
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs


(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)Support:Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


Moesat was walking down toward one of a mountain base, there were some old building these were repaired a few months ago.

When he got near to a building, a small dog run out from a big building and rush toward him with her tail was wagging.

Moesat band down and catch the small dog with his both hand and lifted her up.

"You got bigger."

Moesat held her in his arm and pat her gently.

She was a small girl dog, name Danny Ya Ya, that Moesat saved her before from the hand of slave seal worker and she got attached to Moesat.

And three more dogs were come out from the building.

After looking at them Moesat asked,

"Aunty Yi, where is Uncle Xu, Li and Qio?"

"They went out for hunting lesson." A big female dog answer.

She is mother of these three small dogs.

"OK, I will wait."

Moesat reply as normal.

He got here only a few time within six months but he felt free while staying around there.


"Play with me, play with me." Ya Ya shouted.

"OK, OK."

Moesat reply and play with three small dogs.

While playing, Moesat face become cloudy because playing with there small dogs remind him to Nana and Enna who have lived in a storage place for a long time.

Nana said she preferred to stay in the storage bag but Moesat could feel her and he understand the real feeling inside of her.

They wanted to live at outside eventhough the condition inside of the item space is better than outside world.

Who would like to stay in an isolated place for a long time?

Nana and Enna, they both just did not want to make more problem for Moesat.

They were too weak and they needed to go back into the storage space, every time they fight with a strong enemy. And other would eventually find out about their storage item.

Moesat always thinks about how to let them out. This was the reason that he refused to go field training with other people.

Moesat swear that one day they could freely go everywhere they want without worried.


Soon, four beasts were coming back.

Smallest two were around two and half foot high, a boy dog Li and a girl dog Sha Sha. Another was five and half foot tall, Danny Xu, head of dog family.

But the last beast is six foot tall, he was so called Horse-Elephant, Qi Krin. Now that beast got back his muscle and it looked like dreadful. But his age is only around fourteen years old.

Qi Krin is sort of look like Lenon, the Elephant-Lion from Moon trial, because they both were from cat species but Qi Krin face looked more like toward a wolf face but a bit longer and mix with face of lion.

His legs were longer and hands were a bit shorter, like a racing car. His is ready to run.

His tail is like dragon tail but thinner than big dragon tail but it cover with scale and a two small horns were about to come out from his head.

He is a mythical creature and he went in the Moon trial at age of eleven. But he fought too many other beast in there and when he got out, many big beasts were chased after him for revenge for their small children.

He escape from them but he fall into the hand of slave hunters.


When that beast saw Moesat and shout,

"Arr...Moesat! Let fight."


Qi Krin is like Lenon but he is speed type. And he is in Metal Forming stage.

Even if he is stronger than other beast at same level but he is still too weak compare to Moesat.


Qi Krin kick the ground with his two strong legs, the ground cracked from his kick.

He used that force and he run toward Moesat and slum down with his head.

Qi Krin is in a cat race but his head and neck is too strong to attack headbutt.


Moesat stand left leg front, right leg behind, like a boxing position and stand firm without moving.

He charge his energy in his right hand fist and directly punch toward the incoming head.


With a sound both Moesat and Qi Krin went back ward.

The beast shook his head to clear his eyes which was with many twinkling stars. After he could see clearly, he charge toward Moesat again.


' Heavenly Fire Way.'

(That was attacking ability. AOE)

The beast used his ability, burning fire were coming out all over his body, especially his hands and legs.

That heat from the fire could burn a small tree near him, and the ground was scorch. The surrounding air temperature rose up.


He is running with all his speed and he used fire attack on Moesat.

Fire were burning all the way toward but this time Moesat did not fight directly.

Moesat felt the heat coming from burning fire but that did not make him flinch.

Moesat evade from direct incoming attack by using.

Angel Dance,

Moesat evade a few inches away from Qi Krin.

Even though Qi Krin speed was so fast, he attack could not hit on Moesat.

When the Qi Krin passed through Moesat, Moesat changed his left hand into.

Dragon handAnd he pulled the beast left leg and twisted it



The big beast fall down with it own speed.

"Arrr, you cheated."

While shouting the beast changed,

Metgiktran form,

And the beast used his claws and attacked at Moesat.

Without evading,

Moesat tighten his left dragon hand punch toward the beast claws.


"You are a Monster."

The big beast shouted in pain, while his right paw got hit by Moesat fist..

"Stop both of you or you two will get injury."

Danny Xu a male dog stopped them.


