
Mermaid-Human Love

Young Rosie, Queen of Oceania falls in love with a human, Josh She trades her tail for Legs in other to meet him For her to get legs , she loses her memory Josh , finds her unconscious He falls in love with her His parents were against their relationship , especially his mom She wanted him to marry Vivian, the daughter of a wealthy man Josh fights for his love for Rosie, soon they had a daughter A mermaid Josh loses his life in other to save his daughter from a angry mob , claiming that bad luck was caused by the birth of a mermaid Rosie was forced to return her mermaid daughter, Belle to the ocean where she truly belongs Read up and I sure you love my new book

Bossbabyqwingirl · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 1:Tail for Legs

Rosie's POV

I would always come up to the surface to see if he was there , on that big stuff

I don't remember what Hidee called it again

"Rosie, we might get in trouble" Hidee said panicked

"No we won't. No one is going to know unless you tell" I replied as she stared at consciously the love of her life for the last time

Anytime I saw him my heart seems to start beating faster than usual

Josh's POV

I can't help coming back here,the pressure at home

Mom can't seem to stop pestering me about getting a wife,I am not even ready to settle down

"What is that?" He asked as he points to an object

Hidee's POV

I pressed down Rosie's head ,it seemed like he had seen us

"We have to go home,you will get us into trouble"

I said as I started swimming back

" Oh ok" She said as she swims after me

"Wait for me"

Josh's POV

"What is that?" I asked pointing to a figure

"Where?" Andrew asked


"Josh,I think you are beginning to see things" Andrew said and continued his sketching

"Let's go home "

General POV

Rosie was the queen of Oceania,she was always breaking the rules by going to the surface ever since she was a child and that she is a queen,she was still breaking that rule

Josh on the other side,the heir of the Rendoff reality

He was being pressurized to get married to Victoria ,the daughter of the wealthiest business man

He was always known for his friendliness to his workers

Rosie's POV

I needed to do something

I wasn't going to sit here on this throne

I was being pressurized to get married ,so the kingdom could have a king

The thing was that I was not in love with any merman in Oceania, I was in love with that human

He was the only man my heart beats faster for

I decided to go to Morgana ,she was the only one that can turn me to a human being

I really needed to be one really soon before I get forced to get married to a merman I didn't love

"You can't do that" Hidee yelled

"I have to ,there are so much pressure here"

I persuaded her and finally she agreed,we said our goodbyes

She promised to always see me at the shore

I swam to Morgana's lair

"To what do I owe the visit, Queen Rosie?"

"I want to trade my tail for legs"

"You want to...?"

"...you heard me right,I want to trade my tail for legs"

" I think my Queen has fallen for a human" she laughed wickedly

" I can pay any amount,I just need legs to walk in the human world"

Morgana smirked

" The price is simple,very simple"

" What? Tell me what it is ,I will pay"

" Well, all I need is your memory" She smirked again

" My memory?"

" Yes,every spell comes with a price and your memory is the price for this spell"

" And you call it a small price,my memory ,a small price"

" If you love him ,you would do it ,you would still have a little memory of him left" Morgana persuaded me

" I will leave you to do some thinking "Morgana turned to swim away

" Wait"I called out to her

She paused and revealed a wicked smile

"You agree?"

"Yes,I agree to trade my tail for legs"

Morgana laughed so loudly

I could hear her laughter echoing loudly

And then

Everything went blank

Josh POV

"I am not getting married to Vivian and that is final" I said as I slammed the door

I picked my phone and dialed Andrew

"Where are you?"

"I am by the sea shore"

"Oh ok, I will be there "

" Is there a problem?"

" I will explain when i come over" I replied and ended the call

I drove to meet Andrew

We have buddies since childhood

He was the closest friend I have ever had

"Hey " I said as I sat on the ground next to Andrew

"I brought beers"

"Oh nice"

I talked to him about the pressure

Not that he didn't know about Vivian but I just needed someone to tell my problems

Like they say a problem told is half solved

We talked for hours and I spotted something floating on the ocean

"What is that?" I said pointing

"Dude,don't start that again" Andrew replied looking away

"I am serious" I stood up to get a better look

"Wait,I think is a person"

I unconsciously jumped into the water to rescue the person

I swam to the shore with her

She was naked

Where could she be from?

I took of my shirt and covered her up

She was still breathing

I carried her to my car while Andrew followed

"Where are you taking her?" Andrew asked as I dropped her in my car

"To my home of course " I replied as Andrew got into the car and we drove to my house

I live very close to the beach , so it didn't take long and we got to my house

I quickly carried her to my living room and placed her on my couch

Hidee's POV

Thank goodness ,that human saw her on time

She might have drowned If not

When she traded her tail for legs ,she lost the ability to breathe under water

Rosie's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and I couldn't remember anything

Where was I?

I tried to lift up my head and I heard a voice,my heart began to beat faster

"Hey, you are up?"He asked

Who was he?

"Gently" He said as he helped me up

" Where am I ?"

" You are at my apartment ..."

"What is an apartment"

"Basically, where I live"

" How did I get here?"

" I found you unconscious at the beach"

" The beach?"

" How did you get there?"

Another person walked

" Oh, she is up?" He said to the other guy

" Hey"He said and waved at me

Then the first guy asked again

"How did you get there?"

"I don't remember"

"You don't remember?"The other guy said panicked

" What is your name?"

"My name is ..."

I thought hard and I remembered my name

" My name is Rosie"

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