

Elina started her Magic Journey in the school Of wizadry in Alies city were she bumped into the Dangerous student Robert Fan "Your bad days are started Elina,Be ready to invite them" She heared the devilish warning "Elina won't get afraid of Monsters" She said at that time out of anger but didn't expect him to be actually Monster. After Sometime She was entangled by the love thread of Monster which was strong and hard to cut. During her journey in Wizadry,she came to Know about the Curse of Alies City which was caused 200 years ago.After knowing more about it she found many shocking truth that turned her life completely down and lead her to a New journey. Will she Free herself from the thread or Start to built it? what shocking truth Elina found? Note : Picture in the cover is not designed by me and the credit goes to orginal creater

theathea_09 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 2

Robert went to the forest and hided behind a tree.He look at the girl keenly and watch her silently.

Elina again try to stand but her legs didn't support her.

"What a bad day.God how can I get out from this scary place"She was talking to herself and look around.

Suddenly a rat jump into her."aaaaaHhhhhhhhhh....."she shouted and throw away the rat.

"youuu youu don't come near me...I-I-Ii kill you"Elina murmured with fear but the rat didn't seem to get scared of her words instead the rat stand opposite to her and stared at her.

Robert Look at her Childish behaviour.He can't control his laugh and start to laugh silently.

"What a troublesome girl i had save"he thought to himself and decided to Help her.

Robert Hided his face with mask using magic and goes near her.

Elina Hear the footstep approaching her.She turned and saw a young man Approaching her.His musculine body seems to be similar to the boys who saved her.She thought him as Rookie

"Rook-kie help me.thi-thi--This rat"she pointed her finger to the direction of rat and look at the rat with fear.

Robert Tapped his foot hard in the ground which scared the rat and it Runned away.

Elina Showed a Sigh of relief and closed her eyes Slowly.Before She Open her eyes ,She felt a Cold hands Touching her skin and Lifted her slowly.

"Ahh"she Murmured with pain and look at the man Face.She was surprised,He was not Rookie but someone else.She can't see the mans face.The only things that she saw was his Sparkling Red eyes.

"He is he.He Helped me again but why"Elina Look at the man and Admire his eyes.

She stared into his eyes and hold him by his shoulder.

Robert Didn't understand why he carry this woman in his hand.He even don't know where to Drop her.

"Where should I drop her haaa.before that i need to see her face,The face that made me do everything miserable"he thought to himself.His eyes fall on the Girl in his arm whom he is carrying in bridal style.

When he look at her,she was already staring into his eyes which made him skip his heart beat.He stared into Elina Innocent Blue eyes.Then his Gaze travelled From her eyes to her Throat where a drop of Sweat is falling into her cleavage.

Robert Gulped his Saliva,he didn't think before that a girl can mesmerize him.Seeing Her face itself seduced him.He start to feel Hotness raising in his body.

"Come on,what are you thinking"He scolded himself and drifted his gaze but Elina keeps on starring at him.

"Where do you need to go"Her thought were distrubed by the handsome red eyed man.

"me hmmm goo straight,take left and drop me in the red colour house"she said softly.

The man didn't look at her again.He keeps on walking like a sincere Soldier helping his queen.

Elina eyes Start to gaze from his face to his throat then to his chest.

He has strong and firm chest which make every girl go crazy.without her Consciousness she burried her face in his chest and smelled the spicy smell radiating from his body which makes her want him more.

she wonder why she act shameless infront of a man but she didn't take her face back.she leaned in his chest, closing her eyes and feel his hot skin.

Robert was shocked by Elinas action.When she buried her face,He felt more heat and the demon hiding inside him want to devour her and feel her beneath.

He decided to sent this troublesome woman as soon as possible before He lost his control and do something.He start to walk fast and reached the home.

When he look at the woman in his arm.She was already sleeping and he don't want to disturb her.

He don't know whether to ring the calling bell or to put her infront of door because he doesn't want her family to think something wrong.but he cant put her infront of door,what if some bad mens again round her and rape her.No he doesn't want that to happen for the woman who made him feel Different.

Considering her safety he knocked the door and waited but no one opened.He again knocked and no one opened.

"Shit why no one is opening.i need to Hand her safetly before i Lost my control and hurt her"he thought to himself and lost his patience to wait so he try to open the door handle.To his surprise the door was already opened.

He goes into the big house and searched around him with the girl in his hand But no one is there and the house was were silent only his footsteps echoes in the house.

He wonder whether she said wrong address or she lives Alone.he searched around and finally found her picture hanging in the hall so he confirmed it was her house.

"Hello,is there anyone"he called but didn't receive any response.

"Seems like she is living alone.well i need to put her in her bed"he thought to himself and start to walk towards the room lies near a kitchen.

When he opened the room,he found it was not her room and the room was very dirty.he closed the room and walked in staires and reach the big room,which was very clean and cosy.

