
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Cheat 3.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


A flying sword is coming toward Moesat without a sound, Moesat ears could hear around 1mile radius but he could not hear the sword moving sound.

The sword is fast and Moesat could not evade it, so he use his fist to punch the sword.

But the flying sword changed it direction in a curve way and …


Sound could be heard when the sword move away, that mean the flying sword speed is just over 1 Mech, and its' 1 Mech speed is only for long flight. (343m/s= sound.)

The flying sword short rang speed is slower, it could not fly zigzag movement at supersonic speed.

So, the meaning is, sword is aiming at the back of the strong man before Moesat got there.

And the sword must be shot out just before Moesat arrived and when Moesat was trying to punch, it did not dare to attack directly.

From those all evidences, these people must study about Moesat group, moreover when Moesat changed into dragon form, these people did not surprise too.


But these five people came here to fight face to face with Moesat group mean they are still underestimate about Moesat group.


Moesat did not chase after the running sword with anger, and he decided to finish off the strong axe man first.

But the strong man slash his axe 180 degree horizontally at his back. So Moesat evade it again with his 'Angel Dance movement' and Moesat jump back to distance himself to his enemies.

And he fly at 160m/s directly toward the Axe man.

The flying sword move a curve way and shoot out toward Moesat, it direction is Moesat right side of dragon body.

The sword is not directly aim at Moesat but it aim at in front of the strong axe man.

The old gentleman is trying to defence for strong man with his attack, or take the strong man as a bait and tying to kill Moesat, his motive is not clear.

If Moesat wanted to evade the flying sword and Moesat needed to give up on his attack.


But Moesat did not give up his attack, he even use double power punch to the strong man.

The strong man used his axe ability again to fight back directly to the Moesat punch.

The strong man jump toward Moesat and slash down his axe…

"Splitting the Universe.'


The old gentleman used all his force on his sword to make it fly at full speed.

It is the decisive battle and no one would retreat or evade from it.



The hit exploded like a big bomb.

The Metgiktran weapon of the axe man is blown away into pieces by Moesat dragon fist, but the dragon fist did not stop, it continue advance.

The axe man let go of the axe remaining and cross his hands on his chest to defence but Moesat dragon fist broken both of the strong man arms and hit on the chest of strong man.

The metal body of the strong man cave in half like a big dent and the strong man blown away.


Moesat too, he got push back by the reaction force, and dust were too blown out.

And everything cover by the dust.

The old gentleman used all his force on his flying sword to stab into Moesat body, and he tried to take back his sword after stabbed but his sword could not move.

The old man could not see how much his sword went into the Moesat body because of the covering dust.

The old man smile, if he could not take back his flying sword with his long rang control mean it is really stabbed deep into the Moesat body.

He could not wait until the dust were settle down, he walk toward Moesat and he wanted to finish Moesat off before other were coming.

And he wanted to take the Moesat treasure only for himself.


As he is getting near to Moesat and the dust are getting clear, he could slowly see Moesat the whole body.

Finally he could see the Moesat and he turn run away without looking back.


These people did not notice that in many battles before, all the Moesat fight before were just training and testing.

Actually, Moesat is like a Divine level Monster boss in beginner map. Most of these people attack could not hurt him.


The old gentleman flying sword is in the Moesat dragon tail. The sword could not move away from the dragon tail grab.

Moesat could fly at 160m/s, and his tail or hands could move a lot faster his body. Grabbing a flying sword at sound speed is so easy for his tail.

If Moesat does not afraid of Nana, he would not even care to catch the sword with his tail. He would be just neglect it.


Moesat used his tail to smash down the flying sword on the ground, and the sword broken into pieces.

And Moesat follow behind the old gentleman and finished him off.

They don't have too much grudge between them so Moesat does not want to torture them before they die.

These people were just greedy about Moesat treasure.

And Moesat is not a hypocrite, so Moesat is greedy for the energy that store in that people bodies too.


After finished the old gentleman off and Moesat went back to his group.

"Our business in this area is done. There many be some people who try to capture us in this area but we will leave them, because we have to check safety for two sects members."

Nana told Moesat.

"Ya, that old man told me that they will kill all people from both of our sects."

Moesat reply.

As Moesat group do not want their sects people die, they all agree to go to another area to help.


This time Moesat fly in fast speed as he is worried about the old man words.

It is not that they did not notice that before, they were taking some time for their strength level up.


From the high above the sky, Moesat and Lu Lu could see very far away.

They saw many other group but they did not stop for chit chat or they don't care anything happen to them.

Their objective is to find their sect members.


Finding their sect members is not that easy but it is not too hard.

