
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Meta Essence CYOA 84

Essence of Dune 

Upon drinking this you feel immense thirst but the next second it vanishes as if it was a dream...

●Your body is increased to the peak of human ability. Strength, stamina, and dexterity easily surpass Olympic athletes, as well as near perfect health.

● Genius-level intellect and infinite multitasking capability.

●A perfect memory with infinite storage.

●A planet of your own design, in a location of your choosing with enough resources to jumpstart your interstellar colonization effort.

●Complete access to the complete Tech Tree. Including those from the Book. 

●All the skills needed for creating & managing a successful Space Empire.

●Can optionally choose to max out the tech tree completely.

You have a Basic understanding of Weirding Way, During close-quarters combat, an individual adept at the Weirding Way was able to maneuver around and strike an opponent at unimaginable speeds. To the opponent (and any bystanders) the movement seemed almost like close-quarter teleportation.

You have a Basic understanding of Prana-bind,  Prana-bind training denotes supreme control of nerve and muscles.

You have a Basic understanding of Mentat-training.

You have a Basic understanding of the Voice.

You have Prescience, you were born with it not because you had some spice drug, but because your control is at a basic level it can be that you have sometimes visions that you don´t want to see so you better practice because it will be one hell of a trip.

●Optionally, you may choose to receive an unknown Planet full of spice, don´t worry the Imperium doesn´t know that it exists but be more careful.

●Optionally, you may choose to be reborn as Paul Atreides.

●Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Dune universe, at any point in the story/timeline. By default, you appear on Arrakis. But you may start in any other World of your choice in the Dune universe. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart). 

●Optionally, you may have your own "House" and decide if it is a Major or a minor House if you decide on the Major you can maybe rescue the House Atreides.

●Optionally, you may gender-bender Paul Atreides to Paulina Atreides. 

Essence of the Black God

 By drinking this black, slimy and fibrous essence, you will receive a number of boons.

●Your consciousness is now rooted within a black fungal colony inhabiting your body.

●The mycelium making up your mold can multiply exponentially and consume organic matter to propagate itself.

●Any lifeform that comes into contact with the spores you may produce, or any of your mycellia, will have a fungal cluster grow within their brain and fruit throughout their body.

●You may freely communicate with those infected in this manner, inflicting hallucinations or pitting your will against theirs to control their body or alter their mind. You may do this from any distance.

●Over time, your fungal matter will replace all of the cells in their body with alike substitutes that you control and which may be altered at will.

●Any information contained within a lifeform will become part of you, stored within your fungal mass to be retrieved at leisure for the purposes of accessing memories, changing your shape to that of a lifeform you have subsumed or allowing other lifeforms to be reborn through your fungal tissue.

●You may freely shape and control your mycellia in nearly limitless ways from crudely forming tentacles, limbs, dense claws, blades or similar structures to taking the form of life that you have infected and stored the details of within yourself.

●You will have no issue controlling and receiving input from any amount of fungus as every part expands your consciousness further.

●Lifeforms fully infected by you become incredibly hardy, capable of easily reattaching severed limbs, surviving incredible blunt trauma and healing from truly awful amounts of damage from guns, explosives or other such things. Without your active guidance this healing process can become unwieldy, causing strange mutations or working imperfectly, and may eventually be overcome to cause the death of one of your vessels, but you can easily reconstruct and resurrect them with active intervention so long as enough mycelial matter remains.

●Naturally, your fungal biology does not suffer from negative effects of aging or the passage of time, so long as you are receiving the correct nourishment across your mass, and you can theoretically live forever so long as even a few strands of your mycelium survive and spread again.

Essence of the Tyrant's Crown

 By drinking this Essence, glinting dully with a harsh silver sheen, you will gain a boon.

●A brutal steel crown sits atop your head. It fits perfectly no matter your dimensions, adjusting itself to fit you.

●Within the dull crown is a being of limitless power and malevolence.

●This being will grant you any request, albeit relative to your favor with it and the fundamental malice or selfishness of the act.

●Committing acts of evil or selfishness, such as destroying the property of others, causing harm, twisting the thoughts of others, etc, will increase your favor. 

●Not only will the crown refuse to grant selfless or benevolent wishes, but your favor may suffer, it may even refuse to help you further for a time or it could even grant your request, but in a twisted fashion, such as healing a broken leg by forcing it to set painfully and irregularly.

●The crown is happy to grant your personal wishes, though it is bored by trivial requests (unless they involve acting against other people, like silencing your neighbor's stereo by destroying it), so long as they further your own ambitions and are fundamentally selfish in nature.

