure many people heard it.

The audiences were watching them with interestingly, they like to watch a show and for this reason they were here.

And there is more new show coming next, so they were happy to watch. Whatever the show would be, a monkey show or even an ant fighting, they love to watch it.


"Yap, that is it but now is too much boring, so let make it to more amusing?"

Moesat told them after looking at everyone.

"OK...Tell us, how do you want to make it to become a more fun?"

The prince of Yonan told Moesat after looking back at his group.

Many people were quietly listen but they were not idiot. They knew that this little guy is crock and at the same time they thought Moesat is just a stubborn brat.

But they could not actually find out what was real answer for this little guy.

In previous event with Doctor Yon Pon, they thought that little devil is trying to cheat Yon Pon money but the little devil lost the bet.


"OK. Listen carefully, we will chose one or two candidate from each a sect or from a big family or whatever. Only this candidate would be fight for the top, or the most points event."

"Each candidate have to give participation fee or entrance fee of 1000 gold, if a sect want two disciples to enter and they have to give 2000 gold."

"As I said before whoever could enter this event mean… everyone who is in the sect or outsider warrior… but everyone should be under 30 years old age."

"And the main important thing is, the one who got most point would get all of the entrance fee from all participants as an extra winning reward."

"And there would be no rule of how to get moon beast corpses, because even if there is a rule, there would be a cheater."

"And no rule would make more exciting for everyone, and that would become an exciting bet for all spectators."

The no rule would make people harder to guess who would win.


"For the bet, there would be someone who could take all the bet."

"And to get the proper result, we need two group of judges who will take and keep the every records. There would be always in front of two side of judges to make a record and in front of many spectators."

"As the judges were very important, and one side judge is missing at any moment and everything would be investigated right away."

"And every update of a record would be shown on announce board to let everyone see it."

Moesat stopped to continue too much in detail, there are some gap and loot hole in there but he left it because many of them would cheat one way or another.

And Moesat group is already prepared, they already thought for three or more steps or the last step and still their aim and objective is hidden.


Many of them notice that Moesat is like a normal child, but they never thought this much.

After hearing many thing from Moesat they were so amazed. And they were more confuse about Moesat.


"This is too many things, we need a meeting to get agreement to change this much in the competition."

One of the old elder with power said it after a deep thinking.

"Yap, I did not say, we have to do it right away, anyway there were many people are still coming to Goon city and we still get some time. After you finished your decision and let us know."

Moesat told all of these people and their group quickly left from that place because there are many thing they needed to do next.


At that time, Yon Pon and Long Wei is thinking,

'''If this little devil could think that much ahead and why did he lose the bet or the inn?'''

But they could get the right answer.


The time of now is still in food crisis in Goon city.

Many hunters, who went out for food, have not came back yet and so as the group of soldiers have not got back yet.

There would be a next week around, they would be back and the food problem would be sort.


Moesat group quickly went to many shop to buy….

Medicine ingredients that would be needed to make five different kind of pills. Moesat bought all of it and at the same time he sold…



From 500 gold before,

Less than 100 gold is for compensation to shop owners,

100 gold around for their food, because they have their own stored food before they bought this many food.

So around 300 gold equivalent of extra food in Moesat storage. And they should just keep it or sell it at….

High price?


Moesat did not sell every food at once, because that could make the price would go low and…

They sold out low quality food at double price, better quality food at triple and better wine at five time of normal price to high society.


As in an every big fight or war, there were always casualties. And now it is the same as war, there were starving people.

But luckily there were not small children live in this dangerous Goon city.


For this reason, every fighter should not be hypocrite to say there were no victim in their fight and they also have to harden their mind before they fought a war.


On the way back to their inn, Moesat group is walking leisurely under the sun.

"Some people are following us."

Elder Park is trying to warn all of them but no one is surprise about it.

Moesat did not understand these people, and he talk himself 'Why don't they calculate before they fight?"


Soon ten of hidden people go ahead and block Moesat group way.

"we are just a poor warriors, we are starving, so please donate us before you go."

A big man with big axe, look like a leader of the group, told them to donate.

They were all Metal Core stage 6 to 10 level strong people, there were three women in there but all of them do not look like a villain in the movie.

All of them wearing leather clothes with level 3 or 4 hardness weapons. All of them were strong.

So, if someone really think that, these ten people were really starving and asking for donation, that someone must be stupid.


"There are more than ten people still hidden, why don't you all come out and fight with us?"

That is elder Mioh, she is impatient so she tried to call everyone out but no one came out.

That trigger elder Mioh anger more and she jumped on the ten people in front of her and she starts attacking them.

There were three Metal Core stage 10 people in the robbing group and…


Elder Mioh used her plum and strike on the leader chest.

The big leader changed Metgiktran form and used his big axe cover in front of him to defence elder Mioh strike.

