
Met A Mafia By Chance

Jang Xin Yi is a young woman seeking revenge for her parents' murder. She bravely infiltrates a dangerous mafia organization, despite her fears. As a bodyguard, she gathers evidence to bring them down. But her desire for revenge is put to the test when she falls for Li Qiang, the underboss of the mafia. As Xin Yi navigates this treacherous world, she's met with a gruesome scene: A corpse smell always makes her nauseous. Muyang helps her, but she soon discovers the mafia's torture room, where Li Qiang is inflicting brutal pain on a victim. Xin Yi is horrified, yet determined to see her mission through. Will her quest for revenge prevail, or will love and danger change her path? Gou Li Qiang a man full of pride just because people fear him. Any one who met him always lower their gaze, scared of any trauma the man will pull at them. Until he met a martial artist who doesn't even care and just say anything he wants to him. Curious about him, he hired him to be his body guard, to later discover he was a female who cross dressed. ••••••• Excerpt: Xin Yi and Li Qiang came out of the dungeon that was at the back of the mansion, "Mr Gou, those men's, they told you the truth and you still killed them" she confronted him, Li Qiang walked closer to her, and she moved back until her back hits the wall and she let out a soft sound, " you think I will let them go, so they could come at me again? That's what you want me to do? Lots of people are outside there wanting to kill me and you think I should sympathize them? You must be kidding" he said and walked away leaving Xin Yi, Xin Yi looked at his back as he walked away. ••••••• Xin Yi walked inside the second building wearing an oversized hoodie, reaching Li Qiang's room she knocked and when she got no replies she opened the door, "I am coming in" she said and entered the room, As soon as Xin Yi came in and closed the door, Li Qiang came at her and squeezed her neck he then hits her back on the door, Right now Xin Yi tries hard to pushed his hands away but he his way stronger, Xin Yi could smell liquor 'Oh my he his drunk' He squeezed her neck tighter, "you dare to question me about what I do " he said his eyes filled with rage ' So he ah' Xin Yi said in her mind, "Pls let me go Mr Gou " she said forcefully, " What if I won't" he said and Xin Yi pushed him away with all the power she has, and he fell flat on the floor forcefully, Xin Yi jumped and used her mouth to cover her mouth. Xin Yi had carried Li Qiang to the bed, and she wants to check his temperature, when her hand was suddenly pulled by him, and she fell on his chest and they both looked into eachother eyes, Li Qiang brought his hand to touch Xin Yi's hair and she quickly pushed herself up and stands up, " Uhm you are having fever, am going now" she said and quickly walked out of the room after closing the door {Romantic music plays} she held her cheek that was now red remembering what happened and she dragged her leg down the stairs.

Alicia_writes · Urban
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13 Chs

Unexpected meet up

 In an expensive bar, bodyguards stood tensely behind their respective bosses, glaring at each other, ready to strike on command. The two bosses sat opposite each other, the air thick with tension.

"Mr. Yuxuan, it's a pleasure to see you here," said a thin-lipped, handsome man with a dangerous aura. "But contrary to what people say about your youthful appearance, you look more like my great-grandfather." His words dripped with sarcasm.

Mr. Yuxuan, his face wrinkled and his short beard white, responded coolly, "It's evident your father didn't teach you manners. But that's not why I'm here." He gestured to one of his bodyguards, who handed him a briefcase. Mr. Yuxuan placed it on the table and opened it, revealing stacks of money. He passed the case to the young man, who smirked and handed it to his own bodyguards.

Suddenly, the young man raised his hand, and his bodyguards drew their guns, pointing them at Mr. Yuxuan. Instantly, Mr. Yuxuan's guards responded in kind.

The young man's face was now fully visible. Gou Li Qiang, son of China's most dangerous mafia boss, Li Qiang, was known for his arrogance and his black belt in martial arts. He had a reputation as a playboy, using his looks to gather information.

"Tsk, you shouldn't have done this, Mr. Yuxuan," Li Qiang said, eyeing the man who had handed him fake money.

"Your father is a coward, sending a child into the wolves' den," Mr. Yuxuan smirked.

"Wrong. You're the one who walked into the wolves' den," Li Qiang retorted, standing up. Mr. Yuxuan followed suit and commanded, "Kill him!"

Gunfire erupted. Li Qiang's personal bodyguard took a bullet meant for him, falling onto Li Qiang. Shocked but not deterred, Li Qiang's remaining guards returned fire. One of them dragged Li Qiang outside, where more of Mr. Yuxuan's men awaited.

Li Qiang thought to himself, 'He really prepared to kill me.' Smiling grimly, he pulled out his gun and started shooting. When he realized his attackers were armed only with sticks, he holstered his weapon and fought them hand-to-hand. In the melee, one of Mr. Yuxuan's men drew a gun. Li Qiang used another man as a shield, causing the shooter to hit his own ally. Amidst the chaos, Li Qiang and his bodyguards made a run for it.

"Mr. Gou, I called a friend to get you to a safe place. He'll be here soon," a bodyguard said. A motorcycle roared into view, skidding to a halt in front of them.

"Master Xin, thank you for coming," the bodyguard said gratefully.

"Hop on," Xin Yi instructed. Li Qiang climbed on, holding tight as they sped away.

"It looks like Muchen's boss is a coward!" Xin Yi shouted with a grin. Li Qiang didn't catch the comment.

They arrived at Li Qiang's mansion. As he dismounted, Xin Yi removed her helmet, revealing her delicate features. Despite her male disguise, her beauty was undeniable.

"What is it?" Li Qiang asked.

"I brought you here," she replied.

"So what? You look too fragile to be called a male," he remarked dismissively, walking into the house. Xin Yi gritted her teeth, donned her helmet, and rode off.

Inside, Li Qiang headed straight to his father's office. He found his father pacing anxiously but visibly relieved upon seeing him.

"I'm here, Father," Li Qiang announced.

"Thank God you're safe," his father said, smiling. "I never thought Yuxuan was such a coward. I have a gift prepared for him."

Li Qiang, already aware of the gift, grinned.

Later, Mr. Yuxuan opened his front door to a horrifying sight: the corpses of his daughter and son, tied together with a red ribbon like a macabre Christmas present.

Delve in and love it!

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