
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

If you want it… and take it.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

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As the another big army come from their back, Nana told Moesat to retreat back into inn from the main street. And let all the weak students and teachers leave the inn.

Moesat followed her instruction and told both leader of two sects.

Both leaders quickly withdraw everyone into inn and asked them to leave from the back of the inn.

All the people who stay behind were strong. But if they really compare to other warriors in the continent they were the strongest in less than 1% of humanity.

Even students and teachers who withdraw from inn were upper 10% of humanity.


The people who stay behind were at least weapon forming stage elders except Moesat group.


While their two sects were withdrawing back into inn, the clown prince wanted to attack but no one moved.

Because all of them noticed that, there were another big group is coming toward them and if they were attacking to each other at that time….

And the third party will be so happy.

So, everyone wait for unknown big group. But most of experienced people could guess who were the new comer is.


Just as they thought, the new comer is Yonan country army combine with their sects and school warriors.

Soon they stop face to face with Seolleon army in front of the inn but no one came into the inn front yard.


"Ohh, hoo, my royal brother, do you need my help to take over a small inn?"

The leader prince of Yonan sneer and make a joke on the Seolleon crown prince.

They all were the younger generation of the continent hero(the first king of humanity), so in the way of blood relation, they were relative but they were always looking for a chance to take over other country.

The prince of Yonan is just arrived but he already knew what was happen here, that mean the spies were already reported him what was happen here.


"This is my business, I don't need your help."

The crown prince Long So Ba told back at the leader prince of Yonan, Long Wei.


Now three forces were in triangle position. And no one dare to start fight, whoever the two groups, who started fighting would become the losing group for sure.

Long Wei looked at the inn and,

"This place is nice, I like this place too."

He talks himself but he make sure that everyone could hear it.


"I am dealing with the rebellion, don't involve with it."

Long So Ba said it with anger.

"Really???, that great would you going to fight with them?, good, good, go and fight with them at somewhere else or building would collapse."

Long Wei told to Long So Ba without caring about Moesat group.


Chi Jn Su could not stay still, if he leave Long So Ba just like that and they group would suffer for sure.

So he went near to Long So Ba and whisper, that make Long So Ba face very dark but he clam down from his anger.


After looking at Long So Ba quiet down, Long Wei looked back at Moesat group who were at the base of the inn but he saw no one there.

But his instinct told him and he looked up to the inn roof and he found Moesat group was standing on there.


Both of the princes were on their ride, so Moesat group had to look up before.

Therefore, Moesat changed their place and now the both princes would need to look up to them.


Long Wei looked at coldly and arrogantly said,

"I wanted this place,…. Leave."

He gave out his command on Moesat group.


Moesat calmly looked at him and said in very clam voice.

"Come in…."

He invited.


But no one dare to go into the inn premises, both Long families side know about Moesat group power.

They also knew that they could win the Moesat group if they used all out of their attack but no one wanted to lose their force.


"Hahaha, Go in!!!! What are you waiting for Long Wei."

Long So Ba made a joke on Long Wei now.

Long Wei face changed but it is just a very few second. He clam down again. Long Wei could control his anger more than Long So Ba.

All of the three forces stop for a while and thinking what to do next.


But for Moesat group, they already got their aim and objective, so they would move to next step.

"I have one thing to ask both of you… What is that you all really want??? this inn or our lives."

Moesat started their new plan.

Everyone knew that, this both Long families wanted to kill Moesat group but….

"I want the inn… what about you Long So Ba."

Long Wei one step back in his mind, reduce his anger and arrogant. He told himself...

'''this is not the time yet.'''

And he answered it.


Long So Ba gave out long sigh and,

"I want the inn too."


"OK… I will give you one suggestion."

Moesat told them, and he stopped and wait for some time gap.

When all the other were listening,

"First, we will cease fighting around this city."

"For that, I will leave this building here and we leave from here."

"But who would take this building is, for you two to decide."

Moesat stopped.


Long Wei frown and think,

"I agree.."

And he said it, this is the best choice for them without losing their face, so why not take it.


"I agree too…, Do we need writing document for this?"

Long So Ba thought the same too. He told himself that ''I will kill this little devil and this rubbish Long Wei later.''


"No, need for writing document, but everyone around here heard that we agree it, if someone break it and the whole three countries would know about your breaking promise."

Moesat stopped but that is not the end.

"Even if one of your solider or your side attack us in future, that is same as breaking the promise..."

"After someone attacked us and, don't say that…. ''''I don't know about the attack''''. Do you all agree???"

Moesat tried not to leave a lose end or loop hole.


"I agree."

Both princes agreed.


"OK… give me a minute to take our thing before we leave."

Moesat told them to wait.


At that time, Moesat said they were leaving and some people were happy inside.

There were many people who were watching at their fight and this event, some people were jealous about Moesat group, who could fight back against the Royal family army.

They wanted to see Moesat group lose and run away. Now their wish came true.

Especially, both of the princes and the metal shop owner who want justice.


Now Moesat asked both of their sects elders people...

"Is there anyone of you got big space ring? Size of at least 300 feet long, 200 feet wide and 50 feet high?"


