
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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Meta Essence CYOA 79

Essence of the Beyonder (Lord of the Mysteries)

Upon drinking this bottle shrouded in Fog and Mysteries you are granted the following: 

●You have the innate potential to reach Sequence 1 of a single Pathway out of the 22 Pathways.

●You can start at Sequence 9 ( if you want) and work your way up to the peak of Sequence 1 without losing your mind. Each Pathway has unique traits and abilities.

(extra information can be found on the Lord of The Mysteries wiki).

●You fulfill a paradoxical attitude of life, maintaining your own personal beliefs and view on life while still advancing your Pathway, additionally, there is no thought off-limits to you, no Divine Revelation, knowledge, or Eldritch Truth can corrupt you.

●There are advancement Rituals required for your ascension to the next Sequence, you will instinctually know what these rituals are in-depth and can complete them with ease.

● Increasing your Sequence improves all of your skills qualitatively, bringing all skills up to the high capabilities of your current Sequence. Upon reaching the High Sequences (4 through 1), you are able to influence reality, how this influence is expressed is dependent on your Pathway.

●You are timeless and will never lose control over yourself or your powers, not requiring anchors to maintain your sanity.

Your Mythical Creature form will conform to your desires while still remaining true to your Pathway. You can receive prayers and respond to them with your will if you so choose.

●Above all else, you somehow have great emotional and psychological health and stability, requiring immense stress and trauma to even start affecting your mental state and decision-making ability. (It may make you look weird compared to the locals.)

Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Lord of Mysteries universe, at any point in the story/timeline. By default, you appear in Tingen City where Zhou Mingrui transmigrated before his Soul occupied Kleins Body. But you may start in any other nation of your choice. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart). You can replace Klein Moretti or any Character in this story/timeline that you want.

●You may have any characters of your choice from the Lord of Mysteries universe become your companions. You may choose what relationships and history you have with these characters (such as them being in love with you, being your friends, or whatever else). You may choose Klein Moretti's gender in the story/timeline.

Optionally you can receive the following:


●You now have your Pathway's Uniqueness accommodated in your body, even at Sequence 9. Your Uniqueness is the only one that exists in all of existence, as it is the Authority of your Pathway condensed into a single object, no matter how hard someone may try, there is no way to duplicate, steal, delete, or modify your Uniqueness without your permission. ●Having your Uniqueness accommodated, even at Sequence 9, qualitatively improves every single of your Sequence, from your pathway abilities, magic spells, and mystic rituals, to even your growth rate due to the Partial Authority over your Pathway that you possess. ●Your growth will not have any soft caps or barriers for you to experience, as you are now incredibly in tune with your Pathway, allowing you to advance much more easily.

●"Additional Uniquenesses" 

●You now have accommodated the other Uniquenesses of the Pathways that make up your Above The Sequence. These Uniquenesses grant you compounding benefits on top of the ones you received for accommodating a single Uniqueness.

●Holding all of the required Uniquenesses for your Pathways (or Pathway if you choose to condense them) grants you a near-unlimited amount of Spirituality, allowing you to use your Beyonder abilities almost constantly, mystic spells and rituals with ease, and obtain a Mythical Creature form of your choice even at Sequence 9.

●Additionally, you have an innate resistance to mystic spells, rituals, and other beyonder abilities, reducing their effectiveness to near nothing as long as the source of the effect is not entirely outclassing you. Even a God would require more effort to affect you than 'They' would otherwise require.

●"Sefirot "

You have a Sefirot befitting of your Pathway's own Above the Sequence, the nine Sefirot are: Sefirah Castle, Chaos Sea, River of Eternal Darkness, Brood Hive, Nation of Disorder, Tenebrous World, Knowledge Moor, Key of Light and the City of Calamity.

This Sefirot grants you access to the other Pathways that make up your Above The Sequence combination.

You are optionally able to meld your multiple Pathways into a single multi-faceted Pathway. The Mythical Creature forms you will eventually gain access to will not drive you insane, you will be able to shift into each individual form at will or a form that is a combination of all Mythical Creatures.

