
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Meta Essence CYOA 74

Essence of a Demigod

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You are a demigod, the child of a Divine and a Mortal. This has granted you all the benefits one would expect from a Demigod born from your Godly parent, which you may choose now. You may choose any Greek/Roman divinity to be your parent. No matter who your parent is, you will still be a demigod of equal power as an incredibly powerful child of of the Big three, like Percy Jackson, and you will have access to all the abilities of your godly parent you would expect to have access to. Luckily you don't suffer from ADHD or Dyslexia, as your battle instincts and hardwired brain is fully integrated in such a ways as to prevent such problems.

○Optionally, you may receive any additional special, nigh unique, powers a demigod could receive from their divine parent. A child of Hephaestus might develop incredible pyrokinetic abilities, while a child of Hades might develop the ability of Dark Infernal Pyrokinesis.

○You will find yourself a natural at combat, but find yourself especially skilled with one weapon of your choice, being so naturally talented that you surpass the likes of Percy Jackson's talent for swordsmanship. This makes you talented enough to eventually eclipse the Gods.

○Optionally, you may have received training at Camp Halfblood, where you have mastered the Greek Style of warfare that greek Demigods use. This grants you both immense skill and experience in all things one would expect from a Greek Demigod trained by Chiron at Camp Halfblood.

○Optionally, you may have received training by Lupa. You have mastered the Wolf Stare and everything else Lupa teaches.

○Optionally, you may have received training at Camp Jupiter, where you have mastered the Roman Style of warfare that Roman Demigods use. This grants you both immense skill and experience in all things one would expect from a Roman Demigod trained at Camp Jupiter.

○Optionally, you may receive the Blessing of Achilles, an Improved version of the Curse of Achilles. When one bathes in the River Styx, they are granted the power to remain uninjured by any means. However, they will always have one weak spot and if this weak spot is injured even in the slightest, the person will die. Except for you, where there is no mortal spot, making you completely invulnerable. You also get highly increased strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and fighting skills, while also making your other abilities less tiresome to use all while amplifying it. Optionally, you may also don't feel any physical pain or discomfort anymore, but without the drawbacks that could come from it, though you can toggle it at will. You can also toggle the Invulnerability at will, and cannot lose it at all, even if you are exposed to the water of the Little Tiber.

○Optionally, you may receive the power of Shapeshifting, a power that Frank Zheng has showcased. This gives you the limited ability to change into any animal you wish, mythical or real although the animal can't be completely out of the ordinary such as an elephant mixed with a lion. However, this ability is easier to use during times of danger and battle or if you knows the animal well. The animal itself is also much stronger than a normal version of it, and even stronger if you know it well. Your shape-shifting is fluid and near instant, while being effortless and not tiring at all. You are also skilled enough with it that you could begin an attack in human form and finish as an animal.

○Optionally, you may receive the smithing, enchanting and crafting skills, knowledge and experience of the Telekhines and and Elder Cyclops. This is the level of crafting that created the weapons and Symbols of Power of the Gods. Children of Hephaestus ain't got nothing on you.

○You receive your very own weapon made form a Blessed metal of your choice, either Adamantine, Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold or Stygian Iron, though Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold cannot harm mortals. You may however choose more than one metal, or even add tempered steel to your weapon to allow Celestial Bronze/Imperial Gold to make it able to hurt mortals. It will be perfectly balanced in your hands, and will feel like an extension of yourself. It is enchanted to have a dormant form of your choice, which can be anything from a pen to a flashlight, and allows you to carry the weapon with you anywhere with ease. When activated, it transforms into its weapon form. You can also make it have more than one weapon form, giving it as many as you want which you can change in between in a way of your own choice. It is enchanted to appear in your pocket, or on your belt, or somewhere similar if it is somehow lost, and if you don't have pockets/belts/etc, it will return to your hands instead when you need it. You may permanently merge it with any other weapon you own while keeping all the benefits of both weapons, merging perfectly in a way you'd want them to.

○Optionally, you may receive a Wristwatch shield. It is a shield that is magically encased within a beautiful watch. When the button on the side of the watch is pressed, a full shield spirals outward, resembling a camera shutter. When expanded, the strap of the wristwatch becomes a leather brace that wraps around the user's forearm. The shield is made perfectly for you, and is indestructible.

○You receive a Bag of Drachmas and Denarii, containing infinite amounts of them. The bag will return to you if lost or stolen, and is completely indestructible.

