I'll show you what real pain feels like!
part 1 (CREDITS) whilst being at the bottom of the stairs at a sunny atmosphere / with quite clouds, there were a bunch of scattered shops located on the pedestrian pathwalks with cars driving by minimal traffic, xai said "shall we"? misa replied yep with more shops next door to each other, they bought foods that were chips n curry sauce as well as sushi from the local chinese restraunt misa also replied "ah, too bad they didn't have kimchi!", cm said "yeah it's probably located SOHO, in central london!", as this was different from the regulations both xai and misa lived in they asked young sir what year is this may we ask please? cm replied "it's 2023!" misa looked shocked as hell as she put one hand on her mouth and went damn I don't think I was born at that time, cm repled "yeah obviously you're here right now and I don't think a 1 day year old would be a 5'7 height like you are hehehiha". so cm, cm? hmmm uh the name sounds so familar as she was putting one of her index fingers on her lips as xai patted her shoulder and cm being intruiged oh I know she finally knew who it was now i'm guessing your the author of squad 13 are useless! no? misa said in a quite suprised body languaged tone, cm replied yes that's me alright. READERS GO READ THE BOOK OF SQUAD 13 BTW IT'S AMAZING REALLY MORE STRUCTURED THAN THIS misa1 & daikhi's ghost said but now back to the story... ah that blew my mind that you could come up with anything and those endless possibilities, the story was so structured too, I liked the funny fillers as well as the gag's of both major and the orange whilst being in the hospital bed, way better than OP but good luck writting the rest of it, he said "thanks by the way it's already finished" cm said, misa replied dammnnn proud of u kid well I guess I better be going, got more quests to do with this katana of mine as well as adventuring for a specific blue crystal that let's us wharp back to our orinal dimension. Cm replied "ah right, I mean I can help you learn or teach you some cool sword manuver's / tricks I know, as I actually use to be a black belt" misa and xia's eyes both lit up in amazement as xai bowed down and said "teach us please sensei!", as the excel near ch station just turned into a aunamental dojo.
part 2 (combat) when being brought into a quiet place / walkway on the streets they were learnt how to twirl the sword with 1 hand as well as traverse in a more satisfyingly way through flips and specific stretches that made their body more flexible e.g. plank, bridge, wall sit and hand standing. after they were done with training they walked up the stairs of Custom house station and saw that the dojo needed a key to be unlocked so then they grabbed the DLR , red,white,silver and black tube to iconic landmarks such as the tower of london although they weren't allowed to go inside, the 3 snuck themselves through and only found chest of plate of gold which they decided not to take as the queen was already dead and stolen valuables would just be a violation I guess. FUN FACT: the front cover of this book was actually drawn on a graphics tablet by cm, hats down to fellow bro!. but the place they were in was a sandstone an orchard , colored halway with brown doors and old wooden oak torches with heat immersion blue flames but suddenly 2 familar faces come out of a portal. hanakao and rick, rick tried to use his green farting gas also slime to drench hanakao's clothes in, it worked however the dragon's then fired back onto him but as the gas was flamable one of the dragons breathed fire on it causing to explode and hanakao saying we've been battling for ages just wanna eat some soba as she back hand slashed his face out as the sword wouldn't melt when it chops something through it's dastardly flames as well as she then said heya children nice seeing you again also hey man nice hair, she said to cm also you like kinda lean said hanakao, before she went again but this time she was teleported back to the resteraunt where everything has been repaired again. but before she went, misa said wait up, sadly the 2 younger adults couldn't be taken with her as it'd just mess some of the game one of the creators were playing...
part 3 (the truth hurts...) as the 3 of kept on surging their hearts out for the hidden key of the temple dojo thingy, they found it but sadly it was underwater and deep as the gates of colliding heaven and earth but it was the only shot they had on getting their lives back to normal so they said why the hell not!. as misa was the best underwater swimmer she went to a nearby aqua store to buy clothing items and changed inside the area's however had some simps looking, but as fast as she could she ran from the blue and black colored shop into the thames river near the ocean and dived straight in even though there were 100 signs saying STOP. both xai and cm waited, an waited until she came out but whilst waiting they went to go do a little bit of exploring in their own such as finding the nearest trading card, battling each other for a unreleased video game that was beta tested in store as well as eating raw sushi. meanwhile we cut to misa diving in a pitch black state as she can barely hair no snorkal, hair soaked, legs numbed out as she spat out some bubbles with arms moving continuously and some wieght being burnt off causing her to be flattened out as a skelaton but she then heard voices and saw something that might think she's dead or her life flashed before her eyes as a killer dolphin went and cut her leg as she ignored it and said it's too late to give up now as she was being reckless , as the abs on her stomach piece started to form / flesh out as well as clothes which got smaller so luckily they were self absorbant / enchanted with the size which was more cost efficent / time consuming instead of buying or switching 4 different sizes. the oxeygen tank was slowly loosing gas as well also when she picked up the key, she was instantly transported to the 3D dimension inside of a carboard box full of countless wonders which were too much for the normal 2D eye.
