
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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Meta Essence CYOA 43

Essence of the Mecha Musume

 The contents of this straw-bearing can (looking suspiciously like WD-40) taste like hard work, sweat, and metal, and leave a sensation like licking a battery. Drinking it grants you the following:

○A strategic and tactical genius that would let you comfortably hold the position the likes of an Admiral or Commander, with a focus on combined operations involving shipgirls, planegirls, tankgirls, gungirls, so on and so forth.

○The ability to grant human (or at least humanoid) forms to pieces of technology that serve as military vehicles or are weapons. While most often stunningly attractive women, their exact forms are up to you. Want your submarine to be a boy? Go ahead. Want your stealth bomber to look more plane than girl? Knock yourself out. They don't necessarily need to be military/weapons in origin, either. Please fanwank responsibly when deciding what counts.

○This ability takes a few forms:

■Firstly, summoning rituals, which allow you to sacrifice resources and time to receive girls from potentially any setting or period, with less time and resources = less specificity and lower 'tier' girls. Obtaining girls from settings you haven't visited takes more of both. You can still direct it for a category of girl, though, such as aiming for sea-based, air-based, land-based, space-based, or even man-portable-based girls. This is the more "gacha" method.

■Secondly, conversion rituals, which tend to take more time but use existing machines instead of other payments and convert them into their mecha musume forms instead of blindly bringing in new ones. They will maintain any upgrades or abilities you might have given the original machine. This is less gacha, more of a method of upgrading and granting life.

○Your first conversion is completely free, and your first summon is strongly discounted.

○They either possess 'spirits' of their crew to handwave internal operations or control themselves as though a human would control their own body. This is more of an aesthetic choice than anything else, as they're guaranteed to be able to control all their own functions regardless.

○They can summon 'rigging', chibi/mini versions of their original features to utilize their original capabilities. Example: Boats have smaller versions of their guns (or runways for aircraft carriers) with projectiles that become full-sized mid flight, planes have wings that extend from their back or legs and engines attached in similar ways, man-portable guns carry infinitely summonable copies of themselves and have obscenely high amounts of ammo they can use. The exact way they appear is up to you.

○All of your girls can take human food in the place of conventional rearming or refueling, and massages, spas, baths, etc. will make for suitable replacements for other forms of maintenance. They can also take conventional upgrades or additions, with some surreal space-time nonsense going on that allows them to be both a girl and a machine ('hull') simultaneously, with the benefits wherever possible of both. Upgrades take the same amount of resources they would to be added to the original machine. Note that they may have unusual physical responses or effects on certain things because of this, and that they need either a LOT more food than a human or specially (perhaps magically) prepared food if you're not rearming them conventionally.

○Your girls need no crewing if they're vehicles, but you and others can still do so if your girls take their 'hull' forms.

○Every 24 hours, you may change the weapon composition of your girls to any they could have possessed reasonably throughout their operational history. If something was specific to a single instance in their "class", she'll still need to be that one unique instance, unless you built the upgrade yourself.

○Your girls are unflinchingly loyal to you, but still capable of making their own decisions when necessary, and will never be totally suicidally ambitious because of this unless you give direct orders. They are immune to mind control and extremely resistant to other forms of subversion.

○Keeping a growing armada of pint-sized war machines happy can be a difficult affair, so you are… ahem, extremely talented at pleasing and providing for your girls. Yes, this can be taken to mean exactly what you think it can be taken to mean. You are essentially a harem protagonist now, although you don't have to go that route.

○Because of the aforementioned logistical and social issues, you may choose to gain ownership of a large base of operations, complete with support staff and specialized facilities including cafeterias, bathhouses, and scaling training facilities. Even if you've got a Death Star wandering around the base, they'll be able to support her and let her do live fire at the ranges. No, you can't cheese this and camp out inside your shooting range just because it's capable of surviving planet-cracking blows. The exact form of the base and its facilities is up to you, but it will follow if you jump to new universes. The base regenerates all necessary resources over time, and expands to accommodate new girls.

○Any human staff and forces on the base have the same kind of loyalty as your girls, and won't question their existence at all. They cannot be taken from your control, reappear over the course of a month if killed somehow, and will repair any damage done to the base in the same time. They're no more skilled than a conventional human in their equivalent positions, and function as, forgive the language, NPCs more than anything else.