○You have a box filled with Ambrosia, that refills whenever you close the lid. The Ambrosia in here has an even greater healing effect than normal ambrosia, and can be eaten as much as you want without any negative effects. It can even be fed to Mortals, though they suffer the same consequences as demigods suffer from ordinary Ambrosia. The box is absolutely indestructible and cannot be stolen, and will return to you when you want it.

○You now have a flask of Nectar. The nectar in the flask has an even greater healing effect than normal nectar, and can be drunk as much as you want without any negative effects. It can even be fed to Mortals, though they suffer the same consequences as demigods suffer from ordinary nectar. The flask will never run out of Nectar, is absolutely indestructible and cannot be stolen, and will return to your hand when you want it.

○Optionally, you now have a box that is filled with the recipe and ingredients for Greek Fire. The ingredients are refilled whenever you close the lid. The box is absolutely indestructible and cannot be stolen, and will return to you when you want it.

○You receive a Bag of Dragon Teeth, containing infinite amounts of them. When you plant a dragon tooth, a Spartoi will form in full armor and with weapon. The Spartoi created by these teeth are both smarter and stronger than ordinary Spartoi, while being irrevocably loyal to you, which grants you access to an incredible army as Spartoi can always reform, even if one removes the limbs from their body, and can only be killed by each other or a child of Hades. Due to them being smarter than ordinary Spartoi, they won't be tricked into fighting each other. You can make any Spartoi you create vanish, and unlike original Spartoi, yours don't have transparent skin, instead looking like muscular and trained humans with grey skin and yellow eyes, an almost inhuman appearance. The bag will return to you if lost or stolen, and is completely indestructible.

○Optionally, you may receive an Invisibility hat of your choice. It will grant you perfect invisibility, fit perfectly and be incredibly comfortable. It won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will return to you if lost or stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive a pair of Winged shoes. You may choose what kind of shoes they are, and they will fit perfectly and be incredibly comfortable. They won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will grant you effortless and fluid flight that you find intuitive and easy.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Magical Toolbelt. Anything that can be found in the average workshop can be pulled out of the toolbelt. The belt is seemingly endless, however, larger items, especially things that don't have to do with mechanics require the belt to recharge, like big items, such as chain-saws, or magical weapons. You can also retrieve food from your toolbelt as well. You can put items in the belt that did not come from and retrieve them at a later time. Also any item you put in it will become weightless until you take it out. It won't suffer any wear and tear from usage, and will return to you if lost or stolen.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Daedalus's laptop. The laptop can change its size, show schematics, create scans, and produce an emergency credit card. It is faster than any other computers, can access satellites or Hephaestus-TV broadcasts from Mount Olympus, and has custom-made programs that can do just about anything except tie shoelaces. It has unlimited storage and borderline unlimited processing power, omni-compatible I/O jacks. It is absolutely indestructible, is immune to malware, and with crystal-clear wi-fi wherever you go, it also has the most intuitive, perfect UI imaginable and an operating system that's magically compatible with pretty much anything you could install. If it's lost or left behind, you can summon it to you with a thought. In future worlds the internet connection remains, though won't be updated to anything beyond what the former world had when you left it (unless the world also has internet). It also contains all of Daedalus's work, from notes on projects to his favorite designs, everything he ever worked on or dabbled with.

○Optionally, you may receive an automaton dragon similar to Festus. It has gold scales, giant rubies for eyes that can light up like high-powered searchlights, golden wings, and drill-like razor-sharp teeth. It is close to 50 tons in weight, but can still easily fly with passengers on its back. It is also capable of breathing incredibly hot fire. While dormant, it takes the form of a gold suitcase for easy transport, weighing the same as a feather.

○Optionally, you may receive the Argo II. It is completely indestructible and never runs out of power.

○Optionally, you may receive the Nemean Lion's Pelt, a magical Spoil of War. When worn, it makes the wearer immune to all forms of damage where it covers. You may choose what form it takes, from a regular pelt to a black overcoat, chosen now. It is completely indestructible, and will return to you if stolen or lost. It also has the effect of making you look powerful.

○Optionally, you may receive a Cornucopia. It is able to create food using the thoughts or feelings from the person holding it. It can create endless amounts of whatever food or drink you want. This happens in a way you want, so that you won't have Coca-Cola appear without the bottle or a glass it is in, and it will come in such a way as for you to get it without spilling, like being put perfectly down on the table in front of you. It is completely indestructible, and will return to you if stolen or lost.

