
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Cheat 5.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.

Moesat found his long lost friends group in Royal Dragon sect group. That is….

'Kim Yu Han and his lackey group.'

As the Royal Dragon sect let servants could join with their master to join into the sect and Kim Yu Han got accepted into the Royal Dragon sect, so all his lackeys were in that Royal Dragon sect too.

"It has been four year last time I saw you, young master Kim, how have you been? I am really happy to see you now."

Moesat greet Kim Yu Han with icy cold voice, even though he did not say too much from his mouth, the hater in his heart burning.

The pain without sound is more painful, the hater without sound is more scorching.

Moesat never forget them from the start of his memory, since his memory started he got bully and tortured.

Only the torture started and the end is only tortured.

He will let them know, how was he suffered.

Moesat smile in cold but Kim Yu Han face is full of darkness.

But Kim Yu Han still have their leader to rely on, he hope their leader would be fend off this Moesat.

Kim family saw Moesat in Goon city, but they did not come out. They were hiding in the shadow and scheming to kill Moesat.

In normal case, Kim Yu Han would not participate in this event but No,34 prince Long Ya is in this event and Kim Yu Han is lackey of that prince. So, he had to follow his master.

"Moesat!!! you are devil!!!"

Long Ya shouted as he never seen a beast changed into human.

And he had never seen this kind of beast, and their royal dragon picture is an eel with claws as they have never seen or know what is real dragon look like.

And Long Ya looks back his minion, Kim Yu Han. And in his mind…''this Kim family knew Moesat but never inform about Moesat to him once.''

And he understand that this Kim family is not sincerely royalty to him.

Even if Long Ya really amaze that a beast changed into human, the weapon ability stage master from Royal Dragon sect, who is coming with them for safety, he did not say a thing as he had seen many thing before.

"Moesat, here is Royal Dragon sect, they all are Royal family and noble blood line children. If you try to hurt them and that is rebellion to the country. And you will be sentence to death."

"So, my advice for you is 'LEAVE'..."

Royal Dragon group leader weapon ability stage warrior gave out warning to Moesat.

That talk make Moesat confuse, these people tried to kill him and his sect disciples but Moesat came after them and they told Moesat 'not to touch them?'

They will kill Moesat if Moesat hurt them, it is still far from killing???

If Moesat kill them and what would they do to Moesat.

Moesat does not like too much to talk, so he act,

He is standing 50 meters away from that group, in his human form.

He stomp his leg on the ground to jump forward. In the air, he changed Metgiktran form.

And he fall back down to ground with his hands, he use his hands to push him forward then follow by using his hind legs to jump up front into the air.

And he used his wings to push his speed to maximum in a short range.

"You all step back..."

While saying, the weapon ability stage warrior step forward while changing his Metgiktran form and took out his sabre.

After took out his sabre, without waiting, he uses his weapon ability.

'Slashing The Heaven Down.'

Red transparent colour ten meter long ethereal big sabre appear in the sky and slashing down on Moesat.

For normal, this ability could cut in half to normal warriors in it attacking range.

Moesat does not want to fight long, so he use double power punch with his speed 100 m/s toward the incoming sabre.


Ethereal sabre cracked and destroyed into pieces like a mirror and blown away.

But Moesat attacks has not stop yet, and hit on the enemy.

The weapon ability warrior blown away and crash down the disciples who were standing behind him.

They all got hurt but he did not die in one hit.

Moesat fly back into the air, back away from enemies, to make a gap between he and his enemies.

The weapon ability warrior stand up back and…

"All students run….all other help me.."

He shouted and he charge his energy into his sabre and waiting for Moesat.

Three weapon forming stage warriors came out and change their form and take out their weapon. And they also charge their energy.

Moesat fly back from the sky and use his same attack, but his speed become 200 m/s

Four enemies combine their attack at the Moesat punch…


All four enemies got push back five steps back but Moesat blown back and roll on the ground five meter away.

After push back force stopped, Moesat neglecting his pain and stand back on the ground and fly back into the air very high place.

"He is using the same attack, we will use the same...soon he will lost all his power.."

The enemies leader told other to encourage them.

For normal, people lost their energy after using up their attack. And slowly they will lost all their power.

Moesat dive back down to the enemies group from the high up place in the sky, but this time his speed is more than sound speed.

And he used only one skill or ability.

But his power and speed too much different.

Without knowing that, the enemies fight back with same attack. But their attack power is reduced compare to their first attack.


With the exploding sound… all the enemies weapons are destroyed and all of them blown away more than five meters.

Their thinking was wrong about Moesat, Moesat power did not reduce, moreover his power increased.

But Moesat also suffer pain from enemies attack too, but it is lass than first time.