○You are a master helmsman, pilot, driver, wielder, or any other form of controller of your girls if operating them in their 'hull' forms.

○You may raise any girl you choose to the level of personal vehicle, personal weapon, or a similar honor. This process is much like marriage, but like Summoning also requires a bit of theatrics and resources. This can be done with as many girls as you want, but you must have made a truly strong connection to each other, and it has a three-month cooldown. Any girls elevated in this way will receive a part of any of your current and future abilities, including essences, and they may share some of their powers as MMs with you. The amount of power shared grows with intimacy and connection.

○Reminder: all usage of female pronouns in the above content is 100% optional. Have your shipboy harem or co-ed armada, nobody will judge.

○At the time of taking this essence, you may also turn yourself into a mecha musume following the same points above, with all benefits that entails. This will be free, and you can pick any weapon or vehicle you want. Choose wisely and, again, responsibly.

○Of course, this is all toggleable, or a sliding scale, adjusting to your liking.

○Optionally, be inserted into a specific or generic mecha musume setting.

Essence of the Gunslinger

 The essence in this gun-shaped bottle is also a gun. Don't question it. Tastes like gunpowder, vengeance, and regret. Drinking it grants you the following:

○A functionally peak body for your race, with an edge ahead in speed, reaction times, and constitution such that you can shrug off most gunshot wounds and keep up with high-speed gunfighting.

○The Gun-Goddess Kaliber has looked upon you and smiled. You are now capable of Gun Magic, with numerous smaller disciplines as a result of it. While a relative novice in these fields for now, you will quickly meet and then surpass the skill of the original Master of the Gungeon, The Lich, as you train.

■Enchantment/Forging: This discipline allows for the creation of trinkets and artifacts that drastically improve your gunfighting ability, and even other aspects of yourself and your weapons. You can also recreate the universal ammo boxes and blanks found throughout the games. This additionally allows you to suffuse objects with the concept of guns, turning the objects into guns themselves on the conceptual level. This often comes with humorous results, such as a mailbox gun firing letters and packages, but also magically increases the strength and capabilities of preexisting guns. On the higher end, this allows you to make such artifacts as The Gun That Can Kill The Past, The Bullet That Can Kill The Past, the Super Hot Watch, etc.

■Synergy Magic: Woven into two or more objects, this form of magic allows you to create 'synergies' between the objects, wherein using them in tandem grants strong and unique effects. On the higher end, you could create a set of armor like that of Cormorant, the Aimless Gunknight, that completely removes the need to reload, or (in conjunction with Enchantment) items like the Lich's Eye Bullets.

■Gunjuration: One of the most prominent disciplines in the Gungeon, this type of magic allows one to summon ethereal bullets and firearms for a number of purposes. You are not just limited to simple fire and forget patterns either, you can give your bullets an extremely wide array of qualities, such as moving of their own accord around a room and firing out more bullets at enemies. You may preload a number of these patterns (three, to begin) of relative simplicity for nearly instant casting, and find the number and complexity you can preload like this growing with practice. You can also summon gun-entities like the inhabitants of the gungeon to fight on your side or patrol/wander indefinitely until they encounter a designated enemy. On the higher end, you can rapid-fire any patterns shown by enemies or bosses in the game, and summon the likes of the High Dragun as a guard dog.

■Any other unlisted or uncategorized magic effects seen in the games can be recreated by you with sufficient study.

○You have an innate sense for changes to the timeline, and total immunity to being paradox'd or otherwise time-shenanigans'd out of existence. You will coast through alterations to the timeline in whatever way you find most favorable, keeping your memories and body by default. If you have access to any personal extradimensional space, it will also remain wholly unaffected.

○You have action movie levels of mastery with firearms, allowing you to make shots from extreme ranges, predict enemy movements perfectly to shoot where they will be, weave bullets between moving objects, and generally perform Gun-Kata as though it were a real martial art. Wind and other environmental changes have little to no effect on your aim.

○You have access to the entire technical knowledge of the Gungeon universe when it comes to the creation and upgrading of ranged weapons, although you lack the knowledge for the more esoteric weapons like the GTCKTP until you advance in your mystical studies.

