
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Blood Demons.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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A female teacher, Hey Byul looks at the top girl Choe Yong, a girl who belittle on other low rank school and,

"Is there anyone know about that Blood Cliff sect?"

No one reply.


Teacher continue asking.

"What about Blood Demons? Is there anyone know?"


Some of them rise their hand as they heard about Blood Demons.

"OK you tell me about what you know." Teacher asked poor looking girl, Hee Mon.

"Blood Demons are very strong small group of people who help many people. Many of them were strongest in Wulin World of three countries."

Before Hee Mon finished her words.


"What a nonsense? The strongest people are from Royal Dragons and the Royal family. And I never heard of Blood Demons."

That is Choe Yong, the same girl who said it dejected voice before.


Teacher, Hey Byul frown and looks at Choe Yong who had impressing on other school. But she did not say a thing about it. And Hey Byul enforce the Hee Mon words.

"Hee Mon is right, they were strongest in three countries and everyone had to give respect to them in Wulin world."

"There were a beasts attack 500 years ago and the king asked help from them and sent them to fight for humanity. But all vanished."


"Haa, they must be run away." Choe Yong again scorn about Blood Demons.

"All vanished mean the beast tide and them both side all vanished. When people investigated, they found a big fight but there were no trace of even a one dead body."

"Anyway they saved many humans."

Hey Byul must be a fan of Blood Demons. She said a good things about them.


"Whatever they were gone in history. But what is it to do with this Blood Cliff?" Choe Yong still don't want to give up.

"Blood Demons were the genius of the Blood Cliff sect. And at that time Blood Cliff sect is top of three countries." Hey Byul continue.


"So why are they fall to so low rank school now? Even many other school are better than that school?"

Choe Yong stills make more question.


"Good Question," Hey Byul remark about question.

"After the Blood Demons vanished, a big unknown group attacked the Blood Cliff sect and rob all their best Manual. And in that battle many top fighter from Blood Cliff died too. That is the reason, they could never recovered their strength."

Many were quiet and listen.

"One things here is, even if a big group attacked them. Until today no one know who attacked them."


"OK let them be a best in the past, what is to do with our training with them?" Choe Yong never give up.

"In the past, our Cloud Field sect got some big enemies and nearly close to distinction. Because of the Blood Demons helped us fought and gave us some teaching and pointers. That why our sect became a top sect after that."

Now students were slowly understand.


"We never forget our gratitude on them, so our school trying to help them. Top of the people in our sect thought them as our part of the sect. We could not combine two sects because our sect is for only female."

"This is the reason, we will later to have a joint training."

The female teacher stopped her words and these words were deep buried inside of some students heart.



"All the students from Blood Cliff sect died one way or another. That what I heard." Areum told Moesat with worried face.

Moesat looks at the old man and wait for his word.


The old man sigh and,

"Not all the students, only the genius students got killed by many different kind of accidents. Some fall down, some died is small quarrel, some got rock fall on them."


Moesat now more understanding about humanity. No free meal in Metal World.

And he is slowly changing his behaviour.


"That why you told me you needed my help!!!"

He smile and told that to his teacher old man.


And he looks at Areum and,

"Noona, don't worried too much about the curse. Because I am the curse being itself. Everywhere I go there will be problems. One after another they came to me or if they don't come then I go to them. Hehehe."

He retold his past while laughing, that make Areum felt a bit lighter in her heart.


When they approached near main big building, around twenty people came out.

"Great Elder, we were worried. Did you got hurt?" Ba Se Wu, sect leader said in worried.


Park So Gyu gave his respect to sect leader and,

"Sorry to make you all worried, I detoured to do some thing. Come... I needed to tell something."


"Kan Youn, please guide them to new students area and gave them what they needed."

Park So Gyu asked the core student Kan Youn who came out from building and,

"Moesat wait for me here and all other go with this senior, Kan Youn."


Kan Youn lead other group to new students area. All the beast were follow them.

This main building and other house were not very good but quiet and good enough for them to live.

But rooms and surrounding were needed to tidy up.

They all working systemically, even beast were helping them. Soon everything clean up.


In the main hall building,

"There are other mystery in that child, but please never try to investigated his secrete. When the time come you all will know."

"And let him train freely, only guide him time to time."

Park So Gyu tried to prevent in coming problems.

"Yes, great elder."


After that Park So Gyu took Moesat to nearest mountain big cave.

"Only a few people allow to come this mountain, I think it is better for you to stay here."

"Yes, that great. Thank teacher."


"Tomorrow there will be a class and there is also library. Reading books need some points, or Sun pills could buy with points too, here take your token."

He gave Moesat a token.


"There were some points in your token. With this you could read many books on ground floor. That points were I borrow it to you so you needed to work hard later and fill that back."

"Areum, I already send a message to my friend, when she available I will take you to my friend for your hand."

"Thank you teacher." Both Areum and Moesat said thank.


When everyone were not around them,

Moesat told Areum about what had happen to him after they separated, except about the big dragon.

He told her that he is the Fragrance Monster that Areum ex-master mention. And he did not like them so what is the reason to stay and learn at Heaven Edge.


