
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Meta Essence CYOA 27

Essence of the Triforce

This is a faintly glowing vial of clear water, marked with the symbol of the Triforce. If you are in balance, it has no taste. Should your heart not be in balance between wisdom, courage, and power, it's taste depends on which force dominates your heart. To those ruled by power, the taste is heavy and redolent of strawberries. To those ruled by wisdom, it has rich notes of leather and smoke. And to those ruled by courage, it has a light flavor, reminiscent of the smell that comes just after a rainstorm.

 A person with a balanced heart, or one who has obtained the other two essence fragments should the essence have split, has the abilities of all three shards as well as gaining one wish granted by the power of the triforce. The wish is limited to affecting a single world, is often fulfilled in subtle ways that are not obvious, and can't directly conflict with the will of powerful divine beings.

 Should the person's heart not be in balance, this essence will split into three fragments. The drinker will obtain the abilities of the force that rules their heart, and the other two fragments will seek out welders aligned with their own forces.

 The wielder of Courage gains the following abilities:

•A truly unflagging heart, able to face the wise and the powerful unflinching in pursuit of their goals, as well as any lesser obstacles that may stand in your way.

•The ability to quickly master at least the basics of any weapon or other adventuring equipment that you might come across. Oddly, you have amazing luck in finding such gear, as well as magical knacks, especially when it's needed to solve a specific problem that's blocking your way forward. Should you find a teacher that exceeds your skill in something you own, you will quickly master his lessons.

•Those who would mentor heroes are attracted to you, and recognize you as a true hero. Though they may be annoying at times, their guidance will be invaluable as you seek to accomplish your goals.

•As you adventure, your resilience and endurance both increase as you overcome challenges.

The wielder of Wisdom gains the following abilities:

•A general boost to your intelligence.

•If you are completely nonmagical, you gain a respectable amount of magic.

•You gain an absurd talent for casting magic. No spell, ritual, or enchantment is beyond you with little study, and you are capable of stretching your magic further than should be possible.

•You gain a sense of what is to come. It is not specific, but you can sense the general flows of destiny around you.

The wielder of Power gains the following abilities:


•Your physical strength, health, and reserves of magic gain a massive boost.

•You can manifest magical effects through brute force, even if you do not understand how such an effect would normally be cast. This does consume much more of your magical power than if you had properly studied how to produce the effect.

•You can also cast your influence over an area that you rule. Your nature will come to dominate this place, in both obvious and subtle ways.

A split essence can be reunited by capturing or killing the other wielders, personally.(Essence of Demise)If the triforce is split, this essence is very likely to spawn next to the wielder of Power.

 In it's true form, it's sickly purple hue and constant bubbling, as well as the foul odor of decay that emanates from it would warn anyone off from drinking it. However, it is cloaked in an illusion of whatever would be most appealing to the wielder of power.

 Should the wielder succumb to temptation and drink this vial of cursed liquid, they gain the following effects:

•The drinker gains a compulsion to seek out and kill the wielders of the other two triforce shards. Fate will aid him in this endeavor.

•The drinker can command monsters whose hearts are consumed by evil, as they recognize a servant of their master.

Essence of the Shipping Chart

This small vial of pink goo tastes faintly of salt.

 Upon consuming this dread essence, the user gains the following abilities:

•At will, they may summon a chart with all the relevant characters from a fictional universe of their choosing. The chart will be initially labeled with the canon relationships of the characters. However, the summoner may redraw and change the listed relationships at will, until they find a configuration that is worthy.

•Once a shipping chart has been completed, they may then use it to travel to a world where the relationships they have created exist, no matter how little sense they make. The world and the characters will be twisted as needed to enable the relationships the wielder desires.

•In any such world, the wielder is Not Involved, and as such, will be ignored by all and sundry while they observe what has been wrought, unless they seek the attention of an inhabitant.

Essence of Castlevania

 By drinking this Essence, you gain the powers of the legendary Belmont Clan and their most hated enemy, the Dark Lord Dracula.

•You gain the collective knowledge, skill, strength, and sheer power of the entire Belmont clan, the greatest vampire hunters to ever exist. This includes mastery of every kind of weapon imaginable, potent magics that can harm even Death itself, and the knowledge and ability to slay any monster or beast of the night.

