
Mesmerizing: A Mystery Novel

Jay Sanders is a 22 year old detective working in Sangrove, Minichester. Jay follows the same old routine practically everyday, but everything is not what it seems, as secrets unravel, plots foil, plans destroy and romance blooms. A mysterious series, as his seemingly un-interesting boring life, takes a turn for a chain of wild goose chases, notorious gangsters, corrupt authorities, divorcing parents, and last of all, a seemingly neverending mystery. Will Jay eventually get to the bottom of the mysterious events that have been taking place in the city of Sangrove or run away from everything? Read the book to find out! Author- Esho Oyinkansola This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental." ©️ Esho Oyinkansola 2023 All Rights Reserved.

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Chapter 3


According to the information on the monitor screen, the stranger's name was Joseph Gregg, he was 23 years old, and his list of convicted crimes were as follows:

130 murders

550 Thefts

60 Assaults

20 Attempted Murders

10 Attempted frauds

Jay's eyes bulged out at the overwhelming amount of information he was receiving all at once. His state of utter bewilderment was soon cut short by a ring from his phone.

It was William, telling him to meet up to go over the plan again.


They met up at a coffee shop by around 4PM, and they decided that Jay was going to go undercover as a gang member of White Jansi', while William analyzed Bandi's house.

Jay was picking out a disguise for the undercover stakeout, while gathering some intel from a colleague on White Jansi'.

Apparently, the gang was runned by a man named Carlos Struff, he was sort of the godfather of the gang. And was probably the one who sent the man with a bomb strapped to his body to the drug dealer's house.

Jay, after being shown some pictures of how White Jansi' dressed, later settled for a red bandana, graphic tee, rugged pants, and a puffy jacket which made him a really convincing gangster due to his lean frame, unreadable hazel eyes and rugged brown hair.

He also kept a knife, a gun and his badge safely hid away from eyesight incase he got discovered.

By the time Jay was done preparing his disguise, William had already started leaving Bandi's house, or rather where Bandi's alleged house was supposed to be.

Earlier when he had got there, all he could see was an old cinema, which had probably stopped functioning in the area after the bombing had happened. One of the movie advertisements was Bandi and the Kung Fu Clown.

Long story short, a disappointed William made his way over to his car and drove home after texting Jay that he found nothing.

Jay was on his way to the location were the White Jansi' gang members usually had their meetings when he recieved the text, although feeling a bit disappointed himself too, he simply texted an "ok".

Jay started to drive slowly until he saw other White Jansi' members going towards his destination, in order not to attract unwanted attraction to himself, he decided to stop by a fast food restaurant near the meeting area, and grabbed himself a slice of pizza, and orange flavoured soda.

When he was finished eating, he could see that the gang members were already a lot, and proceeded to the venue.

He stood in the middle of the rows of people, anticipating Carlos Struff's arrival.

By the time Carlos arrived, the gangsters had already started hailing him, one of them even preparing a red carpet for him to walk on as if he was some type of important person of some sort.

"Greetings, greetings members of White Jansi', it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this week's meeting. Gerald, I trust you have all the reports on sales?" The buff man wearing a coat and a hat while taking long strides on the red carpet walking in tow with the dramatic music playing from his car said cocking an eyebrow.

"Of course sir, shall we discuss it when we are at sea? " Gerald a tall lanky man replied Carlos, which made Jay confused, but all of that quickly dissipated away with the arrival of a big white yacht.

Jay was slowly starting to freak out, he was thinking of ways to escape the yacht if he got caught, but he couldn't find any. He was thinking of just ditching, but he later settled on getting into the yacht.

The meeting went on just like any other meeting, well except for some fights here and there, people doing drugs like their life depended on it, and women dancing in the background for some reason.

The meeting was coming to a close, and Jay hadn't found anything important on the case, so he decided to ask some people before they sailed back to shore.

"Hey, heard about the incident that happened in downtown Sangrove?" Jay asked a gruff-looking man with a black bandana on his head, and more tattoos than he could count. "Yeah, yeah, I heard about it, and so what?"the man retorted. "Was just wondering if you know anything about it, word around says that it was a suicide bombing, some say it was a kungfu clown". Jay answered back. The man responded with a glint of amusement in his eyes, "A kungfu clown ay?" the man kept on chuckling before he finally said "Yeah, I don't think it was a kungfu clown, the suicide bombing sounds more likely, but hey it did happen in downtown Sangrove didn't it? And also, one of my relatives runned a cinema downtown, she got wiped out too, and I heard the show that was in that day was Bandi and the Kung Fu clown. You know me and my daughter wanted to go watch that movie, it's sad it got bombed".

"Ray!" A loud voice could be heard calling for the gruff man. "Sorry, looks like I gotta bolt kiddo, see you around" The man who Jay had just found out his name was Ray said to him while waving as he walked away.

After asking a couple more people, Jay had figured out that no one in White Jansi' had anything to do with the suicide bombing, if anything almost everyone in White Jansi' had a relative or two in downtown Sangrove, and they didn't seem that inhumane to annihilate family.

So, Jay after an unsuccessful stakeout, or rather an undercover stakeout which results proved to be futile. Jay got off the yacht.

On his way to the fast food restaurant's parking lot, Jay caught a glimpse of a familiar figure talking with a member of White Jansi', Jay immediately recognized that it was the same guy from before, whose name Jay had now found out to be Joseph.

He got in his car, and moved inconspicuously. Just as he was about to pull up and get out of the car, the stranger caught sight of him, and immediately headed for the road, and started running.

Jay, noticing that the stranger had started running, immediately got back in his car, and tried turning the car on, but it didn't budge.

After about 5 unsuccessful attempts and a frustrated Jay, the car finally roared to life, and when Jay looked up to accelerate, he was confused, there were 3 crossroads, and 3 different streets before the crossroads, ultimately he would just be going on a wild goose chase if he decided to go looking for the stranger.

Jay suspected that the stranger had something to do with the incident that took place in downtown Sangrove, but he wasn't exactly sure how the stranger had anything to do with it.

Just when Jay was about to give up, and started heading home, he saw the stranger coming out of a convenience store, and immediately brought out his badge, gun and handcuffs.

After about 5 minutes of police and theif, Jay finally handcuffed the guy, and put him in the backseat of his car.

He lighted the car's ignition, while being annoyed that the car decided to start now, and headed off for the police station. When they reached the police station, Jay got down from the car, and when he went to open the backseat, there was no one there at all, only the handcuffs were placed on the seat.

Jay groaned immensely, and started the car again, just wanting to drive home, but what do you know? The car doesn't budge again, this time until the third try.

Jay finally sighed, and dropped his shoulders and headed home, already dreaming about the takeout he was going to order.

But, of course life doesn't go the way we always want it to go, and he ends up getting stuck in a traffic jam that lasts for about 2 and a half hours, and successfully got home by 9:30.