
Merlin in Fairy Tail

An unusual wizard, the Magus of Flowers, will enter this world dominated by magic. Will his legend be passed down to this world too? I am a new author, so please, don't be too hard on me. Also, I would ask you to leave reviews so that I can understand how the story goes, I accept reviews of all kinds as long as they are relevant and therefore, criticism and advice but not random reviews without a valid reason.

MerIin · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"Is there anyone?" a small, curious voice, which sounded like that of a child, entered the deep silence of the forest.

A lush green forest. The giant trunks went high, rising with that majestic foliage towards that blue sky. The brightly colored flowers enriched that landscape, which, together with that particular terrain, made the place a little fairy.

In response to the alleged child's voice, a sound came—a faint, tired sound.

"Kyuu ..."

In less than a few seconds, the same voice that asked if anyone was there came again, this time, however, with a somewhat worried and hasty tone.

"Wait, I'm on my way!"

A child of about six years old appeared from the bushes. Pastel yellow-blonde hair combed in a bob, and two bright green eyes seemed to be worried about that sound coming from inside the forest.

At the vision of what appeared in front of her, she was enchanted. She has never seen anything like it.

In addition to that fairy landscape, a young man was leaning against the trunk of a tree. The sunlight, through the leaves, hit this person, making his hair shine with a thousand colors. His eyes were closed, calm, with no visible concern on his face. Serene.

At the sight of that face, the child seems to have calmed down slightly. She doesn't know why, but it seems that that little smile on his mouth has a particular charm, a charm that attracts and soothes.

Also, at the feet of this long-haired young man, there was a small creature, probably the same one that made that weak and weary little noise thought the little blond-haired girl.

She doesn't know what to do. She has never come into contact with such a situation. She is undecided. She's afraid that if she does something, that magical painting scene will vanish immediately, but, at the same time, she knows that if she doesn't do something, the situation can get worse.

So, after a minute of tangled silence, the child seems to have made a decision, and so, with a small smile, she approached without making too much noise.

But even though she did this, it seems the creature sensed it. That little white creature looked at the little girl after opening his purple eyes with tremendous effort.

His gaze was blurred, but he seems to have perceived the small figure approaching slowly. Also, he seems to have sensed a strange force being emanated, a 'power' that appears to have taken his worry out of him, for this reason, he closed his eyes again, leaning back on the mossy ground.

Once the child saw those purple eyes open, she froze immediately. She knows that a creature that needs care at the vision of another living being can become more 'lively,' which could cause even more damage.

But seeing that after a few seconds, the creature closed its eyes like gems again, the little girl sighed in relief.

"Luckily ..." she murmured after putting a hand on her small chest, right on her heart.

She wouldn't know what to do if she didn't calm down again.

In this way, step by step, she finally arrived next to the young man with white hair and a mysterious appearance.

Now that she is close, she can observe it fully with more attention.

"What clothes!" she made a small exclamation, always with a slight tone of voice. She has never seen such quality. She accidentally touched them with her hand, and their touch is something unimaginable. Silk so smooth that it seemed not to exist, one's hand slipped over it without any obstacle. As if that clothing did not exist at all.

But immediately after, she pulled back her small hand and, with a frightened look, looked at the man's face.

She is not stupid. She knows that a person wearing such clothes must be strong. All the people she knows are wearing dirty and rough clothes.

"He ... he won't get angry ... will he?" she murmured in a small voice.

Precisely because she knows that he is a strong person, she is terrified at the very thought of having dirty those white clothes with her dirty hand.

Although terrified, her face did not show tears, so, squinting her green eyes for a few seconds, she nodded, and then, after reopening them, she assumed a serious air.

She has decided that she will try to heal them in any way possible even if, after he wakes up, he may accuse her of soiling his clothes.

In this way, she gently took the young man's torso and lowered it even if with fatigue, making him lie down on the ground after she moved his legs too.

But only now that she has moved him, she realized that she doesn't know how to heal an invisible wound. She is not like any of her acquaintances that knows magic. Probably, if they were those people, they would have a solution to this dilemma that she is now facing, the little girl thought.

However, she knows very well that one must not give up even before trying, and for this reason, closing her eyes slightly and squeezing her brain, she began to think about all the possible solutions she can use to heal the injured.

After a few minutes in which she made a local mind, the little girl opened her eyes again and looked around.

She immediately noticed a small plant rising at the foot of a tree.

Getting up, she immediately ran in the direction of the tree and, bending down again, looked at it carefully.

"Eriobotrya Pomifera!" the child exclaimed in a happy tone of voice.

It is a peculiar little herb; it has small, egg-shaped leaves, which usually have a green tint. Also, it has a large, light pink flower.

Without even thinking about it, she immediately tore it up and ran back to the young man.

The girl carefully removed the egg-shaped leaf and, subsequently, taking the two sides, tore the leaf in half, dropping a clear liquid straight into the young man's mouth.