•You become the rightful owner of the Vampire Killer, a holy weapon capable of doing tremendous harm to any form of supernatural being, even gods. This bane of the night is unbreakable and cannot be stolen from you by any means, and can be summoned to your hand at any time, no matter what obstacles would try to block it. The whip's weight, length, and even makeup can be shift at any time with just a thought, and you have complete control over how it moves and strikes. You also have access to all of the Vampire Killer's upgrades and enhancements from all forms of Castlevania, even Lords of Darkness. Moreover, the Vampire Killer will grow in strength from every monster or demon you defeat, rising in power alongside you.

•By taking this Essence, you become the rightful heir of Dracula, the most powerful vampire to ever exist. His knowledge, skill, experiences, tools, allies, and powers all belong to you, from his arsenal of dark magic, to his mastery over Devil Forgemastery, to even his grand charisma. Moreover, you gain access to the Power of Dominance, the ability to collect and command the souls of those you defeat. You can use their powers for your own at their fullest potential, even if they were not able to. Everything that they own and are becomes yours to command and use as you see fit, from their powers to even their very existence itself. You could damn them to eternal torment, make them unliving servants, or just keep them around to witness your glory.

•You become a powerful Vampire, with all of the benefits and powers that come with it. You have enhanced senses, superhuman strength, flight, shape shifting, umbrakineses, hemokinesis, life-draining, and many more. If it's an ability used by a Vampire or similar being, you have it. Moreover, you possess True Immortality. You cannot die by any means you do not wish, and any injuries, wounds, trauma, and other forms of harm with rapidly heal within moments.

•Even though you become a Vampire, you do not suffer the weaknesses and drawbacks of such a condition, meaning you do not require blood to live, nor will stakes, sunlight, garlic, or holy items harm you.

•You also gain dominion over Castlevania, the fortress of the Dark Lord himself. This enormous castle exists on the spiritual plane, and cannot be accessed by anyone that the castle's lord does not wish entry to, even supreme deities. Castlevania is a location that can change and alter based on it's lord's will, taking on any shape and size they wish it to be, becoming anything from a small apartment building, to a stronghold large enough to blot out the sun. You may also generate portals to Castlevania wherever you wish, or you could simply teleport yourself and others there.

Essence of the Abnormal

By drinking this blue and red Essence, you gain the powers of Abnormals/Minuses from Medaka Box.

•You develop a perfected version of Medaka Kurokami's Abnormality, The End. The End allows you to learn and completely master any ability or skill you see, are subject to, or even just hear about (whether hearing a detailed description of it, or working off word of mouth). No matter how inherent or unique the power or talent, no matter if it's from biology, technology, the mind, or the soul, the End will copy these abilities and perfect them, allowing you to use them to their fullest potential without any of their weaknesses, and even further beyond that. The End also increases it's users' natural learning ability to insane levels, allowing them to learn any skill quickly, from relatively simple skills like baseball talent and chemical sciences to impossible powers like acausality and reality manipulation. However, The End explicitly cannot replicate the effects of other Essences. But, perhaps you could find a way around this....

•You also develop a version of Multi-Skill User, the power of Najimi Ajimu. Ajimu's Multi-Skill User allows her to hold and use over thirteen quadrillion separate powers, ranging from more minor skills like counting large amounts of items, to more godlike powers such as reversing causality. Of course, you do not have this level of strength yet. You will start off with only a thousand powers, which can range anywhere from slightly more flexibility to even the incredible All Fiction. Every month (approximately 730 Earth hours), you will gain a thousand more random powers, and will keep developing more and more as long as you live. These powers, although random, will tend to follow your desires or needs at the time they form, such as developing a healing power when your allies are on death's door.

•You also gain the knowledge and ability to use Styles, the ability to use the idea of "communication" as a weapon. Styles are on par with the powers granted by The End and Multi-Skill User, and were in fact created to combat such Abnormalities. Manipulating the idea of "oneself", sealing opponents into cards, even cancelling out narrative reality, Styles seem to be just as varied as the Abnormalities they were created to combat. While the original Styles were only temporary in nature, the ones granted by this Essence are not. In fact, you can actually vibrate your body at a certain frequency to bestow a temporary copy of a Style onto someone. When this happens, they gain a Kanji marking on their tongue, symbolizing the power they have been given. Of course, you can always revoke this power at any time.