Both of sects elders were standing there and listening what Moesat told with these two princes.

They were not just standing there for nothing, they were their eyes on Moesat. Most of everything Moesat done is good and...

Moesat did not make wrong thing so they let Moesat do as he wish.

But they did not like Moesat show off.

And these elders did not want to fight in losing battle, so even if they did not want to lose their inn, they did not have a better choice.


But at the time Moesat asked them about space ring, and they all confused.

They were right away notice some idea about why Moesat asked them.

They knew 300 feet, 200 feet and 90 feet high is the size of the inn building.



Is that Moesat break his promise and took the inn??

So why is 50 feet high?? not 90 feet?

And taking the inn is not possible. Because of the base is buried in the ground.


The big space ring is rare, that does not mean it does not exit. There is some big space rings, even Yang Che invisible ring has bigger space.

But Moesat asked for other space ring because they did not want to use their ring.

"Yes, we got it."

Cloud Field sect leader and elder Eun answered.

"Ok wait a bit please..."

And Moesat run down. A few moment later he got back.

He asked some elders to go some positions, that is out side of building wall surface.

That is a place between fourth floor's roof and fifth floor's floor.(keep the ground floor as floor 1.)


All of the other people were looking at the strange movement of Moesat group with wonder in their head.


When two sect elder people got their positions and Moesat said,,,

"Lift it up, please."

All elder hold one hand on fourth floor and another hand on fifth floor and lift it up.

Building is separated into two half. 5,6 and top floors were separated from lower half building.

Moesat asked the Cloud Field sect leader,

"Please keep it in the space ring."

And the upper half of the inn vanished.


That was Lu Lu idea, she knew more about the technology and her building. She hate being lose her items or profit.

If they needed to lose their building, and she wanted to take some of it. So she decided to take good upper half or better half of the inn.

She cut off some joint between fourth floor and fifth floor, as the building is built like Lego pieces.


"What are you doing???"

Long So Ba asked in confused and anger.

"I am taking my half, what wrong is that?"

Moesat answered from the fourth floor roof.

After upper half is taken and they all jump down on the fourth floor roof.


"What wrong??? You are taking the building and asking me what wrong???? you are now breaking your promise!!!"

Long So Ba tried to talk in anger but idiot is an idiot. Moreover the anger made him more idiot.


"Where did break my promise??? Don't you see a building down there??? Did I ever said that I will leave the whole building???"

Moesat stomp down on the building with his leg and told the clown prince.(Moesat is showing the building with his leg not with his hand.)

Moesat fought back in talkie while shouting to let all of the bystander hear it.


"You… you.."

Long So Ba is so angry but he don't know what to do or what to say.


"What??? you don't want it???? or do you want to break your ROYAL PROMISE AND WANT TO ATTACKING AT US?"


Moesat did not back down and shouted more…


What Moesat did, that changed many people mind, before they thought Moesat is running away. But it is different now.

And their feeling also changed too, some happy people before now sore in their heart but….

That made some people were laughing at that event. No one thought that Moesat would cut off and took the half of the building.

Both of the princes is getting heat up their hater on Moesat in their mind but….


Clever one is cleaver one...

"Hahaha…. I like this little child. OK take your half and leave. But if you do something more don't tell me that, I break my promise."

The Yonan prince Long Wei tried to get upper hand by talking from above.

From his word, if Moesat do something more on the inn building mean Moesat is breaking his promise. So, Moesat would lost his creditability.

Long Wei army will attack… mean… he did not scare of the Moesat group. And that is making look like, Long Wei is the one who let Moesat group go away.

Moesat don't have a choice to leave this building as it is and Moesat has to leave here as well.

So, Moesat would become loser at one way or promise breaker at another way.

This is how cleaver one replied…


But they did not know that Moesat is not alone, Lu Lu and Nana is in his back.

So, Moesat stand tall on the roof and looking down from above. And he used his body motion and his mouth said it….

He rose his right hand and use his pointing finger pointed at…..

"You don't need to say what I should do or what I should not do. I will always do thing in my own way."

"I will leave the building mean I will leave it."

"I will take the building mean I will take it."

"And you have to remember one thing..."

"If you dare to ask your subordinate to touch us in future, don't say that I am ruthless."

"Now I am leaving this building here."

"If you want it… and take it."

Moesat said while using his pointing finger, pointing at Long Wei face and the lower half of the building.

Moesat went up to the cleaver Yonan prince Long Wei head and smashing down him with arrogant words.

Not only Moesat words were arrogant but all of his body movement were arrogant too.

And he stand straight while looking directly down at the Long Wei face from above for a while before he left.


That made Long Wei mind blown up inside but he tried to clam his face outside. But he did not dare to fight and he noticed that Long So Ba group is laughing at him.

All the bystanders could not close their mouth from amazed after hearing what Moesat stomp down on the two princes.

And soon, the story of Moesat spread through out the continent.


Anyway the winner is the Long royal families side, so they got the building. And the loser side runaway.

Arayyyy.. Arayyy…

"WE WIN..."

And victory roar came out from the two princes army.


But they all never know that, the better half of the whole building is the upper half.