
Met A Mafia By Chance

Jang Xin Yi is a young woman seeking revenge for her parents' murder. She bravely infiltrates a dangerous mafia organization, despite her fears. As a bodyguard, she gathers evidence to bring them down. But her desire for revenge is put to the test when she falls for Li Qiang, the underboss of the mafia. As Xin Yi navigates this treacherous world, she's met with a gruesome scene: A corpse smell always makes her nauseous. Muyang helps her, but she soon discovers the mafia's torture room, where Li Qiang is inflicting brutal pain on a victim. Xin Yi is horrified, yet determined to see her mission through. Will her quest for revenge prevail, or will love and danger change her path? Gou Li Qiang a man full of pride just because people fear him. Any one who met him always lower their gaze, scared of any trauma the man will pull at them. Until he met a martial artist who doesn't even care and just say anything he wants to him. Curious about him, he hired him to be his body guard, to later discover he was a female who cross dressed. ••••••• Excerpt: Xin Yi and Li Qiang came out of the dungeon that was at the back of the mansion, "Mr Gou, those men's, they told you the truth and you still killed them" she confronted him, Li Qiang walked closer to her, and she moved back until her back hits the wall and she let out a soft sound, " you think I will let them go, so they could come at me again? That's what you want me to do? Lots of people are outside there wanting to kill me and you think I should sympathize them? You must be kidding" he said and walked away leaving Xin Yi, Xin Yi looked at his back as he walked away. ••••••• Xin Yi walked inside the second building wearing an oversized hoodie, reaching Li Qiang's room she knocked and when she got no replies she opened the door, "I am coming in" she said and entered the room, As soon as Xin Yi came in and closed the door, Li Qiang came at her and squeezed her neck he then hits her back on the door, Right now Xin Yi tries hard to pushed his hands away but he his way stronger, Xin Yi could smell liquor 'Oh my he his drunk' He squeezed her neck tighter, "you dare to question me about what I do " he said his eyes filled with rage ' So he ah' Xin Yi said in her mind, "Pls let me go Mr Gou " she said forcefully, " What if I won't" he said and Xin Yi pushed him away with all the power she has, and he fell flat on the floor forcefully, Xin Yi jumped and used her mouth to cover her mouth. Xin Yi had carried Li Qiang to the bed, and she wants to check his temperature, when her hand was suddenly pulled by him, and she fell on his chest and they both looked into eachother eyes, Li Qiang brought his hand to touch Xin Yi's hair and she quickly pushed herself up and stands up, " Uhm you are having fever, am going now" she said and quickly walked out of the room after closing the door {Romantic music plays} she held her cheek that was now red remembering what happened and she dragged her leg down the stairs.

Alicia_writes · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Learning about mafia

" Master is really in for no good" Xuan whispered to Muchen ears and he also nod.


 The next morning Muchen walked Xin Yi to Li Qiang's office, Muchen knocked on the door and he heard Li Qiang's voice who asked him to enter, opening the door to see,

 Li Qiang standing infront of the table resting on it.

Li Qiang wore a grey shirt and trouser with three of his buttons unbuttoned, revealing his white muscular chest, and a diamond necklace on his neck, his face looks serious yet his eyes looked calm his thick eyebrows going up and down like he his expecting something, 


" Xin Yi I see you finally want to be my bodyguard" he said arrogantly,

 " Mr Gou aren't you suppose to talk with respect " Xin Yi confronted Li Qiang, Li Qiang walked closer to her and he fold his arm and bent to her ear and he whispered,

 " It's not in my dictionary to respect " he explained, raising up his head still looking at Xin Yi, " Xin Yi you will be paid 100,000 yuan per month"

In Xi Yi's brain right now, bag, shoes, clothes and lots lots of makeup. She grinned,

" Muchen show Xin Yi around,"

 Xin Yi glared at Li Qiang before she turned around to start walking towards the door.

 Once they walked outside the office Xin Yi covered her mouth,

" oh my God Muchen 100,000 yuan per month am rich is this how you are paid?" She smiled happily looking at Muchen who sighed and Xin Yi smile fell,

" What is it?" She asked worriedly,

 " I am not paid that much you are his personal bodyguard, mine is half of yours" he said jealous and sighed again,

 " You are jealous of your master aren't you, ah even though the money is illegal but still it will be useful," she said and sighed to her upcoming wealth,

 " Hey master please stop flaunting" he said and they both laughed.


After they walked to the entrance of the bodyguards quarters Xin Yi spoke,

 " Oh my! This is a quarters for bodyguards" the building is next to the main mansion its also like the mansion but it's painted black and golden. Before entering Muchen had to show them his ID card and told them Xin Yi is a new bodyguard. 