•Your powers, even the ones not from this Essence, cannot be copied, taken, suppressed, erased, negated, or otherwise altered without your full knowledge and willing consent. And even if you allow it, you can instantly regain these powers at their full strength at any time you wish.

•You have complete and total knowledge of all the powers you hold, no matter their source, and all the best ways to use them. Even if you don't know which power to use in a certain situation, this Essence will present a selection of powers perfect for the situation at hand.

•Even if the powers you copy/develop were derived from external forces (such as gods, aliens, alternate realities, or higher dimensional beings), your versions will become internalized and fully self-sufficient, with no influence or connection to the original "source".

•You have an internalized energy reactor that can supply you with all of the power and energy your abilities require. If your powers rely on some form of "fuel", such as magic, chakra, ki, or something else, the reactor will always be more than capable of supplying what you need. While the amount the reactor supplies will grow over time, the amount you start with is more than capable of fueling a hundred thousand world-breaking powers at a time, even if only at a fraction of it's total capacity. Moreover, much like your powers, this reactor cannot be tampered with in any way without your full knowledge and consent, and, in fact, cannot be damaged in any way that you do not wish.

•Your powers will always function at their fullest, no matter where you are or what your target is. Even if you are in the domain of a supreme deity who can suppress the abilities of divine beings, your powers will be unaffected.

•You will have complete and total control over these powers at all times, and can freely and instantly alter their range, lethality, potency, and other aspects. You will never be overwhelmed by the amount of powers you have. Even if you copy or develop a sentient and malevolent ability, you will have complete control over it.

•None of your powers will negatively affect each other or you. If you develop the power to use holy magic while already having the body of a demon lord, you will still be able to use both at the same time without any conflict or negative reaction. This applies to ALL of your powers, copied or not, even if, by their very nature, they should oppose each other.

•You can use all of your powers at once, if you so wish. You will have complete conscious control over each and every one of them at all times, even if your are using a million powers in tandem.

•You can bestow copies of your powers upon anyone you choose, without any effects on your own. Those who you gift your powers too will be perfectly loyal to you and unable to go against you in any way. And even if they are somehow forced to use their gifted abilities in a way you do not wish, you can instantly revoke them at any time.

•You gain a new body, with an appearance determined by you, at the peak of human capability and even a little beyond it. More importantly, however, is that this new body has the physical capability to make full use of any of your powers, no matter how extreme or dangerous it is. No matter what power you use, your body will be able to take it's strain and blowback without issue. No shattering your bones from super strength punches, no charring your limbs from fire manipulation, no psychic nosebleeds from telekinesis, the list goes on and on. If it is a physical limitation or side-effect of your powers, you do not suffer from it.

•Your powers are no longer tied to your body, mind, or soul. Rather, they are tied to your very existence. Even if you have been reincarnated, mindwiped, and had your soul eaten, you will always have your abilities.

•Unlike Medaka and Najimi, you will never suffer from insanity, emotional dependency, low self-worth, or any form of negative mental state. You will be at the peak of mental health, and can always find a way to move on from the greatest tragedies to grow as a person.

Essence of The Darkness (Image Comics)

 By drinking this Essence (which resembles a dark mist), you become the newest and most powerful host of a dangerous and primordial force: The Darkness.

○As the name implies, The Darkness is a force of shadows, chaos, and, ironically, creation, among other domains. As it's host, you possess absolute authority and power over all of these, and have complete knowledge of how to use these abilities, and full control over them.

○The Darkness is a sentient force, and has a bad habit of driving it's hosts insane. However, you will be unaffected by any of it's influences or manipulations, and can even command it as you please. The Darkness will actually give you good advice when it comes to life, battle, and more, should you wish it. Moreover, you possess all the memories and knowledge of any of The Darkness' hosts, past, present, or future.

○You have Umbrakinesis, can teleport between shadows, create weapons and tendrils from shadow, absorb others into shadow, create loyal shadow imps called Darklings, and far more shadow related abilities. If it relates to darkness, shadows, or the night, it's yours to do with as you please.

○Since The Darkness also represents the chaos that creation brings, you can create anything you can imagine, in any amount, including people. You do need to have some idea of how said thing works, though.