All the enemies got serious injured, before they could get up back, Moesat jumped down on them and punches them. After that he capture them into the spatial bag.

Royal Dragon students were still standing around ten meters away back from their leader, when they saw Moesat blown away at first time, they thought they win over Moesat.

But now the final result came out and they are starting to run, even if they are too many people in their group.

Moesat chases after the prince Long Ya, when he catches up with him…

"I did nothing to you.. Moesat don't hurt me..."

Long Ya shouted…

"You make fake slave document."

Moesat told him back and without caring anymore, Moesat attacks on Long Ya and capture him.

Moesat continue captures every strong disciples of Royal Dragon sect, but he could not capture all.

And he chases after Kim Yu Han group. Kim Yu Han group got really far away and they were running in separated ways, they started running since the fight started.

They noticed that the prince Long Ya was looking at them, and their situation is not good, even if they sect win against Moesat.

So they ran from the beginning of the fight started.

Moesat chased after Kim Yu Han five lackeys first and he chased after Kim Yu Han.

But Moesat does know where is the last one lackey who chased him before.

Kim Yu Han is running desperately in the front, Moesat chased him from a bit far back.

While chasing Moesat see his past as a movie, ''At that time he was desperately running for his life and these people chased after him.''

And he asked himself a question…

'''In this world is everything right for strong one doing things. Just for that, a strong one should do everything as he or she wanted to?'''

'''And what about for himself? He wanted to be free himself and to all others.'''

'''To free others is needing to eliminated all people who wanted to rule over others?'''

'''And at that time the ruling people would think him as the strong one doing bad thing on them?'''

'''So the word of '''the strong one doing is always right..''' came true again???'''

Moesat could not think anymore….

Moesat does not get any answer…

So, he left this question for all others.


Moesat followed Kim Yu Han until Kim Yu Han fall down from exhausting and Moesat captures him.

After that he went around to kill all of their enemies and he captured Han Sin, Si Jing from Yonan country and threaten to all other who registered in the event to back off from the event.

This is how Moesat cheat on the event, if there is no one in the event and he will win the event.

All the other participants do not have too much animosity with Moesat, so Moesat just threaten them without capturing them.

And this thought is conclusion of the Moesat group, this thought may be true or may be not…

And even if Moesat group clean up the area, still Moesat could not find Yonan side big army like the thousand people group that he killed before.

They must be at other area, but Moesat could not go and looks for these group.

As he wanted to do something first.


Moesat fly toward down south, deep into the forest. He wanted to check about lion Lenon, and Moesat hope nothing would happen to Lenon.

Lenon is good kid, and it is possible that there would be power struggle in the lion group.

May be... Lenon uncle Mr, big scar uprising and killed Lenon father the king. So Lenon group have to run away from their home to new place????


Moesat group is resting on the ground after a long flight. Everyone is at outside of the bag and they are cooking while Moesat is sleeping.

At that time,

Enna and Lu Lu is playing,

Enna is suddenly stop playing and listening into the air.

Lu Lu noticed Enna behaviour and she is also stop playing while looking Enna.

Soon, Enna tentacles are rising up into the air nervously. And she run toward Moesat who is sleeping and she used her tentacles to hold Moesat and she push and pull to wake him up.


Enna is making sound and trying to weak Moesat up… that make Areum and Nana stop their doing and approach to Enna.

"What wrong Enna..."

Nana asked.

Moesat too wake up and sit down, while looking at Enna.

But they could not understand her.

"Dad...Enna is asking for help...it is emergency."

Lu Lu translated Enna emotion.

"OK...What should I help?"

Moesat quickly got up and answered.

They all knew that Enna never ask a thing before and now asking. They knew that is something really bad happen out there, so Moesat did not ask too much.

"Dad…Enna will show you a way, you needed to fly fast. She will explain on the way."

Lu Lu said it.


While saying, Moesat quickly take Areum and Nana into the bag, leaving every unnecessary thing outside.

He took out energy refill pills and eat it quick, and he changed his dragon form.

Enna clime up to the back of Moesat and tied herself up with Moesat body.

Moesat fly up into the air and he fly as fast as he could to the direction as Enna showed him.

Up in the sky, at the high speed, Enna could not explain too much.

Only thing Lu Lu knew is...'''Someone in the danger and needed to save...'''

Moesat is flying without reserving his power, as there is a life to save. A second could determine for a life or death.

And he saw a thirty year old man on the ground, who is holding a bow and shooting thunder arrows to everywhere around him.

That man face looks like he is in confuse and defending himself from unknown.

Many thing around him got shot by thunder…


Thunder shooting sound is continuously came out to scare even a tree Enna who is weak at thunder.

Moesat drive down toward that man with his speed over the sound.