○Optionally, you may receive the Golden Fleece, a magical artifact. It can cure any living thing. It makes the grass, flowers, and all the plants healthier. It can also heal mortals and demigods. When wearing it, demigods are healed much faster than normal. It is also able to cure deadly poisons that have no antidote. It can even resurrect someone if they are covered by the fleece before death. It can cause the plant life in an area to grow faster than normal, and bear more produce, all more nourishing and better tasting. It does the same thing to livestock as well.

○Optionally, you may have a potion vial containing an Improved version of The Physician's Cure. It can resurrect anyone who has died, no matter how long ago they died, and will heal them back to a fully healed and repaired state. The vial refills whenever it is used, is absolutely indestructible and cannot be stolen, and will return to you when you want it.

○Optionally, you may receive a space expanded, featherlight chest containing tons of Blessed Metals: Adamantine, Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold and Stygian Iron. The chest refills whenever you close the lid, and will return to you if stolen or lost. It is also indestructible.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.


■Annabeth Chase.

■Silena Beauregard.

■Thalia Grace.

■Hylla Ramírez-Arellano.


■Sadie Kane.





■Any other character from the PJO universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the PJO Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of a Hybrid from Bleach

•You may remake yourself however you want.

•You are now a natural Hybrid of the major races in the Bleach universe, same as Ichigo Kurosaki himself. This gives you access to all the racial abilities of Shinigami, Hollows and Quincy's. You may start out a the level of a Captain in power, but your potential is limitless, and your growth rate unprecedented.

•As a hybrid, you become able to combine your racial techniques to create a technique that is immensely more powerful than the originals. Combine Shunpo, Sonido, Hirenkyaku and Fullbringer Light, and no one will be able to keep up with you, much less catch you.

•You may also choose to combine other powers and abilities you receive, like combining your Bankai and your Resurrección.

•You can at any time change from your flesh form to your soul form and back again.

•You will find that you have access to any power and ability you have in your soul form in your flesh form. Your flesh form will never struggle with your powers, being perfectly able to contain it.

•You are able to grant other Souls (Shinigami, Hollows and any similar beings) a flesh form, where they have have access to any power and ability they have in their soul form.

•Thanks to your nature as a Shinigami, you have access to all of the basic Sinigami abilities.

•You receive your very own Zanpakuto of your own design, with powers and abilities you choose yourself. You can design both your Shikai and your Bankai. Your Zanpakuto spirit, can be of your complete design, having the appearance, personality and anything else of your choice. You can also leave your personal Zanpakuto up to chance, where it will become the Zanpakuto you would have had, with whatever spirit and abilities you would have gotten. No matter what, they will be irrevocably loyal to you, and you are guaranteed to have a good relationship with your Zanpakuto.◦Optionally you may receive any of the following Zanpakuto:◾Zangetsu.

◾Ruyjin Jakka.



◾Kyoka Suigetsu.


◾Any other zanpakuto from Bleach.

◦These can be separate zanpakuto bonded to you, keeping all of their original powers and abilities (including Bankai). Their spirits however will change into something more fitting to you, in both appearance and personality.

◦Or you can have their powers and abilities merge with your own Zanpakuto.

•Optionally, you may have attained a power beyond Bankai, effectively fusing yourself with your Zanpakutō in the process and dramatically altering your physical appearances in ways corresponding to their unique abilities, granting you an even higher level of power. Think Saigo no Getsuga Tenshō without losing all your powers.

•You know the basics of Zankensoki, which is the name of the fighting techniques Shinigami uses. This includes Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hoho and Kido.◦Optionally, you may be a master of Zanjutsu, becoming an unparalleled swordsman. Yachiru Unohana, Yamamoto, Aizen and Ichigo are no match for you when it comes to fighting with swords.

◦Optionally, you may be a master of Hakuda. Not even the Yoruichi Shihouin and Soi-fon can match you.

◦Optionally, you may be a master of Hoho. Not even the Goddess of Flash Yoruichi and the Lightning-Fast Tenjirō can match you.

◦Optionally, you may be a master of Kido. You now every single kido in existence, including the illegal ones, and are capable of using all of them with ease. You are also able to create your own Kido, should you want to. Not even Kisuke Urahara and Sosuke Aizen can match you.

◦Optionally, you may have mastered the art of Shunko, which is an advanced battle technique which combines the physical techniques of Hakuda with the spell-based techniques of Kidō. You have mastered it to an extent not even Yoruichi has, and she was the one to create it. You get to choose what Element your Shunko takes.