○The primary benefit The Darkness can grant you is an invulnerable suit of armor, which can defend you against almost any attack or harm, support you in any environment, heal any injuries you take, and can even change into any form you want it to (among MANY other tricks and abilities).

○You can use The Darkness to consume the hearts (or the equivalent of it) of your enemies, gaining their skills, knowledge, memories, and powers, along with the ability to shift into their form and flawlessly impersonate them.

○The Darkness does have one weakness though: light. The Darkness' vast powers weaken when exposed to light and similar forces, weakening you in turn. However, this is not a crippling weakness. You will be defeatable in the light, but actually doing so will be a Herculean task, to say the least. Moreover, there are ways to get around your weakness, like using The Darkness to create a dark smog to blot out the light, or to expand any shadows that are already present.

○None of these powers can be stripped from you, nullified, erased, or otherwise tampered with by any means that you do not give knowing consent to, even if it is a Supreme Being doing the tampering. This also prevents The Darkness passing on from you into any male children you have without your knowing consent (though you can gift portions of The Darkness and it's power to others if you wish, and revoke them at any time),

○Alternatively, you can choose to become The Darkness itself, which will give you all of these aforementioned abilities, as well as complete and total control over those you possess/take residence in, from their mind and body right down to their soul.

Essence of the Homemaker

By drinking this Essence that smells like a home-cooked meal, you become the master of the home, the Homemaker.

•You become the undisputed master of all things relating to home and family. Your ability to manage, raise, and protect your family is unparalleled, with every person you consider your "family" (be it from blood, adoption, or even just close bonds) becoming the best people they can be through your influence and abilities.

•Your skill and knowledge in the kitchen enters the realm of gods, with every meal, snack, and treat you make tasting better than those served by the greatest chefs on the planet. These foods are also extraordinarily nutritious and healthy, allowing your family to grow strong and fit.

•You will always have enough money and resources to get by in life and provide for your family.

•You gain a supernatural ability with economics and money. Budgets, taxes, and costs are no issue for you, and you will always find a way to make what money you have go at least ten times further than it should.

•Your skill with academics is similarly mighty. You are now able to instantly understand and solve any problem that you are posed with, so long as it's related to your family in some way. You also become able to pass this understanding and knowledge to your family members, making homework problems a thing of the past.

•You can instantly tell when members of your family are troubled by something, be it so simple as a bad day at school, or as complicated as crippling depression. You will always be able understand what is going on to talk them through their problems and help them move past them, making sure that the experience will help them grow stronger.

•Your presence is comforting and loving to those you love. Even if they are wracked with nightmares and anxiety, everyone in your home will always be able to get a restful good night's sleep, no matter how long they actually sleep.

•Cleaning and maintaining your home is always a challenge, even for the most experienced homemaker, but not for you. Sweeping, dusting, mowing, cleaning, and otherwise maintaining your home is trivially easy for you. No matter how bad the mess, nor how big the house, you will always be able to make the place look good as new within a few minutes, if even that. Moreover, your home will be extraordinary resistant to harm and damage, to the point where a nuclear bomb will only leave an easily removed film of soot.

•You will always be able to romantically, emotionally, and sexually satisfy your lover(s), spouse(s), or any other significant partner, no matter how many there are. Your stamina, empathy, and sheer suave skyrocket, to the point where even if you have a harem of experienced succubi or sex goddesses, you will be able to leave them happy and hungry for more.

•You will always be able to take care of your children, and make sure that they are loved and happy, no matter how many there are. You could have over a thousand children living in your house, all with radically different personalities and likes, and still be able to make them feel loved and content. Raising them is similarly easy, and you will always know what to do and say in order to help your children grow up to be healthy, happy, well rounded individuals ready to overcome whatever the world throws their way.

•Illness and physical pain are always a possibility, even for your family. You gain the ability to heal your family of any injury, wound, illness, or other ailment, whether it's the common cold, a genetic defect, or the divine curse of a supreme deity. They shall hold no sway on you and yours.