You do not need anchors anymore, regardless if you are at a Sequence when you need them or not, you will not be driven insane by the changes you will undergo as you raise your Sequence.

Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling)

the moment you drink this something stares at you from the neverending abyss and you hear a Voice similar to yours that says "A̶̢͉̣̱͈͚̯̙̜̜̺̺̭̣͔̺͌̄̾͋̌͆̉͌̍́̈́͑͒̊͒͜ŗ̸̛̛͓̪̰͉̣͌̈̉̂̋̐͂̿̊̌̀́̂̐̎́̉͂̀̏̂̓̂̿̽̐̋̎̾̌͆̐͑̆̍̽̇̅͂̿̊͘̕͠͠͝͝͝I̸̧̢̳̬̜̞̳̺̗̱̗̜̹͕͖̬̳̩̪̫̲̮̯̫̗̺̩͕͔̙͕̅̏̈̐̈́͛̇́̇̀͐̐̇̀̊̀̎̑̈́̄̚̚͘͝͠͝ͅṡ̵̨̡̧̖̰̺̫̺͕̞̰͚̪̠͓̳͓̞̜̰̞̳͙̼͍͇̜̇̇͜͝Ȩ̷̢̨̜̺̣̦̲͓̮̭̥͎̣̭͙̞̪̹̝͔͇̙̏̍̐̚͝"

You become the vessel of the Shadow Monarch. Monarch of Shadows, the King of the Dead You are capable of extracting the shadows of the dead.

The greater the difference in power and time since the death of the individual, the greater the chances of the extraction being unsuccessful. Three attempts may be made on the same being before you can no longer attempt to extract a shadow from the being.

While shadows start slightly weaker than when they were alive, they gradually get stronger the more they kill and can eventually evolve into greater beings.

You can only hold onto so many shadows at a time; however, as you grow more experienced in wielding this power, this limit increases further. Stored shadows are kept inside your shadow.

Through your authority as a ruler, you can telekinetically move objects and form armor from shadows that greatly increases all abilities while the armor is active and freely shaping shadows, similar in nature to a Green Lantern (it can't be used for esoteric effects, only constructs).

You gain a free age and appearance change to whatever you want. You may also be any normal humanoid race found in Solo Leveling (you may even be a Half-Ruler or humanoid Magic Beast if you want to).

As the strongest Ruler and the original Shadow Monarch, Ashborn was one of the most powerful individuals in existence. You are granted Ashborn memories, experiences and all of his abilities at his Peak before his fall in the War of Monarchs/Rulers:

Immeasurable Strength: Ashborn possessed a tremendous amount of physical strength that was far superior to that of nearly all other beings in existence. As a testament to this, he was strong enough to brutally overpower two Monarchs at once in battle and pop Baran's skull like a grape with one hand.

Immeasurable Speed: Ashborns is unfathomably fast and can move at speeds so great that most opponents are unable to track his movements.

Immense Durability: Ashborn is incredibly resilient to physical damage.

Combat Mastery: Asborn the Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light is a master of melee-based combat and his fighting skills are so refined that he can hold his own against enemies with far more combat experience than he does with little trouble.

Agelessness: As an effect of having inherited Ashborn's powers, Jinwoo no longer ages naturally and has to biologically alter his body to look the age he wants. As a result, by the end of the series, he only appears to be in his thirties when he has actually been alive for over 80 years.

Memory Manipulation: Jinwoo can manipulate the memories of other humans to a certain extent by making physical contact with them. So far, he has been shown to be able to erase certain memories from their minds, grant them their memories of the original timeline, and allow them to see into his own memories, as he did with Woo Jinchul to inform him of the existence of the Rulers and the Monarchs.

•You start out at the level of an E-rank Hunter, which is already high above peak human. But you have the limitless potential of the Shadow Monarch and the System which will help you reach that potential.