•Thanks to your nature as a Hollow, you have access to all the basic Hollow abilities and techniques, which you will find are all at peak level of a Hollow, whether that be a Vasto Lorde or an Arrancar. High-speed regeneration is even faster and can even more, Hierro is even harder and more durable, Sonido is faster, Pesquisa works over longer range, etc. You also have access to techniques like Descorrer and Negacion.

•You will find you start out at the power of an Espada.

•As a hollow, you are able to consume souls to increase your power, but unless the soul is strong you will find the increase to be negligible.

•You also have access to Cero, and can fire them from any part of your body. You may choose to be able to do any of these techniques:◦Bala.

◦Grand Rey Cero.

◦Cero Oscuras.

◦Cero Metralleta.

◦Cero Cornera

◦Any other Cero technique.

•You will receive your very own resurrection of your own design, with powers and abilities you choose yourself. You can also your resurrection up to chance, where it will become the resurrection you would have had, with whatever abilities you would have gotten.◦Optionally you may receive any of the following resurrections:◾Los Lobos (without Lilynette).


◾Any other Resurrection from Bleach.

◦These can be separate resurrections you have access to. Or you can have their powers and abilities merge with your own resurrection.

◦Optionally, you have access to the Segunda Etapa, which grants you an additional form you can enter, increasing your power even further.

•Thanks to your nature as a Quincy, you are able to absorb and manipulate Reishi for several uses. You will always have access to endless amounts of Reishi.

•You have been trained in the ways of a Quincy, and have mastered all the techniques of a Quincy, from Blut Vene and Blut Arterie, to the more difficult techniques like Hirenkyaku and Ransōtengai, to even the art of Shadow teleportation. And even though you are not an Echt Quincy, you are still able to use all your abilities instinctively.

•You are capable of using your Quincy abilities without the need for a Quincy Cross, and can do so even in places where there are no Reishi, drawing from a well of infinite reishi only you have access to (you can grant other Quincy access to it).

•You may receive your very own Schrift of your own design, with powers and abilities you choose yourself.◦Optionally you may receive any of the following Schrifts:◾The Anthesis.

◾The Balance.

◾The Miracle.

◾The X-Axis.

◾The Explode.

◾The Thunderbolt.

◾The Heat.

◾The Wind.

◾The Visionary.

◾Any other schrift from Bleach.

◦You get all your Schrifts without being connected to Yhwach, then instead being a part of your own power.

◦Optionally, you will have access to Vollstandig, which takes on a different ability depending on what Schrift you activate it with.

•Optionally, you may receive the power of Soul Distribution, granting you the innate ability to distribute a piece of your soul to another. You can use this to give and acquire power by bestowing an ability, allowing its wielder to cultivate it, and then taking it back. Unlike Yhwach, you don't need to continue to absorb souls, nor do you have to fear ending up in terrible, weakened state, completely deprived of your senses and abilities. You may take back your soul part without fear of killing the one who received it. Having this power will not make you struggle to wield Reishi. If you give a piece of your soul to someone, your soul will slowly heal back on its own, even if you don't take back the soul piece you have distributed.

•Thanks to your nature as a Fullbringer, you are able to manipulate the souls that reside in all physical matter. Your ability and skill in a Fullbringers basic abilities are equal to Aura Michibane, even though you may have a Fullbring Object.

•You may receive your very own Fullbring of your own design, with powers and abilities you choose yourself.◦Optionally you may receive any of the following Fullbring:◾Shun Shun Rikka.

◾Book of the End.

◾Invaders Must Die/Digital Radial Invaders.

◾Ichigo's Fullbring.

◾Any other Fullbring from Bleach.

◦These can be separate fullbring bonded to you, keeping all of their original powers and abilities.

◦Or you can have their powers and abilities merge with your own Fullbring.

•Optionally, you may receive the power of The Almighty. This grants you several abilities, such as making you able to see everything that is to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future. You can therefore "know" everything that lies within that gaze. Rather than seeing a linear future, you will observe all possible futures at once like countless grains of sand in the wind, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge you have gained. However, the true power of The Almighty is the ability to alter the future into whatever outcome you desire, even rewriting your own death.

•The Almighty also gives you several other abilities:◦Any power/ability you "See" with The Almighty will become yours.

◦Any Power/abilities you "See" will not only be unable to defeat you, but become unable to harm you in any way.

◦You can use it to consume other beings via physical contact, including higher beings and in doing so, absorb their powers and energy, making their powers and abilities your own.