•Of course, all of this about taking care of your family and making them happy, not necessarily protecting them. By drinking this Essence, you gain an indestructible, almighty tool: the Homemaker's Pride. This tool can take the form of any item you wish, be it a ladle, a hammer, or even a humble frypan. No matter what form it takes, it will always be of incredible, almost divine craftsmanship and function, able to do whatever task you need it to, and you will have the skill to use it to it's fullest potential. However, when your family is in danger, the Pride becomes a weapon of sheer protective might. It's power increases a million-fold, becoming able to bat away the magics of the greatest sorcerers, crush the evil of the mightiest demons, and slay the most supreme of beings. When the Pride is used in this manner, you gain an aura of righteous wrath, striking fear into the hearts of even the most evil of villains and the most chivalrous of heroes.

Essence of the Kaleid Blood

By drinking this blood-colored Essence, you gain the powers of the Fourth Progenitor, the most powerful vampire to ever exist.

•You gain incredible physical abilities, including unlimited stamina and endurance, enhanced senses, increased agility and speed, and enough strength to punch away a being strong enough to crush a continent. In addition, you gain an unbelievable aptitude and capacity for magic, enough to where just a tiny droplet of your near bottomless well of magical energy is more powerful than even 100,000 of the world's best mages and wizards working in tandem.

•You gain peak vampiric powers. Draining blood, turning into mist, compelling others to do your bidding, completely changing your physical form, etc. If it is an ability that is used by a vampire(or a similar being, like a dhampir), you can do it better. Moreover, any weaknesses from your new nature are suppressed and nullified. Crosses, sunlight, holy water, garlic, stakes, none of them hold any sway over you or your actions.

•You gain complete and total fiat-backed immortality. No matter the injury or blow, no matter how complete the death, be it from physical, mental, spiritual, or even more esoteric means, you will not die. Instead, any damage you take will rapidly regenerate and heal, not even leaving a scar or blemish. Even if you were somehow destroyed down to the very last molecule of your being, you would completely regenerate with no loss of continuity of consciousness or memory within a minute.

•*You are granted the ability to make people into your Blood Servants, pseudo-vampires who share weakened versions of your vampiric abilities. These Blood Servants are completely loyal to you and unable to betray or go against you in any manner. In addition, if your Servants are somehow killed, their souls will return to you, where you can restore them to life at any time with next to no effort. You can also strip them of their abilities and powers at any time, leaving them only with the abilities they had before becoming your Servant.

•Finally, you gain access to the Twelve Familiars of the Kaleid Blood, powerful summons who can reshape the world with their incredible strength. The Familiars are beings composed of magical energy, given physical form from your magic and life force. These summons are completely immortal, completely loyal to you, and will never work against you in any capacity. You may also summon them to your side at any time, even if you are universes apart. Even when unsummoned, you can use the powers of the Familiars at will, albeit at a lesser potency. You may also bestow a Familiar to your Blood Servants, granting them a portion of it's power with no effect or no cost to your own abilities.

•**First Familiar: Mesarthim Adamas (Aries Prote / The Divine Sheep of Adamantine)

•*** A ram with a body covered in thousands of stinging diamonds. This familiar is able to manipulate diamonds and crystals. It is able to disperse or scatter these crystals like a shotgun blast and form shields that reflect various attacks and abilities, making it well balanced in both attack and defense. The diamonds are unbreakable, and are strong enough to block even spatial and dimensional warping. It is a defense worthy of a ruler.

•**Second Familiar: Cor Tauri Sucinum (Taurus Deutera / The Ox Headed King Of Amber)

•*** This powerful Familiar takes the form of an amber giant with an ox head, whose body is composed of lava. It has a body of more than 10 meters high and carries an even larger battle axe. It possesses the ability to manipulate both lava and tectonic plates, but also has incredible physical strength that surpasses even your own. Use caution when summoning this Familiar, as it's powers could cause eruptions and earthquakes far more devastating than any enemy you fight.

•**Third Familiar: Al-Meissa Mercury (Gemini Tritos / The Serpentine Dragon of Mercury)

•***A double-headed serpent dragon that is also called the Dimension Eater. This familiar is capable of consuming anything, from people, space, dimensions, even abstract concepts like life and death. It is able to destroy even an invincible barrier of divine origin without effort. This is without question one of the most dangerous of the Familiars, as it can even leave severed space after it's attacks, which may pose danger for third parties.

