
Merging System(dropped)

Erika was a gourmet chef... at least on Earth. Until she tragically died at 25. No not Truck-kun, but a murderer whom she offended by not cooking sushi for. Warning: updates will be sporadic and random this is for leisure, and I won’t check comments

ChiseHatori · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Dinner and Money Problems

Erika unlocks her personal chest, she returns the key to an iron necklace chain. And then she pulls out a bag 'If the previous Erika's memory serves this has all the money she has. She saved it after the incident where she stole food just in case'

Erika pours the money onto her bed there's 1 silver 7 bronze and 3stone. 'Wow that's a lot, but still not enough'

"Erika it's your turn to prepare dinner," calls Lily

Erika hurries to join Lily in the orphanage's kitchen.

"Lily I'm ready to make dinner," Erika announces

"Ok, Erika call me if you need anything, try not to hurt yourself."

'Me, hurt myself? I'm a professional chef. Oh! I see Previous Erika was a clumsy, but good cook apparently'

"Got it."

Well, let's see we have enough to make a nice soup and some cookies I think(Earth Erika had a major sweet tooth so she also learned to bake).

1 hour later the soup and cookies are ready

'I think the cookies will be a surprise'

"Everyone dinner's ready!" Erika put the pot of soup on the table with a ladle and picked up the bowls set by Lily some time ago and poured the soup into each of them.

Soon everyone was downstairs eating. Their orphanage was small only having twelve children but they lived in an adventurers' city, not a residential one.

"Wow, Erika did your cooking get better?" Asked Emma

"Yeah," agreed Stephan

"Are you saying my cooking wasn't good before?" Erika replied in mock anger then laughed, "I've been reading cookbooks at the library and made a surprise for everyone when you're done."

After dinner

"What's the surprise! What's the surprise! What's the surprise! " all the children (who were surprisingly younger than Erika) except Lily (who was 16) chanted.

Erika dashed into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of cookies." Tada cookies!"

"Yay cookies."