•Optionally, you may become the Ruler of Hell, granting you a new form to transform into, and the powers of Hell. When entering your Skull Clad form, a golden light will coalesce around your form into an armor made of golden bones, shining with sinful light and taking an appearance of your choice. This armor represents the invested power of the Kushanada, the caretaker's of Hell, and thus your own authority in that realm. Hell will follow you to any world you go, which you can travel freely to and from, summoning the Gates to enter the place and then exit again anywhere. This has also given you the same immortality as the Togabito, which will make you slowly reform in Hell if you are ever killed. Not even soul destruction can prevent you from reforming a few days later in Hell. When entering the Skull-Clad form, you will find yourself receiving an increase in spiritual power, reinforcing your soul with the energy of hell, similar to maintaining a Shikai or Resurreccion state while the armor is summoned. You can both create and command the chains of hell. The chains are near unbreakable and can bind the spiritual energy of others. They can even drag them down into hell, if a Gate is open. You can also summon and control the Kushanada, gigantic demons who guard Hell.

•Optionally, you may choose to have a Hōgyoku embedded into your body, fusing with it almost completely. In this state, the Hōgyoku grants you an immense amount of power, alongside it instinctively protecting you by healing any injuries you receive almost instantly. It also gives you the ability to manifest your desires into reality as long as you are strong enough powerful enough. As the Hōgyoku further understands your heart, the fusion between you two will progress further, restructuring your soul and slowly evolving. You will never evolve in any way you would find unappealing or unwanted, and the Hōgyoku will never betray you or consider anyone else besides you as it's master.

•Optionally, you may receive the ability to transform at will into an animal of your choice. This can be anything from a house cat to a tiger, but must be an animal found in the animal kingdom. You may also have it influence your abilities in some way.

•You can at anytime conjure an Asauchi, which when given to someone gives them the ability to wield Spiritual power like a Shinigami. They will then slowly and methodically imprint the essence of their soul into their Asauchi, which will then mold into their own unique Zanpakutō. You can have their Spiritual energy merge with any other kind of energy they already have.

•You have a library containing all the knowledge of the world of Bleach, from Kido to how the world was made.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own Hogyoku. It is irrevocably loyal to you, and allows you to to absorb the desires of those around it and manifest them into reality. However, this power is not without limitations. The Hōgyoku itself is merely a guiding force - it can only manifest the desires of those with the strength to carry them out. You have the Crumbling Orb of desire to use as you see fit, and it will never run out of power and go to sleep like Aizen's did.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own Palace of your design, that is hidden within a Realm hidden inside Shadows. This dimension cannot normally be seen or detected unless shown to someone, and can only be Entered and Exited through the use of the Shadow Teleportation of Quincies.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Yoruichi Shihouin.

◦Rangiku Matsumoto.

◦Orihime Inoue.

◦Rukia Kuchiki.

◦Kukaku Shiba.

◦Retsu Unohana.


◦Isane Kotetsu.

◦Nanao Ise.

◦Lisa Yadomaru.

◦Kirio Hikifune (Slender).

◦Nemu Kurotsuchi.

◦Tier Harribel.

◦Neliel Tu Odelschwanck.

◦Francesca Mila Rosa.

◦Bambietta Basterbine.

◦Candice Catnipp.

◦Masaki Kurosaki.

◦Tatsuki Arisawa.

◦Ikumi Unagiya.

◦Riruka Dokugamine.

◦Jackie Tristan.

◦Any other character from the Bleach universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Bleach, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of a Shadowhunter

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You are now a Nephilim, or Shadowhunter, a secretive race of beings who are humans born with angel blood. Despite their ancestry, Shadowhunters are mortal and therefore vulnerable to old age and death; however, their angelic blood endows them with special abilities that allow them to achieve feats beyond what's humanly possible. This includes enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, and coordination, which continue to improve over time and practice. You are also granted the Sight, being naturally and easily able to see through most magical illusions and layers of glamour over reality. Due to the angel blood in their veins, all Shadowhunters are able to apply runes on their skin without any real danger. These Marks, in turn, give varied effects that serve to benefit the wearer. You are also able to use and call on the power of angels for their seraph blades, as well as to handle any heavenly weapons or objects with effect, which would normally not work for other species.