○You have mastered the mystical Dodge Roll, including its upwards-mobile capability from Exit the Gungeon, granting you invincibility frames during a roll wherein you cannot be harmed at all. You are naturally extremely skilled at dodging attacks, even when surrounded by hundreds of them, never panic rolling into the path of another. Your dodge roll is also much more fluid, allowing you to take fast ones to get on your feet and firing again, or slower ones for more invincibility. While Dodge Rolling, you cannot fire your guns, but you can still roll the normal way if you ever feel the need.

○When flipping tables over, you also possess brief invincibility, in the form of a field that neutralizes enemy attacks in a bubble around the table, even erasing bullets from midair. These impromptu sources of cover will also take a lot more hits than normal before any get through or break the table.

○You possess an 'inventory', allowing you to 'wear' as many of your enchanted passive items as you want at once, a number of active items determined by your storage 'slots' (some passives can increase this past the starting value of 1), and hold infinitely many guns that you may switch between on a whim.

○You possess one C or lower tier Passive item, a sidearm of your own design with infinite ammo about as powerful as those the in-game Gungeoneers possess, and potentially a non-infinite ammo gun and active item also around the strength of those the other Gungeoneers have. These items are infused with the concept of You in such a way that even with total power loss or the total destruction of your abilities, they'll still be on hand. They can be brought into and out of your inventory regardless of other restrictions.

○If you wish, you may start with any four B-tier items/guns, three A-tier items/guns, or two S-tier items/guns, all from the base game(s).

○Unlike the canon characters of the games, Kaliber is particularly friendly with you and cares not for your blasphemous usage of other kinds of weapons besides guns. No items or weapons that increase your Curse score in the original game will affect you in that way, and instead you may ask her politely if you want your curse increased or decreased for whatever reason. No future outside context usage of swords or the like will make her mad either.

○Of course, this is all toggleable, or a sliding scale, adjusting to your liking.

○Optionally, be inserted into a specific or generic Gungeon setting, including fanfiction or non-canon media.

Essence of the Ghidorah

 The… 'beverage' inside this bottle seems to exist in several dimensions at once, and the bottle is unaffected by gravity. Tastes like lightning, and you feel lighter on your feet from the moment it hits your lips. By drinking this essence, you gain:

○You're now a member of the… species? Collection of species? Family? Of Ghidorahs, an intergalactic, potentially interdimensional conquering and pillaging group of hydras, with some unusual differences between given members.

○At your most basic, you are a massive multi-headed dragon, either on two legs or four, with a skewing toward yellows, browns, and golds in your color scheme. However, you may also be a less common color like Desghidorah's red or Keizer's silver and black. You can adopt a smaller form for the sake of interacting with human-scaled reality, or a humanoid form like Monster X.

○You may possess any abilities shown by a Ghidorah species, even those from non-Godzilla media, such as Desghidorah's geokinesis. You may also choose to be a more generic Ghidorah, with relatively (still city-killing) weak starting electrokinesis and gravitokinesis, but develop the abilities of other Ghidorahs over time. Your physical strength, durability, flight, and regeneration are already extremely strong, but will grow as well.

○You are an Alpha Titan. Lesser kaiju bend to your will, including smaller monsters like normal dragons. While you probably possess at least three heads, you may choose to be the sole intelligence governing them, or take additional servile 'personalities' with each. Your rights as King mean that most creatures instinctively bow before your demands, and you can communicate thoughts and feelings with other species without even speaking.

○Outside of the atmosphere, you are capable of high FTL flight speeds, and in-atmosphere your mere presence can shift the environment to suit your desires better over time. This is toggleable and selective, if you want to be a 'good' ghidorah.

○You are instinctively talented at terraforming planets to suit your needs, and draining them of all resources. Your environment-affecting physiology can do most of the heavy lifting for you, turning a highly populated and bountiful planet into a husk devoid of any signs of life with a few years of rampaging, or doing the exact opposite a little slower if you're playing it nice. Environmental conditions on even the most extreme worlds have little to no effect on you.

○You can asexually produce more Ghidorahs, modeled after your custom design or with greater random variety, but they take a very, very long time to mature.

