
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
Not enough ratings
116 Chs


Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


(A/N: at chapter 76, I made mistake. Cloud Field sect weapon ability warriors should be three people, I wrote four before but I already changed it.)





On the seventh floor of big inn, Moesat room,

Moesat came out from the item bag, he saw..

Two little girls were lying down on the floor and eating lollipop, they were making copy to each other.

Nana was looking down at the many people, who were on the street from the seventh floor window.

Moesat smiled while he was looking at playing two little girls, Lu Lu and Enna, but he left them alone and he walked toward Nana.

"Nana, do you want to go down and sightseeing?"

Moesat asked in gently.


"No, I just wanted to see that many people, I don't want to go down into that much big group."

Nana shook her head without looking back to Moesat and she rejected.

Since, Nana was born, she was never been into too many group of people. Most of her time were spent in the space bag.

So, Moesat thought Nana must be interested in the group of people.

But Moesat was wrong.


There were two kind of people,

One of them enjoyed with small group of their own people or family.

Another kind enjoyed in too many group of people.


Nana types is first one, who only enjoyed with their small family.


So, Moesat quietly stood beside her and watching at too many people down there on the street.

"They started fighting."

Nana told to two girls, and Moesat call out Areum from the space bag.

They were at the seventh floor so they could clearly see the entrance of the Goon city.

And they watched fighting between blocking people and crown prince army.

Not only them, but everyone from the inn came out and watched the fighting.

When blocking people were lost their fight and they ran off, some of them were trying barge into the inn courtyard but the guard team were fend them off.


There were too many shop owners, who wanted to open their shops inside of Moesat inn but Moesat inn could not give enough space.

So they made an iron wall surround the inn, and they let many shop owners open their shop in the inn premises.

The guards were easily fend off all the run away people from getting into their inn premises.



All of Moesat group also heard that what the crown prince said from the seventh floor, that word was to rob their inn.

That made confuse in Moesat mind…

"Is that someone robbed our inn, included in our plan?" he asked Nana.

Moesat group aim and objective is to know who were their enemies or friends.

So, the crown prince was robbing their inn, may be part of their plan.


"No, it is just happen!"

Nana answered while thinking.

While they were talking, a group of soldiers were barge into their inn premises, and the guard team of the inn got pushed back.

Actually, the guard team was confused, there were no problem to fight off other people but the government soldiers were attacking to them is different and they could not decide what they should do.


When the gate of the inn was opened and many soldiers rushed in, some of them were attacking on the guard team and other went to the many shops and they started to destroy every shop and they chased out all the shop owners.

Their chasing out is not in gentle way but they used their weapon and attacked on the all the people in the inn premises.

Everything is getting chaos.


Nana looked at the situation and,

"Noona, Moesat and Xiao Lu go and kill them but don't use all our strength until our lives become danger. But, if there is a danger to our lives, then kill them all."

"And we needed a lot energy resource too."

Nana thought for a new plan and told them.

If there is their plan went wrong way, they had to make another plan.

In everyone life, many of their plans were wrong time to time. So everyone needed to make a new plan at that time.



Moesat answered and he tried to take Nana and Enna into the space bag.

"No, leave us here, so that I could see all the situation. If I needed to fight and I will join the fight."

Nana told Moesat.

Moesat looked at Nana and nodded his head, then he went toward window.

Areum took out her beautiful katana and followed Moesat and Lu Lu sat on the Moesat head.

Enna was anxious and she extend her tentacles toward Moesat, she wanted to follow into the fight.


"Enna, good girl, come here and stay with me. We will help them only if we needed to."

Nana hold on Enna and told her.

Moesat looked back Enna and,

"Enna, if you fight, you have to really careful of your life leaves."

Enna was looking at them and she understood that they all worried about her, so she lowered her tentacles and she nodded her head.


From the window, Moesat looked at his master and,

"Master, let all the young students guard to all of our guests and shop owners and leave the inn from the back door."

After saying that, he jumped down from the window.


When he got on the ground, he shouted..

"Fight for our home."

With the shout, he took out two small size katanas and he started killing.

But, before he started, there were more than ten of soldiers heads were blown up in a straight line.

That was Lu Lu slingshot, AOE frontal targets, and Areum moved one place to another slashing down on soldier one after another.

Angle dance movement is mostly consist of rotation of their own body for evading incoming attacks and to reach their target weak point.

While Areum body is rotating and her katana moved as her body movement and slashed down on every enemy in the range, that make Angle dance and katana perfect to each other.


Moesat was watching Areum movement before, and he felt like, he wanted to slash down on his enemy, so he made two grade 5(diamond grade) small size katanas.

Moesat normally liked to punch down on his enemies but he could not use his dragon form at that moment.

And he did not want to fully show off his double power punch and kick now.