◦The System: ◾Combines the one from Solo Leveling and the Gamer, having all of the benefits of both with none of the negatives. If there is something missing or someway you would have made the system differently, as long as it is still related to either the Solo Leveling System or the Gamer system, you may change the system below.

◦Main Class:◾Player.

◦Secondary Class:◾Shadow Monarch.

◦Level:◾After killing enemies, you gain experience. With enough experience, you gains a level. A level increases all of your stats by 1, as well as giving you 5 to spend as you wish.

◦Stats:◾Numbers represents your power. They can be increased with stat points, which you get from quests and level ups.

◾Strength:◾Increases physical strength, speed, and durability by bettering the user's muscles.

◾Agility:◾Increases the user's perception on time and thought speed, allowing them to see enemies on your level in slow-motion.

◾Endurance:◾Increases your health, resistance to status effects and stamina.

◾Sense:◾Increases the 5 senses to the point that you can hear other's heartbeat and the sound of cameras from tens of meters away, see in the dark as if it was the day, smell as well as canines and likely many more. Also gives a sixth sense that allows one to detect others' life energy and mana, to the point that you could fight someone who was invisible, soundless and had no smell. Can also feel emotions like bloodlust.

◾Intelligence:◾Increases mana and regeneration of it, as well as the effectiveness of spells.

◦Titles:◾Certain feats and achievements can give you a title, which gives you boosts depending on the achievement.◾Triumphant over Adversity:◾Stats increase proportionally to missing health, resulting in a 1% stat increase for every 1% HP missing.

◾You start out with this title.

◦Passive skills:◾Gamer's Mind:◾Grants immunity to mental impairments, from your own emotions to mind manipulation and more.

◾Gamer's body:◾Allows your body to work by videogame logic, allowing you to level up, better train with weights strapped to your body, have your body unchanged despite being heavily damaged (Such as punching a hole in him) and not needing to eat and sleep.

◾HP:◾Short for Health Points/Hit Points, it represents how much damage you can take before dying. All damage done to your body disappear, instead decreasing your HP.

◾MP:◾Standing for Mana Points/Magic Points, it is the cumulative energy within you. It is akin to a "composite" energy, being composed of mana, ki, chakras and other versions of it. It can be used as a substitute for skills that would require another type of energy.

◾Consumable Items:◾Even items that are normal gain some supernatural properties if you (or those in a party with you) consumes them. Even bread can heal health, and medicines take effect immediately.

◾Sleeping:◾After sleeping, all negative status effects, as well as all health and mana, wil be restored.

◾Skill Creation:◾Repeating actions enough times can create a skill specific to them, acting as a passive stat amp that allows you to do them more effectively, faster and more naturally. It can be an overly specific skill like dishwashing to an overly broad one like crafting.

◾Minimap:◾A minimap modeled after a road map, it allows the location of enemies (red dot) and allies (blue dot), alongside many other benefits.

◾Auto-Translation:◾Translates the language others talk to one you can understand and vice-versa.

◾The great sorcerer Kandiaru's blessing:◾Immune to all poisons, diseases and negative status effects. Also increases longevity to eternal youth.

◦Active Skills:◾Observe:◾Can see the HP, MP, race, gender, status (Continuous and passive effects, from bleeding to immunity to certain powers), emotions and a description of whatever you observe.

◾iD create and escape:◾You can create instant dungeons at will.

◾They are all time slowed, allowing you to spend a week inside a dungeon while only a day pass on the outside.

◾Party:◾You can create a party, and invite others into it, allowing them to obtain all of the game mechanics, except Gamer's Mind. Also has several other perks, such as notifying when a party member gets attacked, allowing long distance communicate, making EXP gains shared and more.

•◦Arise:◾Extracts a fallen enemies shadow, creating a copy of them. You are guaranteed to succeed in extracting a shadow. If certain conditions are met (like the shadow not wishing to die), the shadow will start out stronger.