○Eventually, with enough power and a few millennia, you will be able to shift your body into a higher dimensional state, making you impervious to physical attacks (and even most energetic ones), and while you might rely on a devoted worshiper stabbing their eye or something silly like that to manifest in a lower dimension, you will eventually be able to selectively affect lower reality without external help. By your final stage as a ghidorah, you can instantly generate massive black holes without even showing yourself in lower reality, phase-cut through materials of any hardness, and your speed is more of a matter of deciding to be somewhere than travel time. Spacetime will be easy for you to manipulate, and you can pull off feats like having the sensors of a ship pick up on their own deaths an hour before you kill them. You'll not necessarily be omnipotent, but you'll be close enough for it to be an irrelevant distinction, as the time warping baloney you'll be capable of will let you find out just about any information well before it happens.

○You can keep members of a lesser race alive after messing up their planet or society and easily stockholm-syndrome them into worshiping you as a god. Your doomsday cult can induct new members decently quickly despite the face-value insanity of worshiping a planet killer. They'll receive boons for serving under you, which you can decide the strength of based on how powerful you yourself are.

○You have a natural alignment toward Gravity, Electricity, and Entropy in any future magic systems or the like.

○Of course, this is all toggleable, or a sliding scale, adjusting to your liking.

○Optionally, be inserted into a specific or generic setting that features Ghidorahs, including fanfiction or non-canon media.

Essence of the Devil (Chainsaw Man)

 This bottle of a very bloody looking (and tasting) fluid is marked with only a few choice words: "Better the Devil You Know…". Drinking it grants you the following:


○You are now a Devil. Before any other effects apply, you now have a functionally real world peak human body, although it is no longer the only body you own. You may design it as you like, staying mostly within human limits but with some of the next parts of this essence adding to its design.

○Choose any kind of object or idea. You are now the physical (and sometimes nonphysical) embodiment of the fear of that concept. The more that concept is feared, the more powerful you are. Something innately feared by humans at their most basic, such as Darkness, known as a Primal Fear, is so obscenely powerful that it need not walk among earth, and instead enjoys near total control in the realm of Hell.

○You may optionally choose to be anywhere between a relatively unknown and untested fear, or a primal fear like the aforementioned darkness in terms of power, regardless of what concept you choose to embody, or how much it's actually feared. You may also elect to grow in strength separate from the public's fear of you.

○Unlike most other devils, you are able to switch between several different forms and aren't locked in one state or another.

○You have three forms:

○1. A Fiend: a human body owned by a devil as it walks the earth. From a technical standpoint, you are now a devil within a corpse, living in an otherwise 'dead' human body. You will probably have a number of physical traits from your devil replacing or overlapping some of your head, like Beam's shark face or Power's horns. You're largely disconnected from your body's sensations in this state, but it will still function like an ordinary human body, it just lacks a mind and is instead your vessel.

○2. A Hybrid: This is your standard but peak human body stated before, with no horns or other changes to the head like Fiends have. This form is a real human for all intents and purposes, although somewhere on your body is a Trigger, a physical method of transforming into your third form on this list. For Denji, this is a pull-start cord like that of a chainsaw. Unlike other hybrids, you are not in contract with any devil except yourself, have full control over whether or not you transform, and can do so with just a thought. This body can be trained past peak human to the insane levels shown by Quanxi or 'normal people' in the manga, such as running across an entire room in seconds and cutting everyone in your path in half with a sword at the same time.

○3. A Devil: This is where things get real. This form is limited only by your imagination and how much you're feared, although they tend to be humanoid or at least possess some human elements to them. In this form, you may express a number of abilities based on your chosen fear, such as a Bomb devil making things explode with a glance, or a Blood devil creating solid weapons out of blood. You are extremely hard to be put down by anything less than another devil, and generally are at least several orders of magnitude stronger than your human form. If you've taken a primal fear or elected to be as strong as one, you could wipe cities off the map in under a minute, and reach the other side of the world in even less. Even non-primal devils of a certain strength are practically invulnerable to anything under them, and still casual city-killers. There are some unclear rules about needing blood to 'run' as a devil, but since you're getting the premium deal of an essence, you don't absolutely need blood to survive as a devil or any of your other forms, now only using it to heal.

○In all of these forms, you may consume blood to heal, although in your Devil form your healing is ridiculously strong. As a bonus to keep you going in other worlds, enemies you attack may bleed a great deal more than they would normally, even those that normally possess no blood at all. You can toggle this on and off at will.