•**Fourth Familiar: Natra-Cinereus(Cancer Tetartos / The Carapace of Silver Mist)

•*** An enormous silver crayfish with claws covered in blue flames. This familiar is capable to render anything ethereal by producing mists, which are able to cover entire islands without any difficulties. Moreover, these mists can nullify the abilities of anyone caught within, and are even strong enough to ward off reality warping by high-tier beings. You, of course, are exempt from this effect, but your allies might not be.

•**Fifth Familiar: Regulus Aurum (Leo Pemptos / The Lion of Gold)

•***A powerful lion-like familiar with bright red eyes and a mane made of lightning. This familiar is capable of producing and manipulating electromagnetic energy in all forms. This energy can be used for all sorts of purposes, from creating a rail gun, transmuting matter, forming force fields, or even something as mundane as charging a phone. The lightning from Regulus Aurum is strong enough to destroy a barrier of divine origin, and even neutralize attacks capable of atomic-level destruction.

•**Sixth Familiar: Minelauva Iris (Virgo Hektos / Rainbow Flames of the Dark Princess)

•*** A Valkyrie that holds a powerful rainbow-coloured sword of light. This familiar can manipulate the laws of nature and carries the ability to manipulate causality, making it able to cut through anything. This, combined with an already sturdy defense, makes it a near unbeatable guardian. Of course, that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this familiar's powers....but you will have to find them out on your own.

•**Seventh Familiar: Kiffa-Ater (Libra Hebdomos / The Black Sword of Abraded Night)

•*** A unique Familiar, even amongst those granted to the Fourth Progenitor. It is an intelligent weapon, taking the shape of a gigantic black demon sword over 100 meters in length. It's length and shape can be adjusted at will, becoming a short as a needle or as long as the horizon, should you desire it. This trident-like sword is capable of manipulating gravity in all forms, allowing you to remove gravity from anything you wish, enforce it to make objects become immovable, or even simply crush your enemies to literal dust. If used at a high enough altitude, it can obliterate an area several hundred kilometers wide.

•**Eighth Familiar: Shaula-Viola (Scorpio Ogdoos / Purple Scorpion-Tiger)

•*** A man-eating tiger wreathed in amethyst flames. This familiar can manipulate poison and can make antidotes, as well as steal the powers and energies from foes. The poisons created by Shaula-Viola are so powerful, even divine beings cannot overcome their effects. These poisons can also corrode and decay both matter and energy, creating what amounts to a cloud of death and entropy. Of course, you can survive this effect, but it would be far from a pleasant experience.

•**Ninth Familiar: Al-Nasl Minium (Sagittarius Enatos / The Bicorn of Deep Crimson)

•***A bicorn-like familiar with glowing purple eyes, black-colored skin, a purple fire-like mane and glowing plate-shaped armor floating around its neck. This familiar is capable of producing and manipulating sound and vibrations in all forms. It is able to create sound quakes and waves in any spectrum of hearing, from a gentle hum to an ear splitting shriek of noise. Al-Nasl Minium can also destroy matter by tearing molecules apart at an atomic scale, through emitting high-frequency vibrations from it's entire body.

•**Tenth Familiar: Dabih-Crystallus(Capricornus Dekatos / The Goat of Glinting Eyes)

•*** A reptilian creature covered in silver scales, with one crystal horn that resembles that of a goat's. It's ability is mental and spiritual manipulation. With it's power, you can easily mold the minds and souls of others in any fashion you like, be it erasing memories or even completely altering their personalities. This familiar is also strong enough to affect other familiars and beings that do not have true minds and souls of their own, like animals or even conceptual beings.

•** Eleventh Familiar: Sadalmelik-Albus (Aquarius Hendekatos / The Water Spirit of White Steel)

•***A being that is a combination of an undine and a snake, this familiar is capable to revert phenomenon to a previous state, including all the way to nothingness. Due to this ability, you can heal or reverse any wound, injury or damage to either you or anyone you wish. It's power can even erase conceptual existences, if you so desire. Of course, you can restore the things you reverted by using Sadalmelik-Albus' powers on the reverting itself, like undoing an undo. Just be careful, this power can be very dangerous and tricky, even for you.

•** Twelfth Familiar: Alrescha Glacies (Pisces Dodekatos / The Bewitching Princess of Azure Ice)

•*** A lamia-like being, this familiar can manipulate water and manipulate temperature. This includes creating ice, creating clouds of broiling steam, or even causing the blood in someone's body to cool to absolute zero. You could even use this Familiar to freeze the oceans of an entire planet, if you were so inclined.