Although beautiful in appearance, these plants are not exactly the 'best', and this motivation is a straightforward one.

"Bleargh ..."

Their taste is so bitter and tart that it makes you nauseous at the first drop.

Seeing that the young man woke up, the little girl immediately turned around and did the same thing for the little creature.

The result is the same.

"Damn! What an awful taste! " the young man exclaimed, with the creature imitating the same behavior beside him.

Kneeling with hands forward and head down, continuing to cough.

The little girl, seeing this reaction, knows that she has done something 'wrong.'

"Er ... are you okay, sir?" the little girl asked with a peculiar smile.

Hearing this voice, the white-haired young man turned around, his face was white as if he had lost his soul and had become a dead man.

"You ... who ... would you be ..." he said with difficulty, trying not to cough again.


Seeing that reaction so exaggerated, the little girl cannot clearly understand what is happening and why it is happening. She only knows that she gave him that plant to 'eat' that that young man is making that reaction.

"My name is Mavis, Mavis Vermillion ... I found you lying there, unconscious, and so I tried to help you ..." said the little girl who presented herself with the name of Mavis with a slightly worried face while playing with her fingers.

The young man hearing this, immediately murmured, "This is not helping, this is an attempt on my life ..."

But soon after, after a cough, closing his eyes and spreading his arms, he said in a high tone of voice, "I am the great Merlin! The Magus of Flowers! "

The creature immediately jumped onto Merlin's shoulders and nodded.

"Kyuu ~ Kyuu ~."

This scene left the stars in Mavis' eyes. Her face was no longer the one full of concern; now, it was one full of curiosity.

Curiosities about the sorcerer but mostly about ...

"So cute!"

Without even Merlin noticing what had happened, he found himself without that weight on his shoulder so, opening his eyes, he saw the scene in which Mavis was embracing the Cath Palug.

The thing that struck the sorcerer the most, however, is the fact that his little companion was not rebelling in the slightest against that close. On the contrary, he was serene there, with his eyes half-closed, feeling the caresses of the child.

This is unheard of for Merlin.

"It can't be ..." the wizard muttered.

Cath Palugs are famous for being close only to people with the purest heart and the noblest motives.

Merlin, in this way, looked carefully at that little girl with a big smile on her face.

"I understand ..." he said with a smile, still in a low tone of voice.


Hearing the call, the little girl immediately turned around with a big smile.

"Could you tell me what place this is? You know how it is, I don't know how long I've been in a coma. So I need information," said Merlin with a laugh in the direction of Mavis who, after hearing the magician, immediately nodded, telling him everything there is to know.

Several minutes later, Merlin remained there, with a thinking expression.

Merlin could use his eyes to understand the whole situation in the world, but that would take away the fun of exploring these new territories.

"I understand ... so it's the year X679, and this is Tenrou Island ..." the wizard murmured, immediately after, lowering to his knees, Merlin stroked the girl's head.

This action, however, immediately triggered a reaction from little Mavis who, at that touch, letting go of Cath Palug, immediately squatted down.

"Don't touch me please, I'm dirty ..." Only now Mavis has remembered that she is 'dirty' and therefore, she does not want to dirty the magician, a person with such a clean appearance. So pure, so white.

Merlin was speechless, he would not have expected that reaction from the child, and then, if she is 'dirty,' no one in the world is 'clean.'

Merlin has never seen a person as 'pure' as the child in front of him. Her soul is noble and pure and has no imperfections. Moreover, he has noticed that her soul presents something more or better, her entire person.

The magician feels like some kind of connection with this little girl.

"Don't talk nonsense. You're not dirty at all. Moreover, a little girl like you shouldn't feel this way; you don't have to feel disappointed and unwanted, I am convinced that there is certainly someone out there ready to accompany you on adventures!"

Mavis, at the words of the magician, raised her head slightly, so as to look with the edge of her eye those purple eyes of the magician.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course!" Merlin exclaimed with a big smile.

The creature on his shoulders also nodded, making his little noises, "Kyuu ~ Kyuu ~."

"So ... can I also find fairies?" she asked in a hopeful tone of voice.

"Fairies? Why not, the world is so vast, I'm sure fairies exist, but now go, or others will be worried about you," continued the magician.

Mavis, hearing Merlin, she immediately put on a happy expression. It is the first time that someone acknowledges her dream, that she is not made fun of for this desire, and that she is not mocked. Hearing the second part of what Merlin said did nothing but take away that 'pure' smile.

Merlin seems to have been amazed by this sudden change, so with a sigh, he said with one hand over the girl's head, "Mavis ..."

The little girl looked at Merlin's with her green eyes.

Merlin shook his head at that look so 'empty,' it cannot be expected that a child has already found these feelings, these feelings called sadness, shame, melancholy ... "If you want to cry, cry, you must not hold back" said the magician.

Mavis immediately shook her head with grit that stunned the magician.

"No, I can't cry, if I were to cry, I would never find fairies, after all, fairies do not go to crying children ..."