
Mermaid As Alpha's Destiny

“Luck, give me a book on how to make a woman fall in love.” “All the books are just theory, Written based on someone’s experience. In fact, everyone has a different love journey. The way love comes to someone is never the same,” said Max when came from the door. Max understood very well how Billy felt. “Go! Go back to Catalina’s house. Only with her will you know how to conquer her heart. Leave all those books here. One day, you will come back and write your own story.” ------------------------------------------------------------- Enmity made werewolves world endangered. As the future Alpha king, Billy had to find Luna as his destiny. It was Catalina. The reincarnation of Princess Althea, the crown princess of the undersea king. Billy and Catalina met in the real and modern world. A mysterious castle in the Alaskan jungle would be a place for Billy and Catalina to build their love. They would fight for all the trouble. This wasn’t only about werewolves or mermaids, this was about them. It's about their life, soul, and their clan. Billy gained power by making love to Catalina. Meanwhile, Catalina must find water and turn into a mermaid after giving her energy to Billy after making love, otherwise, Catalina would ... lose her life. Could they unite their love without sacrificing the other? Mermaid As Alpha’s Destiny! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, all. This is my first English book. I am really happy if you leave a review and comment. Any mistakes let me know. You can come to my social media. FB : Ans Afriana IG : Afriana_setiawanku Hppy reading and thank to support me. --------------- The cover is mine, design commission art by Vareeant Art

Ans · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Missing Man

“What creature?” Catalina asked the morning bird. That bird looked scary.

“A furry creature. It catches and eats any animal that is near it.”

The bird then flew back to leave Catalina.

“How strange? Maybe it’s just a hungry bear.”

Catalina continued on her way toward the dining table. She crossed the stairs that the right and left sides were glass walls. Sometimes, Catalina still felt amazed by the house she live in. The house had a minimalist design. All was a very modern design.

Her grandfather was certainly a very knowledgeable man. They built this house long before Catalina was born. However, the design was very modern. They have proven that the rich people in the past really have a high taste? They probably saw a lot of modern places. Maybe her grandfather had been to have inspired this house because of it.

“Do you see today’s news?” asked Martha.

The stocky woman was busy preparing the food on the table. Catalina pulled up a chair that was at the dining table. The dining table was rectangular. They made the top of the table from glass and there were six chairs. Every three pieces were on the left and right. One chair was at each head of the table.

For Catalina, Martha was more than just a maid. After a few months they were living together, the relationship was more than just friends. Martha was fifteen years older than Catalina. Sometimes Catalina felt Martha was like her mother.

“Anything important? I’ve been busy with my latest novel lately. After all, the news on those portals is mostly about politics or artists with their scandals.”

“It has been five days since the owner of the biggest company disappeared. The speculation comes like a flood. Many people say that the man had disappeared on purpose. Rich people always do weird things.”

“Maybe, the world and busyness can be so stifling sometimes.”

The smell of bread topped with crabmeat and shrimp wafted through the room. Martha could always serve food that Catalina couldn’t refuse. Catalina’s eyes were wide and enthusiastic. She quickly took the bread to her plate.

Meanwhile, Martha sat opposite Catalina with a cell phone. She tried to find the news they had just talked about. After taking bread, Catalina also took some meat to her plate. She cut the bread into small pieces. Then she ate her food.

Today, her appetite returned to perfection. After she saw Billy open his eyes. The wound on Billy’s chest that had always worried her had completely disappeared. Strange incident. But Catalina didn’t want to think any further. For her, Billy was safe, and that made her happy.

“Look at this. Today they finally give an official statement. It turns out to be the owner of the Howard Company. One of America’s top hundred companies.”

Martha kept sliding her thumb. Her mouth kept muttering. Catalina couldn’t hear clearly what Martha was saying. Martha seemed to talk to herself. Then suddenly Martha’s face stiffened. Her eyes widen.

She used her other hand to zoom in on the image on his phone.

“I can’t believe this. Are my eyes wrong?!” Suddenly Martha screamed.

Catalina looked at Martha with a smile. The maid was always expressive in responding to something.

“Wow Catlin, hopefully, this won’t be a problem for us.”

Martha held out her cell phone to Catalina. Instantly, Catalina’s smile disappeared.

“Billy...” she hissed.

Catalina and Martha looked at each other. It turned out that the missing man was the man who had been at their house for the past three days.

“May I join in for breakfast?” A voice broke the tension between the two.

He didn’t wait for Catalina’s or Martha’s answer. Billy immediately sat down on the chair. Martha looked at Billy with her mouth hanging open. While Catalina looked at the man with a suspicious look.

Billy paid no heed to the glances of the two women. He took a loaf of bread from the large plate and immediately put it in his mouth. In just a few bites, the bread was gone. Billy took another second, and so on. Finally, only a piece remained on a large plate.

He then reached for the glass filled with milk in front of Catalina. He finished the contents. Billy’s face looked cheerful.

“This food is delicious. Maybe it’s because I haven’t eaten in days.”

“So you’re the owner of the Howard Company?” asked Catalina slowly.

“Is it important? Now I am a guest in this house.”

“All of America is looking for you. You could be a big problem for me.”

“You have been giving me trouble since five hundred years ago. Now I have found you. I won’t let you walk away from me.”

Catalina turned to Martha. The woman just shrugged. She had no answer for Catalina’s confusion.

“You’re delirious, aren’t you? You’ve always been talking about five hundred years ago.”

Billy shook his head. “You’ll understand later. I only ask one thing of you. Never get close to another man after today.”

“What?! Are you crazy? Who are you to limit my life?” Catalina screamed hysterically.

Billy’s words not made sense to her. The two of them didn’t have a relationship. What a ridiculous request!

“Believe me, Catalina, you are destiny to live forever with me. Without you, my world would be gone.”

Catalina’s confusion hadn’t gone away at Billy’s words. Then suddenly the morning bird came back in and perched on the table. He pecked at the rest of the bread on the plate.

“Even if I have to die, at least I die full.” The bird chattered wildly.

Martha only heard the chirping of the bird. Catalina heard and understood what the bird was saying.

“Why are you here? Don’t spread the news that brings fear.” Catalina was angrier with the behavior of the little bird in front of her.

“This morning he caught a tiger. Within minutes, he had eaten it and finished all. He was terrible.”

“Who are you referring to?” Billy asked the little bird.

Suddenly, Catalina looked at Billy. “Can you understand what he’s saying?”

Billy didn’t respond to Catalina’s words. Instead, he looked back at the bird. He was waiting for an answer.

“A black, furry figure. I haven’t seen it myself. All the forest dwellers in the southern area say it is a dangerous werewolf.”

“Unlucky! Lexus broke its promise!” Billy growled.

Billy’s pair of blue eyes shone. Her face flushed with anger. His fingers gripped the table. He stood up but staggered a little. His body was still weak. But he would go to protect the forest dwellers.

Billy looked at Catalina. He wasn’t used to her presence yet. Billy approached and stood beside Catalina. The atmosphere turned tense. Martha and the little bird felt silent. They waited to see what Billy would do.

Meanwhile, Catalina sat terrified and didn’t budge in her chair. Billy’s two blue eyes shone beautifully. But it implied anger and worry as well.