Moesat took out Nana and Enna to outside, but both of them like to stay in the item space.

Nana gave her two dragon blood to Areum and Enna each. Dragon blood is very precious but Areum and Enna are more precious than dragon blood.

What they did for Moesat, dragon blood could not compare with that.


Areum told them to keep blood for her, as she wanted to cure her hand first.

And she told Moesat that she got some thing like Dragon blood. But she could not tell what was exact.

But Moesat understand that Areum got some inheritance too.

And he noticed that, there were some would get inheritance too.


Next day at new class,

There were around 30 children age between 9 to 13.

Cho Ju male teacher, his face is around mid 30 normal face with strong body.

He is teaching about Metal organism and cultivation.


"I know that everyone know about Sun power and cultivation."

"But is there anyone know about cultivation for Metal Organism?"

He asks and some very few students hand up.


"Very few so I will explain from the start."

Cultivation route is

Body refine,

Metal Forming,

Metal Core,

Metal Weapon Forming.

Metal ability.


At body refine stage,

Everyone could get Metal forming even if they did not finished body refining stage.


But for Metal Core stage,

Both Sun power and Metal forming should be at cap or full stage to get Metal Core.


Sun power in Metal forming stage got 10 small levels.

But Metal Forming cultivation make Metal body increase in percentage.


Sun power cultivation needed to absorb sun energy or other related energies.

But Metal cultivation needed to absorb metal or metal organism.


At Metal Forming,

Student could refine a Metal outside of the body and absorb into their metal form.

Or eat Moon beast meat and refine inside.

People needed to use their own sun energy from their body to refine the metal or metal organism before they absorb.


At Metal Forming stage, it is a low stage so general metal could be used but better the metal the stronger the Metal body.


"Children do you all think, just a sun blessing at the Metal forming trial decided your future?"

Cho Ju asked,


"I was told the better the Metal grade at Metal form would made faster my cultivation?"

"Yes it is, but not your future is set, even if you got a low grade at first Sun trial, if you try at Metal core trial your Metal grade could be become better."


And that also same as building up Metal Forming body. Even if their build is bad at the start, they could get better later.

But it will be harder than Normal.

To simplify, the whole life of cultivator is trying to get better on never ending road.

And the future is set only if someone lost his/her hope.


And about Metal physical ability,

All the metal were not same, some metal are good at durability or some tough or some brittle. Depend on what metal did you refined you would get different kind of body.


That is the reason, all student should learn about metal or metallurgy first, before you tried to refine your body.


In the main while, try to cultivate Sun power until the cap and gather up all the metal you wanted to refine.

After everything is in ready, then refine your metal body.

This is the best way but this is not the only way.


And he continue explain about how Sun energy and Metal organism went through in the body.


For Sun energy, they have their way of circulation vessels interwind with blood vessels. Depend on how big vessels or blockage, cultivation speed is different too.


For Metal organism, they lives in every cells of the body. Also both blood vessels or Sun energies vessels.

The better the Metal organism grade they could help refine and carry Sun energies to all over the body faster. Even if some vessels were small or blockage.


If someone is good at Metal grade and sun energy vessels, his cultivation would be more faster.

And addition to cultivation methods.


And he explain that Metal form is their another body that could temporary made their power up. How much power addition or how much longer they could use the Metal Body is depend on Metal grade and how to build up.


In conclude, all living things have two bodies, two cultivations, two ways of power increase and when the main body could use Metal body to power up in fighting or doing something.


And the teacher let them chose a cultivation technique.

Cultivation technique have five grades, same as metal rank: Bronze, silver, gold, legend and myths.


The higher the grade the faster the energies circulation or rotation in one body. Faster the circulation and faster to finish their level.


Blood Cliff sect only got three gold grade cultivation technique.

Even in top sect they only have legend grade. Only one Myths grade cultivation in Royal Family.


Better the grade of cultivation technique would not make faster cultivation for all people.


In cultivation, all energies in the body cycle in clockwise direction in a different sun vessels.

But human Sun vessels were not same to each other. And some were even blocked.


So people should chose cultivation which is suitable with their vessels.


For example, Someone got only one good vessel tube, big, no blockage and easy to flow. But all of his other vessels were narrow and blockage.


If he used Myth cultivation technique that flow in blockage vessels, his cultivation would slow.

But if he used Bronze cultivation technique that flow in his good vessel tube and his cultivation would be faster than Myth cultivation.


But all people, they could not check and see which vessels is open or close, so people would try to use different technique and feel it which is the best for them.


A/N: This is MC knowledge of at that time and at that place. There would be some change in later.


I wants to create something that all readers could see clearly in their mind with logic, even if I am not good at essay writing or linguistics.


I had read many before but nothing is clear or with logic.

Many books said, double the progress with half effort. (I asked why?)

It said because of godly grade. (I asked what is godly garde?)

But no answer.


So, I created something that no one ever created before.


But as I am a human that tend to make many mistake.

So if I made something off, wrong or something reader could not understand.

Please let me know.


Thank for reading,
