
MerMade For Each Other

Brennan Trent is an odd water fairy who is obsessed with the ocean. Princess Talori is an odd mermaid who is obsessed with the surface. When she saves him from drowning they immediately hit it off, wanting to know more about each other's worlds. But neither of them expected how entangled they would become in the other's problems or how they would kickstart a chain of events that would change the fae world forever! *Set in the same universe as Bloody Rich* *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Quite A Pair

Zale could admit he was impatient about hearing back from Talori. Provided any of the witches were able to figure out the secret behind his request at all.

He wasn't sure they would or, if they did, how they would manage to tell him how she was doing without Gar getting suspicious. It set him on edge the whole time between Gar's meetings with the witches.

None of his mermen could tell anything was off with him but Beck. Of course. They had been together nearly their entire lives. It would have been strange if he DIDN'T notice.

"Worrying about it will not change the outcome," he pointed out logically.

Zale scowled. "You think I don't know that? But I can't help it. I need to know Tali is doing alright or I won't be able to focus."