
May's Beloved Adeera

"Did you guys hear that?" Oka said while moving his body slightly.

"What did you hear?" May asked nervously.

'Ah, damn it. Why should I be more panicked than the doer?' May grumbled in her heart.

"Nothing. It's just like a ringtone that maniacs use to apply in their phone. "

'Ma-maniac? Wow. Adeera must be shocked.' Well, although Oka didn't address it directly to Adeera. Those words surely hit him.

"Oh, my order has finished. I gotta go. You two should get along well," Oka said, after the servant approached him with a pack of food.

May with a cheerful smile gives a full wave of enthusiasm to her beloved Senior. While Adeera with a flat gaze rolls his eyes lazyly and then back to enjoys his lunch with Hana.

"Hey, did you hear that? If you're a normal person, you will definitely also think it is a maniac's behavior." May's babble successfully makes Adeera pouting. It is clear that young man is planning to show a sulky expression that will make May feel guilty.

"Stop. Don't try it, Adeera. No use. "

Adeera remains firm in his stance to launch the sulky face.

"Okay. One cone of vanilla ice cream near the park. "

"Two cones."


After the brief agreement, May lets out a sigh of relief when Adeera returns to eat his food cheerfully. Like a child who is happy because he knows a new toy will be bought for him.

According to May, playing games like that is not wrong. If it's just to kill time when you're bored or needs it for refreshing. As long as the games not damage the brain.

But unfortunately, for Adeera the game is like his life. May is just afraid that Adeera can't face real problems in this cruel world because he is too obsessed with the 2D world.

"Hah. What will happen to you if i'm not exist anymore? " muttered May softly.

"Did you said something, May?"

"No. Just continue your meal. Don't left anything. "

But, as long as May is able to breathe, that girl promises to always look after Adeera. Even though the distance separates them someday.


"Four vanilla cones."

"Hey! You said you only wanted two. "

Seeing the contradiction between the two children in front of him, the ice cream seller looks confuse and stops his activities.

"Four cones, sir." Then Adeera quickly turns his face to May, "I treat you two cones."

The ice cream seller who heard Adeera's words just smiles a little and starts to make the order. On the other hand, May was confused by Adeera's strange behavior.

For what half hour ago he whined to buy ice cream, if in the end Adeera would also buy May's. It's same like they buy ice creams for themselves.

After waited for five minutes, their orders is delivered directly to the small table that Adeera and May occupied.

"Thank you."

With sparkling eyes, Adeera devours the ice cream with a happy expression. "Slow down." May tried to remind her friend because Adeera used to choke on ice cream.


The girl who was called by Adeera just stares blankly at Adeera's hair which is hit by the wind. As if the strands bewitch May and makes her feels calm. But May don't know, it is because the wind or the sight of Adeera's swaying hair that she felt like that.

May remembers when she was in the fifth grade of elementary school. Long before she met Oka, May only looked at Adeera. Even for a long time, May kept her feeling for him.

We can say, that actually the day when May's heart fell for Oka, was the day that May felt tired of Adeera who was so ignorant on her felling for him.

But May really liked Adeera at that time. Who every morning with a small bag, picked up May to go together to the school. Then on their way they talked about some cartoons series that children on their age liked to watch.

When times to break came, Adeera would come with lots of food and shared it with May. Until sometimes they didn't realize that the bell had already sounded and May's homeroom teacher must reminded Adeera many times.

And when the time to back home came, Adeera would ask May to wait for him to play futsal with other boys. Then in the way to home, May routinely lectured Adeera because of some small cuts that he got.

"May! Your ice cream is melting! "

"Ah, right!"

'I was too carried away.'

"Why, May? Are you okay?"

May shakes her head briefly. Then points to the corner of her lips. Trying to tell Adeera if there is something on his lips.

"I just remembered about our elementary times."

'When I fell in love with you.' adds her in heart.

"Ooh. Ha ha ha. At that time you often bullied by your own classmates because you were too quite. And I was your one and only friend, righr?"

"Well. To be honest, you're my only friend until now. "

Adeera smiles sweetly. Then raise his eyebrows.

"Pasya and Andy too," May said it lazyly.

In fact, May knows very well that the two young men would not be friends with her if it was just May without Adeera.

Well, but the Now Adeera, even though May's heart is no longer for him, her love will always be there for that young man.

May doesn't mind if Adeera will never be her partner. As long as that young man will always be her bestfriend.

That's all what May needs.


Days passes as usual. It isn't boring. Nor it is too interesting.

May is now sitting in the shade under the large tree in the backyard of the campus.

No. She is not alone. Because not far from her, there are the "crazy trio" that is making a funny video for Pasya's youtube content.

For your information only. Pasya is a new youtuber whose subscriber has reached almost 100k in two months. If May is allowed to comment, she will say that Pasya's face helps increase that number every day.

His youtube content is not different from most other creators. It is about his daily life, games, comedy video, up to some random talks that have many enthusiasts .

But there is one content that May always likes. Short movies that only last in two minutes. Pasya always publishes it every two weeks. And that content made May decided to subscribe that weird account of Pasya.

But May admits that none of his videos is bored to watch. Because Pasya has tried a lot to make the way he talks become funny and attractive.

"May, come along!"

"No," May refused coldly when Pasya gave her a gesture to get there. Adeera and Andy chuckled softly when Pasya showed his sad face to the camera. She doesn't know what did he said, but then the camera points to May.

Because she doesn't know how to face it, May only can stare it flatly. Very flat.



The laughter is heard every time Adeera and Andy replayed the video from YouTube.

"I've been enough with this. I was dying because of that video. Hahaha."

May, who has been sick of seeing the scene of her face on zooming mode replayed by those boys, finally decides to go away. Even so, that three young men don't try to stop it, instead recording it and screenshooting the scene.

"Aww, look at our big sister. She is sulking," teased Pasya, who walks over to May's table. That girl quickly gives Pasya a sharp look that makes a goose bumps on him.

"May, don't. There will be some wrinkles on your forehead." Adeera's words failed to make her calm. Instead that girl turns her eyes furiously.

But while Pasya and Adeera keep on trying to persuade May, suddenly there is a girl's shout from the table beside them.

She fell near Andy's feet. While instead of helping, Andy stands up and goes to May's place.

"Hey, moron! Where is your gentleman attitude?!" May angry at Andy. That young man looks at the girl who fell, lazily, then returns to give May a sweet smile.

"I don't care."

May feels disappointed with Andy just now. She knows that Andy is quite ignorant and bitchy. But she didn't expect that Andy to be a jerk like this.

With angry steps, May approaches the fallen girl.

And what's makes May peeved again, that people just keep quiet and pass like they didn't see anything.

'Crazy people!'

"Let me help you st—"

"No need!" The girl quickly stands up and left May with unraveling tears.

"See? She doesn't need anyone's help," Andy said calmly.

Even so, May feel something strange. She is not angry at the rejection which she got earlier, but she is very angry with Andy's words just now.

She also wonders why Pasya and Adeera being ignorant.

"Adeera. I have never taught you to ignore people who need help." And after that, May leaves the three young men beside her with annoyed feelling.

"May, wait!"

"I won't talk to you, till you introspect yourself."

Maybe May sounds annoying. But that girl thinks Adeera needs her to act like this as a replace of his parents.

Because May doesn't want Adeera become a heartless person.



Friday, 19 October 2018

RaraTJcreators' thoughts