
Chapter 4 mystical surroundings!

part 1 ( reaching home and finding out!) downtown mid high, with street lampost neon lights shining on either sides with houses and a small road going across lyed misa, woo wee guess it's getting kinda dark, guess I better run home to get some shut eye, as she said enthusiastically, she walked, in a strolling / causal time of way as other roads were either under mainetance due to a sudden terrorist devil attack however before she reached her home which was the size of a cottage with 2 floors, misa saw a bilboard which sent out some information which brief visualisations of the fight between daikhi and saitor, once misa reacted to it, she was shocked and trembled to her knees hugging a nearby gate, oil leaks then driped with mouth slightly open, no uh nooooooooeeeeeeeoeo how can this be, I should've went with him and also before she was about to open her front door someone came at the doorstep with a familar look and said "hey pretty young lady, can you come with me please I think there's been a nearby accident at parking lot also I tried to drop this to a female named lisa, ila however they was no reply but I saw a body located in the porch the strangerous man said with a rucksack holding letters, a cap, a moustach kinda like the man on the packet of the potato chips. ah ok potato chip man I'll come with you as I know that lady also white haired women idk what you were crying so suddenly about, ah it's nothing misa replied to the smart dressed, quite cute postman, no please tell me!, I promise I won't tell anyone , ok, ok so basically on the news I think you may've seen the clash or wraith of the super powered gods , one of them , ooh ooh I get your point now you were about to say that one of them was your brother I knew because I had my popcorn ready and ... she started crying again while putting both her palms on her face , the potato chip postman started panting a bit too as some drops of liquid disolved from his retina and out into the open too while he said sorry, yeah I know not the best time for jokes in a lowered tone however I know that we can still fix him or you before some calamity wreaks havoc and we're all finished right?? , yeah unm , sir, nope we've reached lisa's house, misa then opend the blanket body and said no, not you too, her heart was shattered into 1 million freckle pieces of dust...!.?;(

part 2 (mend or defend) as misa froze for hours, all nerves wonderstruck as she said may, maybe this is all a dream and I just y'know need to walk up she then started trying to laugh it off however that only made things worser. The postman who stood behind her actually looked like a korean schoolboy with a wolfcut came and hugged her through the back, which would give her the brotherly instinct of what daikhi would do in a situation like this "thank you" she then responded in a polite quiet manor, "no, no wories at all, young lady", but yeah we need to get back also, what's your name misa said at random, the stranger said it's xai, xai chara n ce how about you" uh sir, my name's misa yang, sir hajimaste( nice to meet you in japanese)", xai responded hajimaste in an exicted / quite curious tone too. Both stomachs began to rumble, man i'm hungry both of them said at the same time, you wanna go grab something to eat xai said as they were strolling their way back, yeah uhm sure misa replied with a quite SIGH response however luckily once they got their, they were the last to be seated as the only employee named Hanaokao was both serving and dishing up the ramen at 7:30pm late time in torento china. the waiter hanaokao was middle age however was really nice not just on the outside but on the inside as well, she resembled a chinese women with long light black hair with some shades of grey on the sides, a blue dress and some bangles going down here forearms also her earings which were in a emerald green format but she spoke very so softly as she didn't want to accidentaly scare customers like she was treated when younger... back to the story, then she implied 

人に何を注文したいですか (hito ni nani o chūmon shitaidesu ka - which meant what would you like to order people in english) so the read the menu for a couple times to scan for different apetisers, delicous treats or also a main meal with a drink to wash the food down, then finally they found what they were after!!, so... Misa responded with I'll have

