
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Gentle river of the west.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


Within a next few day, many students groups took their jobs at guild building and left.

(Note: there should be guild building in previous chapter, not a guide building.)

Some of them swear that, they will become more powerful than Moesat in the future, and they will become a bravest warrior who would never back down and they would become forward forever warrior.

But there is a small problem that Moesat did not understand, the problem is Moesat did nothing to them and why did they hate Moesat?

Anyway these all students tried harder than before because of the humiliation they got a few days ago and they quickly left from their base.

Not only students even some elders took some jobs and left. Even if they were elders from a big sect, they still needed to work for money or resource. They did not get a free thing in this world.

At the same time, elder Park, elder Eun, CF and BC sect masters were base at that temple for emergency help.

If some of the students or elders got problem, they would run back to temple to get help or doctor. For that reason four people base on that temple.


Soyeon group left too, before they left Moesat gave them one space ring each for four of them. That all he could help to his friends as he is not a rich person.


Elder Park told Moesat that before they took the job they needed to register themselves at the guild.

Guild was formed by the government and they were just a middle- man to job giver and job taker. Because guild was formed by the government and people should give their trust in reward and to finish a jobs.

And the guild took the percentage from the reward if the job was done. But Moesat did not understand is,

Most of the job were related to Moon beast attacked on villages or cities? And safety of citizen is government responsibility? They took the tax for that too.

Moesat felt like the government is triple tax on them, not a double tax.

Double tax mean, the government took double tax and they guard the city or village but now they took double tax and citizen have to guard the city by themselves mean triple tax?

But if you reach to Rome and you should behave like Roman. If you reach to Paris and you should behave like French?


Anyway Moesat did not have a choice, so he and Areum went to guild building for register.

As they went into the building, the smell of tobacco and alcohol came into their nose.

There were not crowed with many people like a few day ago but loud noise of speaking and laughing could be heard from outside.

The guild building is sort of like a tavern, it open a food sell shop in there but it mainly sell for drinking.

Moesat found a counter of registration at the end of the hall, and beside it there would be a stair to upper floor.

Elder Park told them that they needed to register first so they went directly to the counter.

"Hay, here is not a place for a child to come in, go away."

When Moesat heard, he turn around and looked at the place that the voice coming from.

There were six people, four were ugly male and two were half naked female. All of them were more or less got drunk.

Moesat did not know the intension of the word that the ugly man said, is that good for him or bad for him? Because this place is really not a place for a child like him.

Moesat did not say anything back but he continue on his way.

For neglecting that, the ugly one eye man got angry for not listening his word, and another ugly man told him that even a child don't listen to his word.

His friend word make him like an oil pour into fire, the ugly one eye man anger bust out and he shout at Moesat.

"Hay brat are you deaf? I said if you wanted to play, go outside and play somewhere else."


Moesat already arrived at the counter, without caring that ugly man told them, he said,

"We wanted to register for our ID and taking the job."

Moesat told the girl who was looking at Areum with jealousy. Areum is not only beautiful but she also has a good proportional body.

"Emmm.. ennn??? what do you want?…. Ohh you wanted to register? Emmm… OK."

She got her sense back and her mind was a bit mess with thought, so she collected back her mind while saying some confusing words.

In their guild rule, there were never said a child could not register, so she said OK at the end.

"I needed to check…." She is trying to say something,


With a sound of a chair fall down on the floor and the one eye ugly man got up.

"Dad they all are at Metal Core low level, Areum alone could finished all of them."

Lu Lu give the information after she used her seeing eyes ability. Seeing eyes ability has many level, at first level someone could only see and think faster.

Lu Lu and elder Park were not same. They could see some thing more.

All warriors needed to train their eyes ability if they wanted to see other things.

Everything is possible and everything is not free.


Both Moesat and Areum turned around and ready to fight. Moesat did not want to fight if possible but he would fight if he needed to.

After seeing Areum was making ready to fight and all four ugly men got up and walk toward Moesat to narrow their distance.

But a manly 'forty years old' gentleman intercept and stand in front of the ugly man group.

"Bullying a child and a woman are bad, if you wanted to fight pick on your own size!!!"

With the righteous voice the gentleman calmly talk to the ugly group.

The one eye ugly man was so angry and ready to fight with the gentleman.

But one of his friend pull him and,

"Gentle river of the west." He said toward his friend and he fall back away.

The one eye man got his sense back and looked around and looked at new group with form by a five people.

One gentle face woman and straight forward face big body man. One thin and one normal man.

And one eye ugly man whisper "Gentle river of the west." and he turn around and run out from the guild building without waiting for his friends. And all his friends followed him too.


Gentle river of the west is a group name and they are B guild rank group.

Guild rank have A to G. But there are S rank to SSS rank too.

Guild rank is not solely relay on guild point, it consider the individual power of a warrior too.

Rank A is for weapon forming stage warrior but he is a newbie and he would be given C rank. But to get A rank a warrior needed to be a weapon forming stage warrior.