misa can you hear me? the author / writter said, she replied "YEAH WHERE THE HELL AM I", the writter or me replied your in my domain, she said wow and how do I get out of this place exactly please? I contemplated for a minute what makes you think I'll do that in a deep low monothestic tone as her body flew across the box / sanded area. she went wow guess someone's a little grumpy today heha in a cute contempt laughter but jokes aside misa said I feel like I have superpowers of my own like reading minds, kindness also healthy well being, however I think I need to toughen up, a katana appeared right in front of her as she said "hmmm whoever this person is with long hair a black mask, man bun with black jumper and similar clothes" he kinda reminds me of the broken male version of me could he be? she said yo mask dude can you come down here I just wanna talk as she also started to began to tie her hair back I replied sure and shrunk to 2d nano size as well and said woah this feels wierd uh thank you I guess. misa gave me the sting eye with small smile as she began to cut some of her off so that she dosen't look like a danzil in distress and instead becomes a tomboy, small muscles started to build too around the body as she went huh interesting am I based on someone you know but don't want to talk to hmmmm?, I replied well yeah. the 2 of us walked slowly to each other as we felt each other's hand my one was more darkened heavy but misa's one was more soft and used to exgerigate people as she said in a bit of men's voice "AH nO maTer HoW haRD they Hurt you alwaYs be nice To them right loVe", she then belched burped out loud and went in a cuter or more smaller tone forgive me sensei as she bowed down and went sucks to be you xDxDDDDXXXXXXDDDD. her persona had now changed considering I wanted her to have slightly more character developement as the 2 of us dueled with weapons both colliding in our hands although this isn't fair it's time I come clean even with my own creation.... by the way reader's if you have any queries, question or unquestionable answers my phone number is 07398108322.
part 4 (fated duel of dimensions) both us started with same clothes attires misa just had lipsticks and make up scars with a v - taper back and slightly longer hair down to her mouth my hair was just up to my check but I used cv products for skincare purposes. although we parried a bunch of times, I had to say I wrote this short series, therefore killing of those dear to you as I knew what it was like as my dad also died 3 ye she yelled WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, JUST WHY IT's oK to LOosE a loved One but never make other's feel your pain but ugh idk as she dropped the spear she was holding and the little bow staff to knock some sense into me and gave me a HUG... whilst doing this
she had heard / seen everything I've done physically and experienced mentally... SCORE BOARD YELLS GAME MISA YING WINS
I sliced her legs off as now she was slowly discinigrating and she said I hope you find peace in your life one day, there's no need to be sorry misa said as I or me the creator felt a bit of remorse / empathy too as we were each other's 2nd kiss considering xai was her 1st by accident from moping the floor and accidently falling on her matress after misa2 was destroyed!
we took a strand or small piece of each other's hair and ducktaped it to our offical hair making it feel as though we were just the same character but also before she left after very slow dying like she was here for 10 months straight which was like 10 mins in her 2d lands, asim huh so that was your 1st name damn uh reminds me of the card that I put into my phone he as well as the world with xai and cm exploded as I just spawned a nuclear bomb therefore wiping away everyone and everything. misa and I both shared the moment by me letting her have the final crystal but suddenly we went to battle format again as a zombie samurai appeared with grey hair as he was able to control the flow therefore blinding us but luckily I used the enviroment to my advantage and tipped over the box so he could break our fall haha.
part 5 (END, THANK YOU READERs!) after I returned misa home through a volcanic teleporter that shot her to the world she was in orignally with a half top white t-shirt and jeans also white breathable running shoes she thanked me againa s well but returned to more of a family and as a career even though she had the potential to cure a lot of things, she just needed a rest from all the calamity I gave her, this family she was in saw all the body's that had been destroyed and had abilities to bring some back to life including Daikhi, xai, lisa and a saitor head with weapons that were used to play catch between the elders and the younger that was orignally brought back from the game saitor was playing in chapter 2 WAKE UP!.