part 3 ( explorational phasing) 1 chicken dumpling and tofu ramen soup and then xai responded with hmm maybe if I turn this thingy mcjigy upside down, it may give me 26 other options so then he did and more appeared however he stuck with the same choice as misa's too make it feel fair / not cheated or left out. another thing which was good about this restraunt was as it was newly built their was a translator so everytime they would speak english it would translate into either chinese, korean or japanese for their waiter or waitress to understand and increase communication as everyone CBA asked to learn another language all the time. The enviroment in which they were in was a quite a modern wooden restraunt , with kanji symbols located on light cascade bulbs and old traditional art posters of old beer commercials, care for a sake xai said without a doubt , misa nah I think I had a bit too much shit on my plate hehe she said in a quite relaxed tone, coolio i'll respect that wish might as well, the more the merrier as he didn't want to get kinda drunk or laid out either he just ordered about 40pml = 50ml in standard vocab. when food was arrived chopsticks were paired together with the food and both said ITADAIKEMASU but I guess they celebrated too soon as xai dropped his chopsticks as he saw a harpoon / blade being shot vigirously from the back of misa's chair and quickly as fast as he could grabbed her fair little body and ran / ducked down and used the table as cover, fortunately misa grabbed some of the food to save her hunger from dropping as most of it dissapeared before hitting the ground and making a mess as the table was tipped over.

part 4 (run, duck, hide and jump!) as misa grabbed her bowl from under of her leg xai said take it with you we'll eat it as we go along, home should be a safe place to start as unexpectadly the bowl of ramen got 2x bigger uh oh misa implied as they both ran out of the shop before paying their taboo , hanaokao saw this through the backdoor in a safety exit and began to suit up / go after what ever was causing this big warp hole rucketed nuisance while ying and chara n ce made it to ying's house safely via running and avoiding a fiery vortex beem that was used to kill daikhi they both entered the wooden orchard house, but sadly the hyperventilating started but xai placed 1 of his hands onto misa's heart as he said "relax kid, all neves, muscles, they'll all teraway" wounds were healed as he was then fed some ramen with chopsticks through the mouth from using misa's hands since he looked quite pale / nerve strucken too. he then said nah that's enough as he wiped his mouth using his hand you have some too as he now did the reverse but wrapped his chopsticks in mesa's mouth with some of the left over soba ramen that was there, uh thank you she said in a petit tone. 

part 5 (hanakao vs RICK) after all harpoons were wretched of hanakao's restraunt, she came out with a red chinese dress, a zip located on the chest piece with the 2 golden dragon design, she had the red lipstick covering the dry lips too as well as the thin black tights to make movement speed much more efficent and slippers for her feet to breath air with plain white socks and mid small arms as she mostly resembled a underweight chinese elder without feeling too embarrased about the limbs or amount of meat she had on the skin. RICK however was this armoured quite young white guy, with missles coming out of it on the forehead it said U.N.C.L.E (all copy rights reserved to the author of that word with dots in the middle). but with a bladey cowboy hat too, prepare to meet your doom tomboy he said in a reassuraning voice like he was about to win. The portal suddenly closed he YELLED NO SHIT IN MY BALLS THAT WAS MY ONLY WAY HOME NO I GOTTA UGH AFTER I'LL FINISH THIS 1ST, while he was busy talking with himself, hanakao did this perfect timing quick repeal and started parkouring / flipping off the dangerous sharply objects which then were pulled out from the ground and used to her advantage as a bow staff however RICK grabbed his boney knuckles and landed a hit on the flat stomach, blood starting leaking from her mouth as it sent her bang, crash, straight into a wooden wall, so she had low durability considering she was skinny but it didn't mean she had a low resilance so she quickly got back up and smashed his teeth out with her vortex golden dragon roundhouse kick that he started saying "watch it whipper snapper" she replied hey i'm the old one hehe not you so then upercuts were dodged and suddenly an obsidian purple froze RICK's greasy, homless, nimble and stinky body causing him to teleport out of existance and leaving hana questioning what just happend when her legs just happend to touch the ground again.

END OF THIS CHAPTER FIND OUT WHAT YOUNG MISA AND XAI HAVE FOUND NEXT CHAPTER WITH is it just a bowl of ramen, no, no I think it's something else WHOSOSOSH a flood occurs...