After they clean up the mess that they made,

"Why did you come, Moesat?" Qi Krin, the Horse-Elephant beast asked him.

"We will go to field training, would you like to join us or want a job?" Moesat asked them.

"That great, we are getting boring here." Qi Krin told him right away.

"That good, We will join, I wanted to train them. And I will tell other beast too." Danny Xu answered as he wanted to train his son and daughter.


Moesat reply.


On the day of departure,

Many people were waiting, even two sects leader were there.

Missing people were Moesat and some elders.

Some students and teachers were getting annoyed because of the long waiting time.

They did not dare to say bad thing to elders who were missing there, so they put blame on Moesat.

They were whispering to each other but higher up people could hear their whisper. Even if they heard, they did not say a thing or explain anything about it.


Moesat energy recovered a few day ago and they decided to help another elder from Blood Cliff set to cultivate.

Moesat could recover while resting on the carriage at the time of travel, it would be waste of time on journey if he did not help one just before their journey.

And while helping on an elder, they got a small problem that made them delay to finish it.

For that reason, other people have to wait for a long time.

All about this cultivation technique is top secrete for both sects, so no one from the higher up did not explain a thing about it to all other.


In the eye of many young students, Moesat is the arrogant young master with bad behaviour who did not care for other.

After a while young students were getting bore talking about Moesat and their topic changed, and they started attacking on poor children who were waiting near carriages without pulling beasts.


While they were talking to each other, they heard the sound of foot steps coming from a group.

Soon, a group coming inside of their view, they saw a small light carriage pulling by a two big dogs.

And around the carriage there were over ten beasts were following that carriage.


After the carriage stopped near them, elder Mioh and elder Eun came out and one blood cliff sect elder and elder Park jumped down from the driver seat.

Both Sect masters and elders were approached to them with a worried face. They all were thinking about Moesat's illness from the last time and they worried....

"How is Moesat, is he OK? Is he ill?"

The cloud field sect master asked toward elder Eun, And that question make many faces of cloud field sect students frown.

Actually these elderly people were worried not only for Moesat alone, but it is all for their future.

But in the eyes of other young students, these old people were discriminate between Moesat and them.


"There were some difficult occurred and it made us to delay but no big problem. And Moesat is sleeping, let leave him alone."

Elder Eun answered and she walked in front of all students,

"Everyone listen."

"These beasts were coming with us and helping you by pulling the carriages."

"But they are not slaves, they were your comrades. They will help you on your travel and some in your battle."

"For that, you have to give to them the fair share with energy and metal that you got from the battle. There will be punishment for who did not follow the rule."


Elder Eun turned around toward the beast and,

"And if there is a battle that you could not win, take many students from your group before you run away."

"Or else you all would get the punishment too."


She is telling them to become a real comrades between humans and beasts, and to make it fair for both side. Actually that was Moesat asked her to do it for him.


"There were two free carriages, so make two groups consisted of one teacher, nine students and four beasts."

"And one more group, one teacher and nine students. They will travel on that carriage." Elder Eun pointed at carriage that donated by young master Jang.

That carriages is pulling by two horses. And they were just slaves, they would die or run away if there would be a big battle.


What elder Eun was telling them did not include to all other beasts. Only for the beasts who were sided with Moesat.

It is not easy to change the world.


Some students always think humans were above these beasts and these beasts were slaves to them. They did not wanted to be comrades with beast so they went to normal carriage.

Some students tried hard to join one carriage that human would share resource with beasts, because in that group, Soyeon and Hee Mon was in there.

Leftover blood cliff sect students have to join the last carriage which share with beasts.

And some of the cloud field sect students joined with blood cliff sect. Because there were too crowed in cloud field sect carriage and only few students in blood cliff sect carriage.


Carriage were too big for only 10 young students in one carriage that was pulled by four beasts. And blood cliff sect only have very few people but they have five big carriages.

Now situations changed, Cloud field sect carriages would be congested if they all got in together.

And now they wanted to get on blood cliff sect carriage but their face were not that tick after they made a joke on other sect.


At that time some students who were neutral to blood cliff sect got a chance to get a place on blood cliff sect carriage.

All other have to squeeze in their carriage with gloomy faces. They wished they never made a joke on poor students from blood cliff but it is all late for now.


Actually, Moesat was not sleeping, he was watching everything.

But he did not feel happy or sad when he saw cloud field sect students got suffered because he did not interested in that from the start.

He was watching because he was trying to keep his responsibility.


The beasts group came with them because of him and he could not just leave it until everything settle.

The journey this time is going away from human territory toward the war zone.