At the same time, all other changed into Metgiktran form and a woman near the big man stab elder Mioh with her one and half feet long short sword.

The stabbing sword is like a lighting toward elder Mioh but elder Mioh quickly withdraw her strike and step back.

Her movement were using cloud stepping ability so her whole body is like a cotton moving in a wind.

Another side of the big leader is with a big sabre and he is same distance as woman with short sword who stabbed elder Mioh.

When elder Mioh came into his attack range he slashed down on elder Mioh on her back.


When elder Mioh started her attack, elder Park could not stand still so he already transform and rush to follow elder Mioh.

Same as elder Park, Areum took out her katana and jumped into the fight.

When elder Park saw elder Mioh got attacked from her back, he used his pole strike to attack the big sabre man in hurry.

Thousand pole ability strike in 60 degree cone AOE in front, starting from big sabre man to another two men within the area.


Using his violent over myths energy technique and he was hurry to attack, so elder Park could not control his power.

The pole violently strike on the big sabre man.

The big sabre man stopped his attacking on elder Mioh and defence the pole strike with his big sabre while holding his big sabre with his both hands.

But the pole with violent power break the big sabre into many pieces and break the big sabre man both hands.

The pole strike is continue go on, finally, it directly hit on the big sabre man body.

On the big sabre man metal body, there is a big dent appear on his metal body chest and blown away. But the pole strike continue on it way to other two in 60 degree cone area.

This two men used their weapon and trying to stop the pole together but they got blown away some step back.

They successfully defence the pole strike but they felt their inner parts of their bodies were breaking apart. They throw out some blood from their mouths.


Elder Park notice that Areum was following them, so he looked at Areum with worried but he saw one man and one woman were already cut in half on their bodies and Areum is chasing another man who is retreating in hurried.

And elder Park noticed that Areum did not need his help so he looked back at elder Mioh.

Elder Mioh is evading short sword swift attacks and big axe killing blow like a leave in a tornado.

Other two people were trying to surround elder Mioh and trying to attack on her evading way.

Elder Park used his pole to horizontal strike toward a man and a woman who were trying to surround elder Mioh.

Two of them evade the pole strike so they back away from elder Mioh evading way.


Elder Park looked back to Areum again after he strike to break off two attackers.

He saw Areum is like a phantom moving between three men and slashing them from every weak side.

After he knew Areum is still safe, he used his pole to attack the man who move away from elder Mioh evading path.

And elder Park jump and kick at the big axe which was striking on elder Mioh.

That made elder Mioh got a gap of time, so she follow after the another evader, the last woman.

The short sword woman alerted and quickly follow elder Mioh.

The last woman is slashing down on elder Mioh with her three feet long sword.

Elder Mioh turn her body to one side and continue advance toward long sword woman and when she got near to long sword woman.

Elder Mioh used her plum and strike gentlely on the woman chest.

There were nothing happen outside but long sword woman shock inside her body and she stops moving for a second.

Elder Mioh rotated her body to evade the short sword attack from her back and she reach to the longsword woman back.

Elder Mioh quickly strike three time from the long sword woman back.

All of the elder Mioh strike were using gentle over myth method energy, so it did not show a change at outside of a body but it shock inside of the long sword woman body.

After three more strike the long sword woman is dead inside but nothing changed outside and she moved forward that her facing.

At her facing, the short sword was there, so the dead body go straight into the sword.

The short sword woman was in rush, so she could not stop her sword that go into the long sword woman body and that shook the short sword woman heart.

And she took back her short sword and looked back for help but she saw many people of her group were already dead.

There were four of them still alive but while she was watching, Areum cut off the head of the last one from three men.

As the head flew, the short sword woman heart freeze, and she starts running away.

"Help, help, these killers are killing people."

The short sword woman shouted, if no one know what was really happen here and they would think Moesat group were killing free in day light.

But no one come out from hidden and saving these people, moreover some of the hidden people were moving away now.


The short sword woman shouting make elder Mioh stop for a second and the woman already reach 5 meter away from her.

At the time, elder Mioh got her awareness back, the short sword woman is already reach 10 meter away.

Elder Mioh wanted to chase but she saw Areum is moving toward the short sword woman like a phantom, so she turn toward the last one man standing.

Now only the leader left, and elder Park already took down another man.

Soon, all ten of them die.


After ten of these robber die, Areum, elder Park and Mioh walk toward back to their group without changing their bodies back to normal human form.

"Why is three of you still here? Wanna come out or what?"

Elder Mioh asked again because three people were still hidden.


With the call from elder Mioh, three people walk out.

They wear a cotton cloth, that mean they came from rich people.

The leader of three is at the weapon forming stage but two other were only at metal core high stage.

They did not come near, they were afraid of Moesat group is showing obviously without needed to say a thing.

"We are from the Lee family, we came here for Lee Areum."