○Optionally, you may take up the mantle of the Chainsaw Devil, the Devil-That-Devils-Fear, and gain the ability to consume things or their representative devils and erase them entirely from existence. For example, by consuming the Nuke Devil, The Chainsaw Devil made it so that nuclear weapons completely ceased to exist in CSM's earth. Doing this also cuts the concept from human memory, which can lead to some weird gaps in people's minds. They will never notice that anything is missing, however, unless told so (difficult, considering there's basically no chance they discover what they've lost). You may also gain this ability while representing a fear other than Chainsaw, if you want to have the ability as a different devil. Use it responsibly.

○All devils follow a cycle of reincarnation, as any attempt to kill them instead just puts them in Hell for a while before they return to the world. You are now part of this cycle, and indeed go to the weird infinite-doors Hell of Chainsaw Man even if killed in other realities, and can pop back into life a short while later. You will be the only devil in this Hell, unless you want to interact with the local fears.

○Additionally, you may bring devils into existence in other worlds if you desire to. However, they will see you as a threat well above them, generally pacifying them to your demands unless they discover you're weaker than they thought. Regardless, you may force them to create contracts with others, even extremely one-sided ones, such as allowing someone full access to their powers in return for… pretty much nothing.

○Speaking of contracts, you may form as many as you want with others, with the only requirement being that both sides must give something in return. Contracts allow you to lend pre-loaded abilities, directly commune with the user when requested, attack a target of the user's choice without them ever being suspected, and more.

○You may design summoning rituals others can use to get your attention, and subtly inform others of the way to contact you for contracts, but you can also simply tell when and where someone is calling for a deal with you.

○You are a master at manipulating people into unfair contracts to get what you want, and generally have strong charisma when it comes to making deals and sweet-talking people into or out of things.

○Of course, this is all toggleable, or a sliding scale, adjusting to your liking.

○Optionally, be inserted into a specific or generic Chainsaw Man setting, including fanfiction or non-canon media.

Essence of the (Anti-)Kaiju

 This 'bottle' appears to have been carved out of the scale of some massive beast. The liquid inside glows blue, and you can subtly hear a sound like a geiger counter ticking. Tastes like cheesy popcorn and the perseverance of man. Drinking it grants you the following:

○Two paths are before you: Humanity and Monsterkind. You may take one, or both if you truly think you can harmonize them.

○H: If you choose Humanity, you receive an absolutely peak human body, designed to your tastes, and with a boost to your logical mind and endurance. You have the grit and the guts to wage a half-century war with giant monsters and keep powering through, win or lose.

○M: If you choose Monsterkind, you receive a monstrous form that fits a couple different criteria: One, it is big. How big? Up to 50 meters tall, 30 wide, and 40 long to begin (ignoring wingspan), weighing tens of thousands of tons. Don't worry; you'll grow quickly if you play your cards right. Two, it is an amalgamation of a few chosen concepts. Maybe you're an alien-cyborg-rogue-dinosaur (Gigan), earthen-chi-protector-turtle (Gamera), oceanic-nuclear-unpredictable-dinosaur (Godzilla), or something more esoteric. Your design is entirely up to you beyond the size restrictions, and you have a number of natural (or unnatural) abilities that we'll get into in a bit.

○H: As Humanity's greatest defender, you possess the knowledge and talent to design weapons capable of toppling even the most insurmountable beasts. This will be a general knowledge of anti-monster (not necessarily giant ones, either) tactics and weapons designs, but as you encounter more monsters you may learn to reproduce their natural abilities through technology and find perfect counters to their biologies. If you got your hands on part of a monster, there's no telling what you could build. Mecha that completely violate the Square-Cube Law just as the monsters do, computers that rely on DNA for information processing, perfect recreations of their internal energy 'reactors', breath weapons remade under your control… Your scientific talent for designing things that kill things is post-post-postmodern, and you can reverse engineer even the most alien biologies and technologies trivially with a single concrete example.

○M: You have access to an energy or energetic substance that serves as the source of your abilities. Maybe it's technology, giving you lasers and huge chainsaw blades, maybe it's radiation, giving you powerful ranged beams and a radius of burning radioactivity, maybe even magic, giving you more esoteric powers. On top of the inherent abilities of having a huge combat-focused monster body, you have one ranged and two short ranged special abilities, although you can develop more over time. Flight doesn't account for one of your slots, but taking a specialization in flight such that you are obscenely fast even by monster standards takes up one of your short range slots. Examples include: Godzilla, long range breath, short range radiation, short range brawling. Biollante, long range acid spit, short range tendrils, short range burrowing. Rodan, long range wind, short range beak, flight specialization. King Caesar, long range energy reflection, short range martial arts, short range magic-enhanced attacks.

