
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Shido’s Secret

Mana Pov-

It's been a day since I received that weird device that's able to accurately measure a target's age and I've tested it on most of the people I know, even spirits. And it was accurate every time.

Not to mention that after flipping the switch on the side, it notified me about my remaining age being 10 years, which was quite the shock. But since this feature wasn't working on anyone else, I decided to wait until I somehow confirm this fact.

Now, there were only two possibilities. Either this device was flawed in such a way that it'll show my age false no matter what.

Or... I was being lied to, by DEM, AST, and Ratatoskr. If what this device said was true, Shido wasn't my real brother since his age was just 16. But the picture on my pendant was definitely of Shido.

He had to be. He was the only family I have right now. The thought of losing that was anything but good.

Just to be sure, I tried to match the photo in my pendant with Shido's current self and it was an eighty-nine percent match. Which wasn't reassuring at all.

Out of desperation, I tried to find the park that was in the photo and realised that there was no such park in this town. From Shido's records, I knew that he never left the town in his entire life, so looking outside the town was pointless. At this point, even without that device, the doubts within my heart were too much for me to just ignore.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Kotori asked, taking a seat next to me. "Both you and Origami have been acting weird since yesterday. Did something happen in the hospital?"

"It's nothing. But what happened to Nee-sama?" I asked, wondering what was up with Origami. Ever since yesterday, she has been acting weird. As if she was keeping a distance from Shido. Although she was right next to him, it felt like she was observing him rather than staying with him. Which I doubt Shido even noticed.

"Who knows. For some reason, Origami has been looking at me as if I stole her panties or something." Kotori muttered, clearly irritated. But it was unlike Origami to pay attention to anyone who wasn't Shido.

Before I could ask anything, I heard Shido's voice from outside the room.

"We are back."

After a minute, the door opened as Shido, Tohka, Origami and Yoshino entered the room.

And sure enough, the first thing Origami did was look at Kotori as if she'd kill her the moment she gets the chance. Shido, for some reason, didn't notice it even though he was looking at Origami.

"Shido, what are you making for dinner?" Kotori asked, looking at Shido who was putting the bags down.

'Why are you carrying all the bags by yourself?' I thought, it's not like Spirits lack physical strength. Even Yoshino was stronger than an average adult physically.

"So what should I make for dinner?" Shido asked, looking around.

After about half an hour of discussion, everyone agreed on hamburgers.

While Shido was going to the kitchen, I noticed a burst of light covering the whole room.

'We are being teleported?' I thought. Before I could as anything, I was in an unfamiliar place.

"Where are we?" Origami asked, looking around.

"This is... Ratatoskr's teleportation room." Shido muttered in shock.

Hearing his reply, I turned towards Kotori. "Why are we here?"

She simply shook her head. "I have no idea. Having you guys here isn't something I'd ever do. So the one who teleported us must have done so because of some emergency. Anyway, let's go take a look."

Kotori started walking towards the main office of the Headquarters of Ratatoskr. From the looks of it, their headquarters is an airship. No wonder DEM wasn't able to find any clues about their existence.

We reached the main hall and the situation was... chaotic. Everyone was running around here and there while cursing as a blonde man was ordering everyone, trying to keep the situation under control.

"Vice-Commander Kyouhei, what's going on?" Kotori said in a loud voice, gaining the blonde man's attention.

"Oh." Kyouhei exclaimed while turning around. "It's good that you're here, Commander. The situation is terrible."

"What happened?" Kotori asked.

"The thing is... we have lost all control over <Fraxinus>. In other words, our Headquarters has been hacked by someone." He explained. His expression was anything but good, much like Kotori.

"It's impossible to hack out systems even for DEM. So who-" Before Kotori could even finish her words, the lights went out as a man's voice resounded throughout the <Fraxinus>.

"Yokoso... Watashi No Soul Society." The voice sounded as if it was said by some superior being.

"Who are you?" Shido shouted, frantically looking around in the darkness. I was able to see somewhat thanks to my body being enhanced by DEM.

"Tch. Uncultured swine." A very dissatisfied voice came as the lights were back again. The big monitor in the front started on its own. On the screen, a girl was looking at us with nothing but disappointment. It was Mikasa.

"Mikasa-san. I told you that it won't work, right!" Another girl walked into the frame, standing next to Mikasa. It was Kurumi Tokisaki.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Shido asked, looking at the screen, only to be ignored by the two of them. They continued chatting about their 'culture' while ignoring the grumbling Shido.