Essence of the Septima (Azure Striker Gunvolt)

 By drinking this wonderfully azure Essence (that makes your hairs stand on end), you become a form of psychic: an Adept.

○As an Adept, you are uniquely tuned to a field of energy called the Lifewave, granting you psychic powers worthy of the next stage of evolution. You cannot be separated from the Lifewave unless you wish to, and can reconnect and maintain your connection wherever and whenever you want/are.

○Your particular Septima, currently nameless, allows you to take on the abilities of other Adepts as if their powers were your own, and develop them limitlessly. This also extends to other psychic-based abilities, should you encounter them. You can use these abilities whenever or wherever you wish without issue, and any abilities that affect Adepts will also work just as well on other super powered beings.

○Your Septima already has the various powers of the Adepts who have appeared in Azure Striker Gunvolt or it's affiliated media, such as Resurrection, Psychokinesis, Phantasm Mirror, Radiant Fetters, and even the titular Azure Striker.

○Through your Septima, you can use EX Skills: specialized and powerful techniques that can can perform incredible things beyond what a Septima is usually capable of. EX Skills are somewhat akin to magic spells, requiring an invocation and focus to activate, but you can eventually activate them whenever and however you wish.

○You gain the knowledge and skill of technology, science, and borderline magic that can be used alongside your Septima. Glaives, Grimoires, Binding Brands, Workers, and any of the technology used by Copen, Sumeragi, EDEN, Shadow Yakumo, and the Mother Computer are just some of the things you now have access to.

○Additionally, your Septima have the ability to evolve beyond what they are, transforming you into a Primal Dragon - a being whose powers far exceed even Septima. Becoming a Primal Dragon allows you to take on the form of a dragon (or one with draconic traits, and the ability to shift back into your normal form from either form), and allows you to emit Dragon Radiation (fully under your control), which can turn Adepts (or other super powered beings) into Primal Dragons, who are fully loyal and devoted to you. You may also use this radiation to turn other people into Adepts, granting them a random Septima and making them fully loyal and devoted to you.

○You have full command of your Septima and it's various properties (strength, lethality, etc.) at all times, even while you're sleeping or otherwise unawares. Even if your powers are sealed, stolen, controlled, or otherwise "inaccessible", you will be able to reclaim and use them at any time you wish. Moreover, your powers cannot harm or act against you unless you allow it.

○You have indomitable willpower, emotional stability, and mental strength, and can keep your sanity and fortitude even after an eternity of torment and agony.

○If someone perishes near you, you can take their soul into yourself as a vessel, fusing them with you and allowing you to use their powers alongside your own (while still keeping your minds and spirits separate, should you wish).

○If you somehow die, no matter the cause or how "thorough" the death (soul destruction, existence erasure, etc.), you can trigger Anthem, an empowered state that will fully revive and heal you (as a fiat-backed perfect resurrection), and will enhance your powers beyond their limits temporarily.

○You become a total master of replicating superpowers, no matter their source or nature, in a technological or scientific form. With just a bit of study, you can replicate even godlike powers, provided you have the resources to actually build a device capable of channeling them.

○You possess a Lola-type AI (or even Lola herself), who is completely loyal and devoted to you. This AI (encased in a small sphere-like drone with several sub-drones), has immense data and informational manipulation abilities, and can be programmed with data on supernatural powers (which it can then replicate through the sub-drones). The AI also has various databanks from the Mother Computer, including terraforming, advanced technologies, warfare, and other topics. You can also upgrade this AI with any technology you find, and will be able to flawlessly integrate it with no negative side-effects. Even if this AI is somehow destroyed, it will "respawn", good as new (fiat backed to be the exact same one, should you wish). (If you take Lola in the companion choices below, these will apply to her, and you can take a second AI with the same abilities.)

○You may choose to receive any of the following people as companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal and devoted to you:












■Any other resident of the Gunvolt/Luminous Avenger iX universes (even crossover characters).

○Optionally, you may, at any time, choose to take a one way trip into the world of Azure Striker Gunvolt/Luminous Avenger iX, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or one made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.