○Your talent for runic Magic is high, allowing for greater strength and accuracy of Marks you draw. You know every single rune shown in the Mortal Instruments universe completely by heart, having mastered them all, including those not from the Gray Book, like the Mark of Caine, the Birth Control rune and the Alliance Rune. You can also use runes that are unique, like the Portal Rune. Unlike runes made by other Shadowhunters, the runes that fade over time will never leave behind a faint white or silver scar if you are the one that writes them, nor will others leave them on your own body, unless you want the scars to form. You can also hide any rune that is drawn on your skin, or on others. As a side-effect of your rune mastery, you are now an incredible, almost supernatural Artist when it comes to painting and drawing.

○Optionally, you may receive the training Jace and Sebastian received from Valentine. You have been trained from birth to be a warrior and a monster, even faster, stronger, more skilled and more lethal than most Shadowhunters combined. You have been taught how to fight, both armed and unarmed, against both Nephilim and Downworlders, allowing you to rend and tear your way through them fluidly with ease. But it is with the Sword where you shine, being naturally talented in it. It will take someone with both your talent and immense experience for them to beat you in a sword-fight. You have also learned to play the Piano and the Violin like a master, alongside becoming fluent in most spoken languages in the world. You will remain fit and healthy without any need of maintenance or constant training, and your skills will never degrade.

○Optionally, you may become able to create Parabatai. A parabatai is a pair of warriors who fight together as lifelong partners, bound together by oath, regardless of their gender. Their bond is not reflected only in their closeness and willingness to lay down their lives for one another, but also in oath. This ritual bond enhances the natural feelings of love and friendship that already exist between the pair, and enables them to draw on each other's strength in battle. They also maintain a strong connection between one another and are able to sense each other's life force being able to feel the life leave their partner, and when something supernatural happens to the other. Marks made by one parabatai upon another are stronger than Marks drawn by others, and there are Marks that only parabatai can use, because they draw on the partners' doubled strength. The bond is broken, normally, only by the death of one of the members of the partnership. There are ways to break the bond outside of death, but do not have to fear this as long none of you die, the bond will be unbreakable unless you want it to fade. This has to be a true death. A normal Shadowhunter can only choose one parabatai in their lifetime and cannot perform the ritual more than once. You are not that limited, capable of having a limitless amount of bonds at once connected to you without any side effects, and also allowing others to draw in the strength of others you are bonded with through you. As long as you are a witness, you are able to create a Parabatai between others, only needing their consent. You can do this even if they are older than nineteen. You are capable of making Parabatai bonds fade at will, whether it be one of your own or someone else's, without any drawbacks. Any bond you create will never have to fear love or romance between the bonded, as only the benefits will manifest, not the negatives. If real romantic Love exists between Parabatai, then the bond will strengthen their power to the point of magic. The more the pair accepts and embraces their emotions and love for one another, the stronger the power of the bond gets. This gives the pair increased power with runes, even more so than typical parabatai so that even fatal wounds are healed with their iratze. They will have an almost telepathic ability between one another, as well as an empathetic ability to feel what the other is feeling, including the other's injuries as if they are their own. This can be decreased to lesser intensity at will, all the way from full to nothing and back again.

○Optionally, you may receive the ability to transform into a True Nephilim, and enormous being of heavenly fire, at will. True Nephilim take the form of giant humanoid beings, glowing from within with heavenly fire. They are incredibly bright to look at, and move as if they are drifting on light, rather than stomping as giants might. They are still capable of speech, and appear to retain some semblance of their human memories and appearance, but unlike ordinary True Nephilim, you do not lose your sense of self, being completely in control. You have full control over the Heavenly fire and don't have to fear being burned up from it.

○Optionally, you may choose to have been given given Angel Blood during infancy while still in the womb. This gives you innate strength and natural skill far superior compared to ordinary Nephilim, all of which continue to improve slowly over time and with practice. You have a connection to runes unlike anyone, even Claire, making you able to write runes with ease, intuitively knowing how to do it without thinking, and any Mark drawn by you is stronger than it normally would be. As if that wasn't enough, while Clary has access to runes that the Gray Book doesn't cover, you are capable of creating new runes by merely desiring an effect and then getting fed the knowledge of a rune granting that effect, the power of the effect possible to achieve with the rune depending on your own level of power, as it can't be that far beyond your own. Fanwank responsibly, and think about the comparison between Shadowhunters before runes and after. The runes will therefore always scale to be a factor more powerful than yourself. Any rune drawn by you will never create a Forsaken or any other negative consequences, and any rune can be made permanent or temporary even if it normally wouldn't be. You are also able to write runes without the use of a stele, being able to write them using only your hands. A side effect is that any vampire that drinks your blood will become a daylighter, capable of walking and living in sunlight without fear and granting them all the other abilities of a Daylighter, like being able to bring the dead back to life with their own blood without turning them into vampire (unless that is what they want) and to heal grave wounds by pouring their own blood over the wound. But this only happens when the blood is freely given. Another side effect is that your blood is now extremely tasty and incredibly delicious, almost addictive, granting whomever that drinks it a feeling and sense of euphoria. You can also create and control Heavenly Fire, never having to fear it burning up yourself.