○H: Monsters instinctively recognize your power and either fear or respect you, especially considering you have the balls to stare them down face to face. Other non-monster races will see you and recognize you as the best humanity has to offer, making them much more willing to negotiate with you.

○M: You hold real power over lesser monsters. Beasts below you in strength will instantly know it, and unless they're suicidally aggressive they will bow before you. Even those that are brave (read: dumb) enough to challenge you will only need to have some sense knocked into them to realize you're their superior. It might come with a little grumbling, but they'll accept you as the Alpha.

○H: You are extremely talented at public speaking and politics, capable of stirring up an entire nation's populace to go to war against monsterkind. You could easily serve as President, King, Emperor, whatever, and lead the charge against monsters with your forces as the spearhead.

○M: You can asexually produce smaller versions of your same species/type of monster that will grow in strength the longer they remain alive, but also serve as decent fodder against human forces. You can also take a specialization in this reproduction instead of your starting long-range ability, putting you on par with Godzilla Anime Prequel Novelization Zilla, which managed a complete overrun of wide swaths of Europe when only a single individual's clutch of eggs survived long enough. Your offspring will produce their own offspring, so on and so forth, but you will always be the strongest and biggest example and hold total control over all of your descendants.

○H: Any anti-monster projects you oversee are sped up obscene amounts, such that you could get workers from Detroit to finish building a massive untested mech with energy weapons within months, all while using early 2000s tech. You yourself are a master at piloting your weapons and will often come out of them unharmed even if they are fully destroyed.

○M: You are a master at moving and positioning yourself in such a way to trick and confuse other creatures and their machines. You can inspire intense emotional reactions in other monsters and in humans just by showing up, with fear being the easiest to pull off, but you could also inspire awe or submission, among other things.

○H: You somehow come out of monster attacks, even attacks directed specifically at you, with far less harm than an ordinary person would. Being attacked by monsters even gives you greater and faster insight into how to kill them or reverse engineer their abilities, so that you won't have to worry about it next time they try to get the jump on you, seeing as you'll have already built the perfect counter.

○M: You are deceptively and abnormally agile for your size and weight, and you have almost selective capacity to deal damage. You could duke it out with another kaiju to prove your dominance in the middle of a city and at most destroy cars and roads underfoot and maybe bang up a few storefronts, or you might instead cause horrific and widespread destruction through your passing alone.

○H: Even when deploying dangerous and extremely volatile weapons against monsters, your fellow humans (or whatever race you are) will rarely get caught in the crossfire. In fact, almost every attack you wield seems to have little to no effect on those you see as innocent to the conflict, instead focusing itself on the target of your wrath.

○M: You receive access to a den, in which you can refuel your chosen energy/substance quickly simply by being there, and which you cannot be traced back to in any way. Convenient entrances and exits that lead to it (which really function more like portals to a pocket dimension) will be scattered across every new world you visit, even letting you fast travel to previous worlds through them. You can also raise your young here, and bring along other monsters, for the sake of staging full-on attacks or just to recuperate them as well.

○H: You receive control over an anti-monster force, potentially an entire new branch of a local nation's military, or just an international task force, designed toward saving humanity (or humanoid races, if there are multiple on a given world) from the monsters and beasts of the multiverse. This military force grows with each new world you visit, incorporating their tech and any political gains you make into themselves each time. You may even work your way from a military force to an entire nation and bring it with you, serving as its head of state.

○HM: If you have taken both Humanity and Monsterkind, you are the perfect fusion of both. You receive both sides' perks, and as a monster may elect to be a mecha or partially mechanical monster, into which you can build your superweapons and command your allies from the front lines. Your human body may be a separate body that serves as your 'pilot', but you are the consciousness of both and can convince or force both monsters and non-monsters into your control, from their respective forms. Would be pretty weird if a giant cyborg monster was President, after all.

○Of course, this is all toggleable, or a sliding scale adjusting to your liking, so long as it stays at or below the original stated strength.

○Optionally, be inserted into a specific or generic kaiju setting, including fanfiction or non-canon media.