◦Shadow Storage:◾Can store shadows in an actual shadow (Be it yours or someone else's), allowing you to summon certain beings at any time. Killing the shadows will merely incapacitates them.

◦Shadow Swap:◾Swaps places with a summoned shadow. Has no cooldown.

◦Shadow Preservation:◾you are able to preserve your shadows in storage and monitor them by perceiving their senses.

◦Domain of the Monarch:◾This allows the user to spread their shadow over an area of a few dozen meters squared. Any summoned shadow will gain 50% increase in all stat.

◦Ruler's Authority:◾You are able to move and control objects via telekinesis. This is an incredibly versatile skill and it costs no mana at all to use.

•Shop:◦This is a shop where you can sell items obtained from slain enemies for gold, and buy several items like healing potions, mana potions, weapons, armor and several others.

◦You can by anything from any universe you have been in, but as a start, you only have the ability to buy things from the world of Solo Leveling for now.

◦You can also use any other money you have to purchase in this shop.

•Inventory:◦Limitless inventory space. Cannot hold anything living. Items are kept in stasis, keeping them eternally as fresh as when it was stored.

◦You can automatically teleport things within it and summon from it on thought. You can also equip items directly from it.

​•◦◾Item equip function:◾You have two sets of equipment sections. One which you actually wears, one where you can "equip" an item without actually wearing it, gaining all the effects it would have (From status effects to simply blocking attacks), without actually wearing them.

◾Auto-loot function:◾Will automatically loot any being you killed.

◦Relationship system:◾Shows your relationships.

◾Affection meter:◾Shows the level of people's affection towards you.

◾Can level up and become Love Meter for those who love you.

◾Loyalty meter:◾Shows how loyal someone is to you. At 100, they are irrevocably loyal to you.

◾Obedience meter:◾Shows how willing someone is to follow your orders. At 100, you can ask them to cut their throats and they will do it without second thought.

◦Crafting System:◾Allows you to craft objects instantly and more effectively as long as you have the resources needed.

◦Daily Quest:◾◾100 push ups.

◾100 sit ups.

◾10km rum.

◾Rewards:◾Full recovery.

◾3 stat points you can put in whatever stat you want.

◾Random thing.◾Creates a random junk item, like pens and umbrellas. They, however, seem to come somewhat in handy eventually

◾You are able to double it everyday and thus get other rewards.◾200 push ups.

◾200 sit ups.

◾20km run.

◾Reward:◾Full recovery.

◾3 stat points to all your stats.

◾Random thing.

◾Random Box.

◾You also have the penalty quest for if you don't do the quest:◾Survive 4 hours in the worm place.

◾However if you succeed in killing all the worms, you won't receive the penalty any longer.

◦Gacha function:◾◾Every month, you receive 1 gacha, which you can exchange into one of the bellow.

◾Blessed Box:◾Gives you something you want.

◾Cursed Box:◾Gives you something you need.

◾Random Box:◾Gives you something random. Works similar to a Gamer's Gacha, and can give you anything across the entire Omniverse. (Does not give you corns of sand or anything useless like that, but can give Beings, artifacts or anything that can be useful or be found interesting).

•At will, you may take on the form of the Shadow Monarch, giving you access to all of Ashborns immense power.

•You have the Black Heart of the Shadow Monarch, fully assimilated into you, granting you 100.000MP in addition to your own mana. It will never try to reincarnate it's former self into you.

•You have several items you start out with:◦Demon King's longsword:◾Rarity: S-Rank

◾Type: Longsword

◾Attack +350

◾A longsword once used by Baran. Has a second effect called Storm of White Flames, which summons a lightning storm which travels forwards within a certain area and damages anything in its path.

◦Orb of Avarice:◾Rarity: A

◾Type: Magic Item

◾It's a Orb made from the blood of the high-demon Vulcan.

◾The Orb will empower the wielder's magic and increase the destruction caused.

◾Effect 'Desire for Destruction': Your magic damage is doubled.

◦Kamish's Wrath:◾Rarity: ??

