
Messing Up The Caste System

Author: shanimever
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  • 34 Chs
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What is Messing Up The Caste System

Read ‘Messing Up The Caste System’ Online for Free, written by the author shanimever, This book is a Teen Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, COMEDY Light Novel, CAMPUS Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Michelle is an upcoming Grade 10 normal commoner, studying in a common college school with her common friends and having...


Michelle is an upcoming Grade 10 normal commoner, studying in a common college school with her common friends and having fun with her commonly normal life. Just like everyone else would think. But in a blink of an eye, her life changed big time. From having a common life to having a really fancy one. What would happen to her when her life changed drastically? Most likely, in a world where she doesn't even fit.

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