The room was fully filled with the smell of Daisy which makes him tempted more.He put the girl in his arm in her bed.

When he put her down,he didn't notice her holding his Shirt so the buttons in his shirt broken and opened.

He fell above the girl who was sleeping.He was dangerously close to the girl face and her breast was touching his bare chest.He felt like something run through his spine which made him go crazy.

Elina who was in sleep,opened her eyes slightly by the pain of something heavy fall on her body.When she slightly opened her Eyes,she saw a blur image of man with Red eyes wearing a mask.

Elina thought it as a dream and take the mask from the mans face but she can't see his face clearly.Robert was shocked by her action.Before he stand from her, suddenly she hold him by shoulder and pressed her soft lips in his lips.

He was stunned by the soft touch of lips and the breath of her that smelled like a daisy made him lost his control and makes his dick hard.

Without Giving a Second thought,he start to kiss her like a hungry animal bitting her lips and moved his lips very fast and the kiss was very passionate.Elina who was at half sleep thought everything as a dream and start to response the kiss.

Robert slided his hand into her dress and grabbed her breast with his hand,but he was annoyed by the bra that disturb him.

Elina moun slightly on his action and run her hand in his strong chest which gives him a tickling feel and he hissed.Elina eyes caught the tattoo that drawn from his stomach to his half chest and hand.it was very beautiful and makes his body look hot.

He runs his lips from her lips to her shoulder and start to suck her skin and make hickey.

Suddenly his phone vibrate from his pant which makes him regained his Consciousness and pushed himself from her forcefully.

When he wakeup and saw her,she was in sleep.he felt a relief but his Manhood was hard and hard which makes him feel uncomfortable.

He look at the Beautiful girl sleeping in the bed.His gaze runs through her whole body and then falls on her sprained leg.

He spelled his magic spell and healed her legs.then he left the place without heart and start to move towards Wizadry school.

He take his phone from his packet and saw 3 missed calls from Rookie so he called him back

Rookie :Hello

Robert : Whats up

Rookie : where are you man,it's already 11,do you forgot about the party

Robert:well i dont want to atten the party

Rookie : what !

Robert : Ask Zomie to Stay in my dorm

Rookie : Seems like you need to have adventure tonight.ok i tell her

Robert Ended his call.He feels very hot and wants to devour someone to satisfy his devil.He wonder whether his first kiss was given to this unknown woman.Yes it was the first time Robert kissing a girl but it doesn't mean he didn't have S** with anyone before.He had but he didn't kiss any girl before.

With his thoughts he go to wizadry school where Rookie was waiting for him Near boys Dorm

"Hey Rob,she is waiting for you"Rookie said funnily and stared at Robert confused face.

Before Rookie ask something Robert passed him and went directly into his room

"Maybe he is in emergency"Rookie think to himself and went to his room.

When Robert opened his room,he say Zomie waiting for him in his bed with sexy dress.

Zomie was quite beautiful girl who has crush on Robert for many years.Robert had sex with multiple girls according to him Zomie was one among them.

As soon he went inside his room.He Teared her dress and opened his zip,taking his manhood which was big and hard.it was the first time he saw his this big.

"It's so big today " Zomie said with sexy voice and was astonished by his erection.

Before she speak another word,Robert pull her from bed and make her turn back.He seems to be control less and Zomie was afraid to talk to him.She feels weird of this position but she support with table and cooperate with him.

Robert put his dick inside her and start to move very hard.Zomie was shocked,she wonder what makes him go this much hard on her.

Robert moved very fast but he didn't feel any pleasure with this girl.He take his dick out and pulled his zip up.Zomie don't know what's happening.

"Get out"He said with cold voice.Zomie doesn't want to stop so she goes near him and unzipped his pant.Her action made Robert Angry instead of giving pleasure.

He pushed her forcefully "I said get out and don't dare to sit in my bed again"he said coldly.

Zomie got scared of his dark red eyes and moved out immediately.

"Who the hell is she ? damn i can't satisfy myself now"He Think to himself.his inner demon wants to see her again.his inner demon wants to eat her.

Robert Holded his manhood and start to move his hand up and down to make his devil calm.

After Trying very hard,he finally felt a little relief and went to a Sleep.

Next morning when Elina wakeup,she was in her room.She search for the man who drop her home but he seems to be no where.When she look at her leg,the wound seems to be cured without leaving a mark.

She think about her dream of kissing the man which made her smile.with the same pleasent mood she stand infront of the mirror

"aaahhhhhhh"she shouted on seeing the hickey on her neck,she thought it was a dream but it really happened and she really kissed the man.

"Elina you are a fool"she scolded herself and look at the hickey.

Instead of feeling shame,she smiled and wants to see that mans face.

Yes she don't know why but she fall in love with him at first sight.with all this thought,she decided to go to wizadry school.