○Optionally, you may choose to have been given Demon Blood during infancy while still in the womb. This gives you superior strength and agility compared to even Nephilim given Angel Blood, while you slowly grow stronger over time and with practice. Unlike a certain other individual, this has not given you the cruelty that comes with the demonic nature. Instead, the demonic side has fused with your mind, body and soul, granting you a protection against Magic and other similar powers that targets you in any way you don't want it to. This works both subconsciously and consciously, in that you don't have to know you are being hit by Magic you don't want to affect you for it to protect you, but if you do want some form of Magic that would be non-beneficial for you to affect you, then it will. This will also protect you against heavenly fire, making you immune. It also gives you the fortitude to go through hard choices, increasing your willpower and determination to near infinite amounts. You will eventually become more powerful than all the Greater Demons, and already have large amounts of magic and demonic energy to play with, alongside the ability to possess others at will, gaining control over their body. You are also granted the gift warlocks inherit from their parents, namely their immortality. Once you reach your physical prime somewhere around your early to late twenties, you will stop aging.

■Optionally, you may receive a pair of beautiful black angel wings, tipped with silver, on your back that you can hide and spread out at will, granting you fast and fluid flight. You can also make your eyes turn Black similar to Sebastian Morgenstern, but at will instead of constantly.

■Lilith will see you as her child if you have this, as it was her blood you were given.

○You cannot be turned into a werewolf, vampire or anything similar unless you want to. As a side effect, you are also immune to STDs and other diseases, even supernatural ones like Demon Pox.

○Optionally, you may have been marked by the Mark of Cain, the Mark being placed anywhere you wish on your body. Anyone who attempts to hurt you will be punished sevenfold, so when you are attacked, the Mark burns white and the assailant is attacked with the same intent that was to be used against you, only seven times stronger. This also make you invulnerable to attacks from others, but you can still kill yourself, even accidentally through inanimate objects. This does also grant you the burden of living eternally, as it prevents your death even from age. Your Mark does however not act directly on others close to you like the original, as in that it doesn't have the effect of pushing you away from your family and anyone else you are close to. You can turn the Mark on and off at will, the Mark disappearing when off.

○Optionally, you may receive the Commands of Perfect love and loyalty. Numerous Faerie spells have been cast on you, making it so that all who come within your presence feel naturally inclined to serve and protect you, with very few able to resist the urge to drop their other priorities for you. Anyone you order will become unable to resist your orders, and will not be able to betray you. You can toggle this on and off at will.

○You now have your very own indestructible Stele. Steles are the tools used by Shadowhunters to draw runes onto their skin, weapons, and other materials. They are made of adamas and crafted by the Iron Sisters. Steles have a sort of aura to them, a ghostly imprint of their owner's personality. When not in use, steles are inert but they warm and glow while drawing runes. You can call your Stele into your hand at, which will teleport it to you.

○You now have your very own reusable Seraph Blade and can be used an infinite amount of times. Seraph blades are the primary weapons of the Shadowhunters. They are made of adamas and crafted by the Iron Sisters. They call upon the power of angels' names to access the power of the blades. Before the blade can be used, a Shadowhunter must name it to invoke its power. Any angel's name, except for Raziel's, can be called upon. Within the Shadowhunter community, it is often believed that when a Shadowhunter names a seraph blade, the blade not only becomes engulfed by heavenly fire, but some of the named angel's spirit is infused into the blade as well. Seraph blades are an efficient way to kill demons and Downworlders, but when used against a mundane, the seraph blade has been observed to be vastly overpowering, causing the mundane to burst into flames upon the first blow. Although they are chiefly for the killing of demons and rogue Downworlders, seraph blades are known to also affect angels. You can call your Seraph Blade into your hand at, which will teleport it to you.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Family Swords. These swords have been in your family for a long time, and are just as effective as Seraph Blades when it comes to fighting demons and Downworlders. Both of them are made perfectly for you, being the perfect weight, size and balance for you to wield them like extensions of yourself. They will never blunt nor break, and needs no maintenance to keep in order.