"Right." Mikasa said, looking at us. "I found something interesting while going through Ratatoskr's file." She smiled at Kotori. "Kotori-chan, what is <Dáinsleif>?"

Hearing her words, both Kyouhei and Kotori panicked as they ran toward the nearest computer. Mikasa looked at them with a smile but didn't say anything.

After a few minutes, Kotori muttered in disbelief. "I can't access it anymore."

"What's wrong? What is <Dáinsleif>?" Shido asked, looking at Kyouhei and Kotori.

Both of them weren't able to answer his question while Kotori looked at him with a worried expression.

"Ara~. You guys haven't told Shido-san about your magnificent weapon?" Kurumi said with a smile. "It's Ratatoskr's last resort to deal with Shido-san if he ever loses control of the Reiryoku inside his body. Even your regeneration ability is futile against it since your body will be destroyed all at once."

Shido's expression turned into one of fear and shock as he looked at Kotori, who just nodded at him. He walked over to Kotori before patting her head. "Don't worry about it. I trust you. There is no way my little sister will ever harm me." He said with a smile.

Hearing his words, all the Ratatoskr's employees heaved a sigh of relief.

'Excuse me? Isn't that a bit too much, even for a kind person like you? Where is his confidence coming from?' I almost shouted out loud.

Shido turned toward the screen before saying with a serious expression.

But before he could say anything, Mikasa interrupted. "Oh, I don't know what your name is, but I'll advise you to not press that emergency button."


Just as Mikasa's words fell, someone at the back pressed a button on the wall.

[Killer Queen has already touched that emergency button.]

Just as those words were finished, the one who pressed the button started acting weird. Her body started to expand from the inside before it disappeared with a small explosion. She wasn't even able to shout before her body disappeared as if it never existed.

'What a cruel way to kill someone.' I thought, looking at the spot where the lady disappeared. I wasn't soft enough to mourn some unknown person's death. But Shido was different. He was looking at that place with a horrified expression that was full of grief.

"H-How can you kill someone-" He was muttering something while turning towards the monitor.

"See? I told her not to press that button. Her death is her fault." Mikasa replied, shaking her head. She ignored the horrified expressions everyone had as they looked at her nonchalantly declaring someone's death.

"Haaaaah~. You guys started already?" Tatsuya's voice came through the speaker as he walked in front of the camera.

Looking at the screen, Tatsuya noticed everyone's horrified expressions and smiled.

"You're late." Mikasa said, glaring at him while Kurumi nodded in her support.

"Aren't you guys close?" Tatsuya said, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, let's start already."

Both Kurumi and Mikasa smiled at his words before replying in unison. "Sure."

Turning towards the camera, Mikasa spoke. "Everyone, there are some gifts we left for you on Kotori-chan's desk. Can you guys take them out? And don't try anything funny since the airship is programmed to crash in the city just in case." She explained with a sweet smile, sending chills down everyone's spine. If Ratatoskr's airship crashed, it'll destroy a corner of the city.

'And no one here will survive.' I thought. Except for Spirits, it'll be impossible for anyone else to survive.

"I'll get them." Kotori muttered, removing Shido's hand from her head as she walked towards her desk before picking up a box full of silver-coloured glasses.

"What am I supposed to do with them?" Kotori asked, looking at the monitor.

"Just distribute them to everyone and keep one for yourself." Mikasa said before Kotori did everything she was told. Giving every person a single pair of glasses.

'I never imagined that she'd willingly listen to someone's orders. Is she that worried about the airship crashing?' I thought, looking at Kotori. She was acting way out of character.

After everyone had a pair of glasses, myself included, Tatsuya stared at us with a smile on his face. "All you need to do is wear them and relax."

Everyone did as they were told, wearing those glasses.

"Have fun." Mikasa said with a smile. Before anyone could say anything, I passed out.

As I was wondering about what was happening, memories started flooding my brain.

They were memories of my life with my older brother.

"Shinji Ni-sama, stop." I shouted.

Huh? Shinji? But my older brother was supposed to be Shido.

"Mana, you're terrible at anything that isn't related to studying." The boy who was standing in front of me said, hitting my head with a karate chop.

"Ow." I grumbled, rubbing my head with a silly smile on my face.

His face was almost identical to Shido's, but for some reason, it was more familiar to me.

Not long after, I started remembering everything that happened 30 years ago.

That's right. It was all that bitch's fault. The one Shinji brought back home.

The one Ni-sama named 'Mio Takamiya'.