 After entering Xin yi only looked in awe, " Oh my God this is so" she covered her mouth looking at the golden interior and a little black painting,


" Master don't act like an illiterate" 

 Xin Yi removed her hand from her mouth and looked at Muchen,

" How dare you" she said,

 " I am sorry master" he begged and walked her to the transparent elevator, which took them to the first floor,


To be greeted by lots of bodyguards wearing black suit and trouser, they were all gisting while some just came back from a mission, 

 Muchen walked Xin Yi to the head bodyguards,

 " Good morning" Muchen greeted,


" Good morning munch, how are you?" The head bodyguard smiled,


" I am not munch pls head guard" he begged,


" He must be Xin Yi?" He asked 


" Yeah " he said and the head guard exists him and took a walk with Xin Yi while showing her around.


" Xin Yi this place is where you will get your clothes," he said while pointing to a closed golden door with black handle that has a golden signboard that ' Tailor' was written on it, the alphabets beign black, Xin Yi pouts her lips while nodding her head,

 They walked further away from that side to reach another closed door with the same door and same signboard, but alphabets different, ' Hospital' was written on the other signboard Xin Yi looked at the door surprised that not only a tailor but also a hospital.


" You can come here when you are injured or shot, but if you die so be it" he said and Xin Yi looked at him surprised of what he said.

 The head guard looked at her and he nod, " Yeah Mr Xin Yi you can step back if you want" he said reluctantly,

 " No uh no" she said nervously,

 " That's great" the head guard said and smiled.


 Xin Yi walked through the golden passage that has numbered door, she looked at the numbers written on the door and when she saw the numbers the head guard called for her, she opened the door and entered the room while closing the door behind her, she looked around the room that looks like an high class apartment,

 { A rock music } Xin Yi opened her mouth wowing and looking at the interior design, she walked to the room to find to bed with someone on it, curious she walked to the bed and pulled the duvet to find a male sleeping shirtless and also wearing just boxer, immediately when Xin Yi pulled the duvet he opened his eye and pulled Xin Yi's hand making her fall on the bed, " Ahhhh!" Xin Yi screamed,


" You must be the new bodyguard?" He asked whe he used his eye to scan Xin Yi's face,

 " Yes " she answered and he let her hand go, getting up on the bed, the guy pulled her hand again but this time to shake her,


" Then we are buddies, I am Haoyu nice to meet you" he said with a big smile he looked at her expecting her to also introduce herself, 


" Oh oh am sorry, I am Xin Yi " she also introduced herself and gave him a smile, they both smiled at eachother and Xin Yi forcefully removed her hand from his, " ahh"


 Xin Yi now wears the dress Muchen wore in the morning and was sitting in a dark room with a projector infront of her.

 The head guard came in and on the projector, which starts showcasing the family,


" You have met the underboss but haven't met the real boss, this video will teach you about the family. You have 30 minutes to learn" he said and walked out,

 Xin Yi hated this man after she had met him he is so STRICT.

Xin Yi looked at the video which was showing her what the family does,


' The family has a big ship carrier with lots of goods in the cargo'


" uhh it's said like the goods are pure if not illegal, " she sighed, after the video was done the light on and the head guard came in and asked her what she learnt,


" The family is the biggest mafia in China and they sell goods to countries like Italy, USA, Thailand and other countries" she explained,

 " And what are those goods?" He asked,

 " Drug trafficking " she answered and the head guard just lookedat her,

" go for training your locker number is 142" he said and he left the room.


 Xin Yi was seen wearing a black joggers with long sleeve jacket,


Xin Yi and the others including Muchen all stood in a shooting range each of them wore a earmuffs, each of them held a hand gun and positioned their gun, to their target,

 "Start" { a action song } the trainer shouted, and they all released the bullet three times, 


Though Xin Yi didn't shoot well and was called by the trainer,

 " Xin Yi, you must train yourselves very well for the shooting class has it is important to know" the trainer explained and Xin Yi nodded, 

 " Yes sir" she replied and tge man dismissed her,


Muchen walked to Xin Yi to walk to the fighting class, " Master you aren't a great shooter like I thought," he made jest of her,

 " You know I studied shooting and martial art to know how to shoot" Xin Yi grabbed Muchen's ear and twists it,


Muchen scrunched his face in pain and " Pls pls master am sorry" he begged while trying to remove her hand from his hair,


" You are quite strong " Hoayu praised, Xin Yi and Muchen turned their head

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