■The main blade is a massive sword, about twice the length of the shorter blade. It is made of gold and adamas, but was dipped in dark silver that it sometimes looks almost black.

■Said to be the length of a forearm, the shorter blade is half the size of the larger one. It is described as beautiful and is made of black gold and adamas. The cross-guard, grip, and pommel are gold with obsidian, and the blade is a silver so dark that it looks nearly black. If given to someone you care about or love, then the blade will reshape itself to fit them instead of you, while still being a short sword.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Teleportation ring, a beautiful ring that will always fit, and with a mere twist of the ring while on your finger, you and anyone you touch will be teleported to wherever you desire. You know how and are able to create more.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Inter-dimensional apartment, akin to Valentine's. This apartment is laced with magic, able to move in and out of worlds— specifically, between dimensions. Because of this, the apartment is also able to appear and disappear from one location to another. When used to travel, it travels through dimensions, and when it passes through points where dimensions intersect, dimensional pockets are created. The apartment can then remain in these pockets, preventing it from being tracked. It also comes with a fiat backed pocket dimension that always exists. Can be used as a retreat and an undetectable mode of travel. The apartment is a large penthouse-esc suite, fully stocked and with every single thing a penthouse from the 21st century should have, including incredible WiFi and a large Smart TV with all the Streaming Apps already active in the living room. The food, ingredients and drinks are restocked every day, and is whatever you want it to be. You don't have to worry about the power, as it will always have enough. Nor do you have to worry about water or sewage, everything being handled completely by its inter-dimensional nature. The windows show the scenery you desire, whether that be an Italian village, the sunset on a beach, the city of New York or the Milky Way. No one can find you while here, and no one else can enter the apartment unless they come alongside you. Comes with a teleportation ring that can only teleport to and from the apartment, and when you teleport from the apartment, you will return to the place you teleported from. You can with this ring only carry yourself and one other living person. If the ring is gifted to someone, then they become able to teleport to and from the apartment, and you can make more rings with this ability.

○Optionally you may receive your very own copy of the Mortal Cup. The Mortal Cup is one of the Mortal Instruments given by the Angel Raziel to Jonathan Shadowhunter, the first of the Nephilim. The Cup is a gilded, glassine chalice carved from adamas and dipped in gold, and is the size of an ordinary wineglass, though heavier. Because of its mysterious transformative properties, drinking from the Cup turns mundanes into Shadowhunters. It is presumed that it became sacred and magical after Raziel used it as the vessel for his blood, imbuing it with his vast angelic power. Unlike the original, this one is guaranteed to make any mundane/non-Shadowhunter who drinks it into a Shadowhunter.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own copy of the Mortal Sword gifted by Raziel to Jonathan Shadowhunter. An enormous silver sword, shaped like a typical arming sword from the Middle Ages. It has a straight double-edged blade and a one-handed hilt, made of pure Adamas, with an elaborate design of outspread wings, emerging from the point where blade meets handle. Unlike the original, this sword does not feel agonizing to bear, nor does it give holder a tingling sensation, as if hooks embed their hands onto the sword, contributing to the mental pain truth compulsion it triggers— metaphorically pulling the truth out of someone. It will still force the truth out of anyone other than you that holds it, but it will not be agonizing. Optionally, you may have the sword gain the ability it would from being demonically-aligned, where the Sword can be used to summon demons and allows its wielder to have control over them.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own copy of the Infernal Cup. The Infernal Cup is the demonic equivalent to the Mortal Cup, used to turn Shadowhunters into Dark Shadowhunters, changing their angelic alliance to demonic. It is a glassine chalice and an almost exact replica of the Mortal Cup, except for its midnight black color. This endlessly filled cup will turn whoever drinks from it into Endarkened. They will gain enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, and coordination superior to even Nephilim, which will continue to improve over time and practice. They are also granted the Sight, but will not be able to use Angelic Runes due to the demonic blood they have partaken in, only being able to use demon runes. All those turned into Endarkened may become eternally and irrevocably loyal and faithful to you, should you desire that when they drink from it. They do not have to be Nephilim to be turned into Endarkened. They also receive the gift of Immortality that Warlocks have.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Clary Fairchild.

■Isabelle Lightwood.

■Grace Blackthorn.

■Any other character from the Mortal Instruments universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Mortal Instruments Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.