◾Type: Dagger

◾Attack +1500

◾A pair of beautiful daggers forged from the fang of the dragon Kamish. They are mana-sensitive, meaning that their power aligns with their user's strength stat, and also allow their user to alter their weight however they please.

•◦Endless Flask of Holy Water of Life:◾Rarity: S

◾Type: Consumable

◾Will heal any and every illness. It is a divine potion filled with a powerful magic to cure every sickness.

◦Cup of Reincarnation:◾Rarity: ??

◾Type: Magic Item.

◾The Cup of Reincarnation allows its user to rewind time in their current universe. Additionally, it can carry with its user anything that did not exist in the chosen time. The user and those who travel with them will retain their memories from the future they leave.

◾This one, unlike the original one, can be used as many as you want.

•You have two Rune Stones containing different skills you can receive if you want:◦Stealth:◾Allows you to completely camouflage yourself with your surroundings and hide all traces of presence, essentially turning yourself both physically and magically invisible. No one can find or sense you while this is active.

◦Dragon's Fear:◾Makes you able to release a mana-infused shout from your soul that drives anyone weaker than you into a state of intense despair and panic.

•Optionally, you may receive the Blood-Red Commander Igris, the knights and mages as your Shadows.

•Optionally, you may receive Tank and the other bears as your Shadows.

•Optionally, you may receive Iron as your Shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive Tusk and the orcs as your Shadows.

•Optionally, you may receive Kaisel as your Shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive Beru and the ant colony as your Shadows.

•Optionally, you may receive Min Byung-Gyu as your shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive the Giants as your Shadows.

•Optionally, you may receive Greed as your Shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive Kamish as your Shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive Bellion as your Shadow.

•Optionally, you may receive the entirety of the Shadow Monarch's shadow army.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions (not Shadows). You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters, but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Cha Hae-In.

◦Lee Joo-Hee.

◦Sung Jin-Ah.

◦Choi Yoo-Ra.

◦Han Song-Yi.

◦Yoo Soo-Hyun.

◦Park Hee-Jin.

◦Esil Radiru.



◦Kanae Tawata.

◦Any other character from Solo Leveling.

•Optionally, you may change your appearance into whatever you want. Optionally, you may take on the appearance of Sung Jin-Woo.

•Optionally, you gain an effect which makes it so that the more powerful you get, the more attractive you will become. Your body becomes more defined, your face changing in shape to match the ideal of your sex. Of course, this is subjected to diminishing returns, so there will be a point where even huge increases in power leads only to barely noticeable changes. You will never change in a way that you will find unappealing.

•You are also now capable of turning others into Awakened, granting them Magic and turning them into a Hunter. The class they get will depend on their personalities, but you get to choose their potential, from E to National Level Hunter. You can also take this gift away at will.

•Runes are normally dropped by slaying powerful monsters, and when they are broken by a Hunter, they will gain a single skill from the enemy who had dropped them. This is usually a rare event that only happens from the act of killing of Magical Beasts, but you get these runes from basically any enemy that you slay, giving you a skill based on the being you killed. Although just like when it comes to slaying Magical Beasts, this dropping is not guaranteed in all cases, if the being you slay doesn't have any interesting skills or something. If you don't want to use them yourself, you can give these runes to anyone with magical aptitude, in which they will gain the skill.

•You are able to create a System for others, allowing them to use it to reach their potential as they level up. As the Administrator of this System you can at any point seal or take the powers that the system have accessed. You can permanently separate them from The System once they have matured enough with their powers without them losing their powers.

•Optionally, you gain the ability to grant Magic to worlds. This will cause some people to Awaken into Hunters, and will make Gates start spawning. It will however not increase like they did in Solo Leveling and will never go beyond the level of how it was before the increase in Higher Ranked Gates. This means that the S rank Gates will only spawn very rarely.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive the full power of the Shadow Monarch, Ashborne, at once when you ingest this Essence.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Solo Leveling, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or one made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.