
1. Traveling through space

There floating in an abyss like space so dark if a light were to appear it would be swallowed up and quiet you could hear the sound of a steady heartbeat if you listen closely, a beautiful woman looking into a warp with eyes so warm and satisfied with the people inside crying over a grave that wrote the name she once held as hers for a few decades.

Waving her hands and letting a voice so soft it felt like a massage for your very eardrums "Noel"

Upon hearing it's now master and companion calling its name the cat that had blended into the background perfectly ears perked up and gold eyes opened to this sight. He stretched his body and walked carefully onto her shoulder and sat down while placing a paw on her head needing the beautifully soft and shimmering soft hair under his paw trying to comfort her.

Feeling the petting and getting ticked by the strange gesture that pulled a strain off her hair "what the hell are you doing" she asked, grabbing the cat by the scruff of his neck and looking it straight in the eyes looking straight into his soul.

"I was comforting you sense you seemed sad to be leaving but you could have stayed longer if you wanted so I don't know what you leave after reaching a certain age," he said all in one breath. He'd been wondering this ever since they left their first world. why she leaves so early if she still wants to be with those humans?

Looking at the silly cat thinking so hard she lets him go and he floats then walks and takes a seat on nothing and looks at this beauty that he'll never get used to her real appearance. "Simple w- " being interrupted with the mumbling of "clearly not that simple if I haven't figured it out yet" shutting up after getting a look that says -I'll abandon you if you continue to interrupt me-.

"Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" shooting a look as said interrupter, "we are originally supposed to be in those worlds in the first place if you might have forgotten we're supposed to be dead remember," she says while turning around and walking a few steps as noel follows behind to listen before she channels a ball of light in her right hand and throwing it creating a new warp in the space. "Since we're not meant to be in those worlds we can't just outlive the life expectancy in those worlds because we want to yes we can and all I'd have to do is rewrite the rules of the world bu-" "exactly you're that powerful so what's the problem," noel says, with eyes staring at her like she's not making sense. Being interrupted again she sighs and proceeds "changing the rules would raise flags and we're trying to stay under the radar from the other gods also it's a lot of work that wouldn't benefit me or the ones I leave any good". Glancing at the quiet figure walking into the warp next to him wondering how strange for someone so weird to be responsible. After spending so much time with her, he's come to a cruel realization this woman who once ruled over the heavens is outlandish in person.

"Stop mentally insulting me before I leave you in the abyss" hearing a voice so cold it can make one's skin crawl and break out into a cold sweat and a glare so sharp you can feel it he scurries to her side to apologize and say it's a misunderstanding while getting nothing but a raised eyebrow and rolled eyes.

Walking into the warp the cold wind hits them sharply. They find themselves standing in a room with the body of a man laying on the bed of a rickety old room that looks like it could cave in any second with a snap of the fingers the room was cleaned and the man's body was put in a clear crystal capsule to cleanse the body inside and out.

After handling that and heading out into the lush forest outside the area of the courtyard with noel to find a suitable body for him while summoning her trusted aid to give the information on this world and the body that she will soon be inhabiting.