B and C rank is for higher and lower stage of Metal Core. D and E rank is for Metal forming.

So what is F and G rank for?...


"Dad these people are at Metal Core mid stage and that gentleman is at high stage Metal Core but still many time lower than Areum." Lu Lu give the information to Moesat.


"Noona be careful with the new comer group, kill them if you starts your attack." Moesat gives a warning to Areum. And they both change their target to new group.

"Woww.. we don't come to harm you, little boy. We are not your enemy." The gentle lady said it but Moesat focus did not change.

"We came here to collected our reward." The big body man said it. Anyway Moesat group ready to fight.

"What a rude boy, we helpped you but without thanking us, and you tried to kill us?" A normal man said it.

Moesat did not want to fight in front of many people, and for that reason he is still holding his position without moving.

After seeing never changing will of a boy, the gentleman said,

"Let back away." He told his group and they step back away.

Moesat turned around and,

"Please quickly take our registration."

The situation became intense without a reason. And registration girls were weak, so they did not want to involve.

She give application form to Moesat and Moesat fill it up for both for them.

Soon the girl gave two ID cards, Moesat is at E rank and Areum is at C rank.

Actually, they could test the power of warrior if they wanted to but that was not necessary.

She could test power within Metal Forming stage but they did not have anything tools to test the power of Metal Core warrior.

May be they could give heavy metal for lift it and checked the weight but that is felt like too much insulting to high level warrior. And what about for the Weapon forming warrior or upper level?

Weapon forming stage did not have more power than Metal Core Cap warrior, only they got powerful weapon that could take down Metal Core warrior.


So, she gave two ID quickly without checking to make Moesat go away.

After Moesat got two ID, they move away from counter to quest bulletin board.

Now they were far away from Gentle river of the west group and they release their guard.

"What was going on?" Areum asked the question now before she was focusing on her enemy.

"I could not tell you exactly how but they are dangerous and don't let them near you if you fight them in future and kill them without thinking twice." Moesat did not say too much and Areum got enough answer.


And they looked for a quest.

Moesat was looking at many quest and giving his remarks,

G rank quest: (finding a lost item quest) "this is a trash collector quest."

F rank quest: (pick up spirits grass quest.) "that is cleaning up grass that grow up from old building wall."

E rank quest: Killing Metal Slime. (low rank monster killing quest.)

Moesat looked at that quests and,

"Is that my level to kill that slime?"

"What did you write your cultivation stage in the registration form?" Areum asked now.

"Metal Form level 0.!!!!"

"You are lucky, that you did not get F rank." Areum told him with sneer.

And Moesat looked at F rank quest: cleaning up grass? ekkk..noway….

D rank: killing stray dogs.

C rank: killing a group of wolves or a stray tiger.

"I did kill some wolves and a group of tigers before." Moesat proclaim his achievement to Areum, because he did not want Areum compare him to clean up the grass rank.

"But the beasts that you killed were just lower than Metal Forming, now is more than that."

Areum told him back because she is starting to get annoyed by Moesat's choosing and talking.

Anyway Moesat is continue choosing,

B rank: Killing a Metal Core tiger or group of tiger low stage.

They found a group of wolves that attacked the village.(B rank quest)

A rank: Metal weapon forming stage, or group of tiger high stage.

A big group of man eating pigs (high stage), they killed and eat everything that came into their ruling area.

10 to 70 silvers per Metal Forming low to high rank pig, 1 gold per Metal Core low rank pig, 10 gold per Metal Core high rank pig. 100 gold for Weapon forming rank.

And Moesat checked all other quests but killing pigs were the best for them. But what he really wanted is not here.

"Let take it." Areum told Moesat and they went toward registration counter.


When the register girl saw the quest and,

"This quest has been posted two weeks by now and some people took it but still they have not finished yet. Do you really wanted to register it?"

"And only the registered quest would give you reward, even if you finished other quest and if you did not register it, you would not get the reward."

The girl explained,

This is the reason why they did not care too much about ID issue. They did not care about a warrior life.

One group of warriors could not just take a one whole quest for themselves. Because….

From the quest giver side of view,

A village got attacked by Beasts and would they let their fate to just one group or they would make sure for their life?

OR, a killer would be going to kill a son of rich man and the rich man let only one group to handle it? Or he would give out too much money for anyone who could kill the assassin?

If a mercenary group fail the quest they would only got some penalty but for the quest giver their live would be lost.

For that reason they rate the quest difficulties but they did not care about a warrior who though himself very high and took the high level difficult quest and die.

Moesat dwelling in his though for a while as the quest was not what he wanted. And they could not take two quests at one time if the job is in different area.


At that time,

A man came into the guild building in haste and,

"Urgent S rank quest, we needed too many warriors." After he shouted and announced it to all warriors in guild and he gave the quest request paper to the guild register girl and left in hurry.