'But then, who is Shido?' I thought, confused as I continuously saw my memories.

{A/N- She is Shinji's(original Shido) real sister who was 12 y/o 30 years ago. Her memories were sealed by DEM. All Mikasa did was 'help' her regain them to realise how the First Spirit ruined her life by getting Shinji killed}


Best Waifu- Kurumi Pov-

Tatsuya, Mikasa and I teleported inside Ratatoskr's base, only to find out that everyone here was passed out while wearing the silver glasses they gifted them.

And most of the people were making weird sounds. Some were moaning, some shouting and drooling while the others were saying some weird stuff like 'make it hurt more' and 'no- not that hole'.

"Mikasa-san, what are those glasses exactly?" I asked. Mikasa and Tatsuya never explained to me what these glasses were supposed to do.

Mikasa smiled at me before replying. "It's an improved version of FullDive NerveGear. One that is good enough to make them doubt what's actually real."

"So these guys are?" I asked, my mouth twitching as I understood what these two psychos were up to.

"Yeah. They are living different lives from a first-person perspective while also having their senses linked to the characters. They can feel everything their character feels in real life while their original bodies will react accordingly here." Tatsuya explained.


Before I could ask any more, I was interrupted by Kotori's loud moans of pleasure.

"Aaaahhhhh~ Harder~" Kotori moaned even louder with every second passing.

"Mikasa-san, what did you show her?" I asked, looking at Mikasa who was licking her lips.

"She is getting spanked by Tatsuya in Virtual Reality non-stop. But the catch is that the spanking will stop the moment she asks for it, but she didn't." Mikasa replied with a mischievous smile.

"I-I see." I muttered before turning towards Tohka and Yoshino, who were simply lying on the ground. "What about them? They aren't reacting in any way?"

"It's pointless to show them anything when they are being controlled by their Sephira Crystals." Tatsuya explained, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then what about Kotori? Shouldn't it be pointless on her as well?" I asked.

"No, I removed the Sephira Crystal's influence on her while I was beating her." Tatsuya said with a smile. "She's free to do whatever she wants."

"Can't you do the same for Tohka and Yoshino?"

At my question, he shook his head. "To make it so that Mio never finds out about what I did, it took a lot of chakra from my seal." He said, raising his palm towards me. Unlike before, there was no diamond mark in there. "I can do it once more before it requires a recharge that will take around a month."

"I see." I muttered, turning towards Shido, who was lying on the ground while giving some weird reactions. "Then what about him? Why is he like that?" I asked, pointing towards the small bump between his legs, the bump wasn't big only around an inch or so. I was certain that Shido was having some nice experiences in the VR.

But what confused me was how Shido was able to get hard. I remembered that my clone was only wearing a lingerie in front of him and there was no reaction from him. Honestly, I thought that he was impotent, to begin with.

Hearing my words, Mikasa and Tatsuya looked at Shido's insult of a manhood before looking at each other, clearly dumbfounded.

"Are you sure we didn't mess up the thing he was supposed to see?" Tatsuya asked, looking at Mikasa.

Mikasa didn't answer his question, directly teleporting away. After a minute, she returned with a tablet in her hands.

"I don't remember the name of that file. We need to check it by watching what Shido is watching through his NerveGear right now." Mikasa said, calling me and Tatsuya over.

On the screen, we saw something that was traumatizing for us.

Shido was sitting next to a black-haired guy in a car while licking ice cream with his tongue out. Suddenly, he mistakenly spilled the ice cream on the man's shirt.

As the scene changed, he was licking the spilled ice cream off the man's shirt with a blissful expression.

The man looked at Shido before pushing him down and leaning forward.

"Fuck." Tatsuya said, smashing the tablet while breathing heavily.

"... That was definitely not good for my mental health." Mikasa muttered, rubbing her forehead. "I need to watch some good stuff to clear my mind now."

"I-I almost remembered how it was supposed to go. My mind hurts." I said, almost passing out.



"N-No. Wait, stop. Don't. Aah~ At least not in the car. People will- mmmph."

All three of us exchanged glances at the sound of moans even louder than Kotori's. We turned around, looking at Shido who was still hard while moaning.

All three of us were dumbfounded by this scene.

"No wonder he did not react to my clone at all." I muttered in realization while Tatsuya and Mikasa nodded.

So that was Shido's secret all along.




So that was Shido's secret all along🗿

Random Numbers Recommendation- 313043

Author Spit Facts- JJK fans need to realise that there are characters who are beyond Infinity and that Gojo isn't even continental level.

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