For that reason, he used two katana but he did not learn any of katana technique.


He just jumped one place to another, using his two katanas and slashing down every soldiers on his ways.


With their leading, confused guard team got back their sense, and they followed with Moesat team and attacked on invaders.

Invaders were just strong soldiers but they were not strong cultivators.

No sooner, all of the invaders soldiers were starting to retreat.

And many people from both sect were already arrived at the front yard of the inn and they all joined their attack together now, without caring about government or robbers anymore.

Young students were taking everyone out from the back door, while all other were fighting in front.


Moesat was killing many soldiers but his priority is safety of all of their both sects people, so he was trying to save all other from getting hurt.

Both Moesat and Areum were not using all of their strength, actually they were training their skill on these people while in real fight.

But Lu Lu was continue shooting as much as she wanted to.

When the soldiers were withdraw from the inn gate, a group of army archers were coming out behind the defender shielded soldiers.

But before they shot their arrows,

Rain of arrows shooting down on them.

That was AOE weapon ability of Soi Li, guest elder of Blood Cliff sect and an archer team came out on the roof of the inn and they were starting to shoot down toward soldiers group.


Army formation is broken and back part of army moved away from arrow field, while leaving some of soldiers in the battle field.

BC and CF sects charged out from the gate and killing all soldiers that were left behind.

Army archers were trying to shoot back but they could not shot properly, so they ran away toward their army.


A group of ten strong people came out from the Army side and…


One of the weapon ability stage warrior shouted to stop Moesat group from the killing.

But Moesat did not stop until all of the soldiers around them die. But that was not too long.

From the battle started from to stop, it was like around five minute but there were nearly 500 soldiers die.

But all the bodies of soldiers were nowhere to be seen, all were in the Moesat space bag.


And both side stop fighting, leaving a big gap between them.

The leader of ten strong people, Chi Jn Su, angry as Moesat did not stop until everyone clean out.

"Kill them."

Chi Jn Su gave out order and they rushed toward BC and CF sect.


"Everyone step back."

Cloud Field sect leader quickly gave out order to the teachers and students, but she could not say exact in the battle.

But most of them understood, and they step back leaving the strong warriors from the both sects at in front.

Moesat side were more than ten of strong people, four weapon ability stage warriors and seven weapon forming stage were not stepping back.


From the army side, there were five weapon ability stage warriors came out, four bodyguards of the weapon ability stage of prince and another one is from Silver Wing sect.

When they arrived in the range of their attack,

'Hell Fire River."

That was sabre long range weapon ability, slashing down from above.

Like a river of fire formed and flow toward CF and BC sects.

"Splitting the Universe."

That was long range Axe weapon ability,

A big axe appeared and slashing down on both sect.


Elder Park jumped out and…

"Thousand pole."

He tried to block two attacks with his weapon ability.

Three attacks hit each other in the air and blown off like a bomb, it is exploded in the air.



Wing the bang sound, air pressure was formed and it pushed everyone away from the exploded area.

Dust and sand were flew up,

Using that poor visibility, someone used smoke bomb ability.

Smoke were come out and covering everyone eyes sight.

The sky is dark and the light could not come through the area around 500 meters.

Five people from army side quickly approach under the poor visibility, they aim to sneak attack on both sect while in dark.

"Enemies are coming."

Moesat alerted everyone and,

Slingshot shot out many times toward the five sneaking people. All of the shot directly hit on five sneaking people who could not see. These five sneaking warriors were using their ears to attack other in the poor visibility condition.



All of them surprised and shout in pain, and all of them retreated in fear and heavily injury.

Moesat jumped out in the dark, he could not let his energy resource ran away from him.

Areum followed with Moesat.

Moesat pointed out his finger at one direction and he jumped on another injury sneak attacker and he slashed down his katana on the back of sneak attacker.

Areum went toward where Moesat pointed, and she saw one sneak attacker, she quickly used Angel Dance and slashed down the man in half.

Moesat slashed cut through on the back of sneak attacker,

The sneak attacker turn back and shot his dagger toward Moesat, but Moesat is already changed his place.

Moesat got beside of the sneak attacker and slash down on the sneak attacker neck.


After Moesat killed the sneak attacker and looked for other but he found they all were already arrived back to their group.

So, he took the body and he went toward Areum.

"Noona, it is me."

While saying that in the dark Moesat approached Areum, he took the body that Areum killed and they both went back to their group.


The smoke bomb and dust were only covered around ten seconds.

And soon it went away with the wind blow.


Before the ten people from army thought that, they could easily kill some of the people from BC and CF sect but now….

They were in poor condition but their enemy did not suffer a bit.


At the time, their strength became lowered, and they started their talking.


The leader of crown prince bodyguard, Chi Ji Su told BC and CF sect that,

"Why was the Cloud Field sect attacking on our government army?"