●There is no limit to the power and capability of the crown, so long as you continue to build favor and wield its power for selfishness, cruelty and evil.

●The crown heats up when used and the cruel amusement of the entity within can be felt.

Essence of the Shura

 By drinking this essence, like blood red flames, you gain a number of boons.

●Within you is a limitless lust for blood and violence. The act of killing and fighting provides incredible pleasure, comparable to the greatest natural highs. The pleasure is purely mental, as opposed to sexual or similar. Naturally, you have no hesitation when it comes to taking other lives when you choose to do so.

●The negative mental effects of combat, danger and bloodshed aren't an issue for you.

●Your aptitude for combat and killing is incredible. Even with no prior training whatsoever, you can identify how best to kill any given thing and can fight with skill to rival masters in any field of combat using nothing but pure instinct.

●Should you actively try to improve your skill at combat, you'll find that it comes to you with transcendent ease. Simply seeing a movement or technique will allow you to understand, replicate or even improve upon them, should you possess the appropriate traits.

●The act of killing rejuvenates you. Taking a life will seal your wounds, replenish your stamina and satiate your needs. So long as you continue to take lives ceaselessly, you can survive wounds that should be fatal and continue to battle indefinitely without rest or fatigue. This rejuvenation repairs damage that would normally be irreparable and even reverses your aging until your prime.

●If you are at peak condition, the rejuvenative effects will accumulate until they are necessary.

●The act of killing improves you. Every life you take will strengthen your body and your mind. Your blows will hit harder, your sword will swing faster, your feet will move quicker and your senses will be sharper. Your thoughts will flow quicker, interference and pain will slide off of your mind and the stranger abilities wielded by some will become less and less effective. This process can continue without limit, so long as you continue to kill.

●The greater your victim's power, the greater the benefit you receive from killing them.

●As you grow stronger, you can begin to express your nature in supernatural ways, like leaving wounds that resist attempts to heal them, harming the mind and soul, striking the intangible or permanently killing beings that would normally resurrect. This can be done through your body, weapons or any other powers you possess.

●Your nature, the limitless bloodlust within you and the endless bodies you leave in your wake can all be expressed as a violent aura that impresses your malice and experience upon others. This aura can tweaked, such that it may merely allow someone to feel your fathomless killing intent, comprehend your sheer body count or manifest itself as a crimson cloak of howling bloodlust, blazing fire and tormented souls.

Essence of the Soul Devourer


By drinking this essence, you will become a being that feeds on souls.

●Your base form is now that of a shadowy outline of yourself that lives within the Spectral Realm. You are entirely impossible to reach or harm through mundane means as you are.

●You naturally dwell in the Spectral Realm, a twisted mirror of the Material Realm where souls linger on their journey to whatever afterlife awaits them. The Spectral Realm can be twisted or distorted by supernatural power or significant events, but largely reflects the Material Realm. Distance travelled in the Spectral Realm is equivalent to distance travelled in the Material Realm.

●Your spirit-self is sustained by the souls of others and you can easily devour those weaker than you in Spectral Realm or Material Realm, though dead souls won't linger in the Material Realm for long.

●If you don't constantly devour souls then you will slowly become lesser, overcome with a hunger that can be quenched by nothing but the vital essence of others. You will never truly die from this starvation, but the gnawing hunger can reduce you to a pale shadow of yourself if you are not careful.

●You are capable of possessing corpses to interact with the Material Realm. If the corpse's senses aren't intact enough to be used, because it's eyes, ears, nose, etc have rotted away or been destroyed, then you will only be capable of perceiving the Spectral Realm, where pale reflections of the Material Realm's inhabitants can be seen.

●You can use up the energy gained by eating souls to twist the form of a possessed body in a varying ways, be it from creating vicious claws, altering the legs for better jumping or any number of other possible applications. It is also possible to alter the body such that it looks indistinguishable from a living person.

●Your energy is used up in the process of animating a body, with less energy being used the closer a body is to functioning normally. If you possess a corpse whose muscles and connective tissues have decayed into nothingness, then it will cost a great deal of energy to keep it moving and functional as opposed to a fresh corpse whose muscles, bones and tissues are still working.

●A living body, one that you've learned to possess or otherwise shaped back into life with your abilities, will cost little to no energy to maintain, none at all if you upkeep like a normal human. If you choose not to eat/drink/breath, then it will cost energy to supplement for the lack, for example.