Both Lu Lu and Moesat could see at least 10 miles radius from the sky, so just in one day they could search more than 100 miles radius.


On the second day of searching, Moesat group found a thousand of people were attacking on 300 people.

300 people used a mountain as their back and defend the attack of the thousand people.

Slowly, 300 people were killing off by thousand of people, even if 300 people group is strong and their defence is good.


Moesat turn toward that two groups to check, and after a few second later they confirm that this is their sect member group.

Lu Lu already informed about group to Areum, Enna and Nana who were in the bag space, so she give them final notice.

"I will take out Enna first, and Mom is later. And Big sister Areum, I will take you out at a safe place and that may be in the air...OK???"

"No problem."

Everyone is ready for war.


Lu Lu call the name and took Enna out on Moesat back.

Enna is facing to the Moesat tail, and as soon as she got out, she extend her tentacles to tie up herself on the Moesat back and soon many root came out and stabilise herself on the back of Moesat.

After Enna is stable,


Lu Lu call Nana and she took Nana out.

Nana is facing toward head of Moesat, and as soon as she came out many of Enna tentacles were grab her half of her lower body and tie up to Moesat back.

They all changed into Metgiktran form.


They all could breath and withstand the wind pressure from Moesat flying speed.

But Moesat does not have Air Shield, so they need something to hold on and to still themselves on the Moesat back.

Otherwise they will be going to drop down on the ground.


Moesat group is going to fight with many people, so they will need a very big AOE attack. And they wanted to test another way of fighting.

But for Areum, she could only stay on the ground and fight.

All of them trust to each other, for that reason Areum did not care about where Lu Lu would drop her.

If there is not a safe place on the ground and Lu Lu would not drop Areum on the ground.


Without give out any warning to attack sign, Moesat group attack on other human.

Moesat fly at full speed and he dive down, and he extend his dragon claws like Aeroplane wheels, that extend downward. But claws tip were facing at where Moesat flying.

It is like a werewolf or vampire is using their claws on the wall or car body to leave a claws mark by scratching.


And Moesat flight like an Aeroplane flying just above the water surface, he fly just about the people heads.

It is like an eagle trying to catch the fish from the water. But Moesat glide above the many heads for some meters or five seconds before he fly back into the air.

Every head that got hit by Moesat dragon claws were cut into many slices. Brain and blood were spread out, a weak mind people could be faint after seeing it.

First attack is sneak attack, so... many people down there did not prepare to defence against it.

Lu Lu shot out five slingshot to the many heads, every shot kill more than ten people.

As the slingshot bullets passed through, many heads were blown up one after another.


Nana got flying daggers, these daggers were simple small sharp tip with sharp double edges with handle. Handle is just a metal frame.

The flying daggers is more like sword tip but later part(handle) did not have sharp edges.

And there is some poison on the tip.

Nana shot out ten daggers in five second, even at the high speed of flying, all of her daggers stab in the throats of ten people without missing a bit.


Enna is just watching that without entering into the massacre, she is a bit softie so no one let her to fight in this kind of battle.

But she never left if their group is fighting.


Moesat killed 30 to 40 in one air strike, Lu Lu killed more than 50 and Nana killed 10.


Moesat fly back into the air and turn around for another air strike.


This time people down there are now preparing to fight against with the Divine level flying Monster boss.

Some of them are ready to stab with their spears, some arrows are ready to shot, and some long range shooting spell were ready to cast.

Some big warriors were ready with their big weapon to smash down the flying monster to the ground.

And many shield warrior were ready to use their shield.

They are making sure that flying monster could not fly back into the air never again.


Just before they prepare to fight back, everyone scared when they saw an unknown flying Monster.

Because these thousand people were on the plain killing field for flying Monster.

But their leader were shouting at them and controlling back their people mind and making ready to attack back at the flying monster.


Not only these thousand people, three hundred people who were trapping by the thousand people were desperate too.

First; these three hundred people were trapped by the thousand of people and second; now, an unknown monster which like to massacre people came out and killing many people.

They all knew that this flying monster is killing people is not for it food. The flying monster is just enjoying the killing.

But, on the contrary, these three hundred people got a chance to break free from the trap.


Some said an enemy of my enemy is my friend?


But they knew it, this flying monster would kill them too after these thousand people died.


There is still one thing, that make them confusing in their head.

That is…. 'many head blown up by some kind of thing shot through.'

They thought that they seen it before but they could not recall it. (the fight in front of the inn.)


Any way they decided to risk it and attack the enemy in the crisis is the best.


Moesat fly with full speed to dive down to his targets, as he does not know what was waiting for him.