
Chapter 6

Amazingly, she leaves. The sun is just coloring the sky faintly pink, a halo of shimmer catching her distant figure as I watch her fade away down the road. I almost can’t believe I’m not hurt, and still officially uninvolved in her escape. Part of me wants to call the police now, but I know my head isn’t clear. Coffee! That’s what I need. I brew a fresh pot, pour a mug, and then on an impulse add a shot of the bourbon Maddie left on the counter. After a few sips, I see my next move: call Cora.

The phone is where I left it when I went to sleep last night—on the end table by the couch. I curl up by the armrest and call my sister.

“Hey—it’s me, Alice.”

“You sound funny. Are you okay?”

“Well, yes and no. I’m safe now, I think. But I need your help.” I take a deep breath. “Maddie was here.”

“Oh, my God, Al—you didn’t let her in, did you? You couldn’t have—you’d be in so much trouble…”